My Job Called

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A steady on and off vibration woke me from my slumber.


My eyes protested against being opened but my mind forced it to. I turned and looked at the alarm clock that flashed red digits, creating a small shadow every time it flashed on.


This call must be very damn important.
Ashley and I had fallen asleep in a loving embrace and I tried not to disturb her as I attempted to get up. Her entire upper body was on my left hand and I unwrapped my right arm from around her.

As I removed my hand from under her body I sensed a shift in her regular breathing pattern. A huge breath was taken and she rolled off my hand, moving further to the left edge of the bed.

I thought she woke up but her regular inhalation and exhalation returned. I quickly sprung off the bed and ran to my work pants where the vibrating phone was stashed in the right pocket. Picking it up on the last ring I saw Riley's name flash on the screen.

"Hello?" He said.
My partner Riley had some nerve calling me at this hour!

"Yea," my response was a mere whisper.

"Detective AndersonI have some good news for you!" His voice hid his excitement and had a tone of intrigue to it.

I glanced at Ashley to make sure she was still sleeping and head through the door into the living quarters.

"And what's that?" I was definitely not in the mood for any games.

"Well something came up; Somebody's dead," He said it quickly and stopped abruptly.

"Who is it? And tell me Riley is it worth any of my time?"

"You tell me. It's connected to Raul," he said.

My ears perked up at the mention of Raul's name. Every cell in my body was suddenly tingling with anticipation.

"Glen Chapman was found dead earlier this morning."

Now my whole body was on fire

"In his house. I'm on my way to pick you up!" With that Riley hung up the phone leaving me alone with my thoughts in the darkness.

First Barnes now Chapman. Raul was leaving no chances. Whatever the connection between Wallace Barnes and Alec Chapman was I was determined to find it.
Just to bring down Raul and his empire.

I went back in my bedroom and grabbed my work clothes which were strewn across the floor. I didn't stop to get a shower but instead threw on my clothes on my skin, dirty from an entire day's work and from a night's sex adventure.

I looked at the alarm clock:

My wife was still sound asleep. I walked to the other side of the bed, careful to not make a sound. Kissing her on her forehead I whispered "I Love You."

Not a moment after I saw a pair of headlights illuminate our window and a horn honked twice.

My partner Keanu Riley must
have been very close in the neighbourhood. He took two minutes to get here since he hung up.

As I walked out of the house I felt a bit of regret sink in my heart. I left Ashley alone in bed at 4 in the morning. My job called but I began to contemplate if it was more important than the lady lying inside my bed.

I slammed Riley's car door when I entered his new Audi A4.
"Let's go."

I hope I don't regret this later.

Short chapter, yea I know but I didn't want to keep you waiting for too long. Around six more chapters left in 'Served'.
From here on things are bound to get interesting.
If your were Detective Courtney Anderson would you go with your partner?
How do you think Ashley feels?
What would you do if you were in her place?
Please comment as I want to hear from my readers!

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