Show Down- Serve And Protect

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I sucked full time at giving speeches, this time was no exception. We were crowded in the conference room of the station. We as in the team I've assembled. We as in the men I was leading to their deaths.

I couldn't help but shake the feeling that if anything went wrong I would be fully responsible. After all I was the one who organized the strike team, I was the leading Detective, I was the one who wanted Raul.

Riley was in a corner looking pretty uneasy like most of my other comrades.

Who could blame him? I could.
We had already went over the plan. Five different times but I wanted to do it again.

"Frankie, you and team Delta will approach from the west wing and flank that side of the building. Do not enter unless you hear gunshots."

"Joe and team Contra will enter from the back. I want all exits covered and cut down every visible man."

"Team Alpha, you're with me. We attack the frontal zone. We take the single line formation and then the circle formation inside."

"Anyone experiencing difficulty should radio in for assistant. There will be team Charlie, our air support who will be our final line of fire. They'll provide extra protection and also serve as an extraction team. Any questions?"

"You went over this four times now, who could possibly have questions?"

"No one."

"I do," a member of team charlie spoke. "Who is the target?"

I smiled looking at Riley the entire time.
"We"re going for Raul of course."
Keanu Riley demeanor changed suddenly. He got up abruptly and exited the room, to make a call no doubt.

I knew Dave was listening in waiting to trace said call.

Might as well kill some time.

"OK men and females, you all know how long I've wanted Raul. Time after time he slipped through our fingers. But more. Today we draw the line and prevent that murderous bastard from getting away with another horrible deed. Today we take the fight to him. Today we exercise our duty of serving and protecting this town."

The door swung open and Dave head poked through.
"We got him. 34 Parker Street, in the abandoned warehouse."

"Okay men. This is it. Let's go."
There will be no backslapping when this is all over.


We were all in position. After a 30 minute drive our standard issued vehicles made us an easy target from a long way.
There might be a chance that Raul already bailed but I highly doubt that. He wasn't that type of person.
Riley drove his Audi and I accompanied him. I didn't want him pulling a stunt by disappearing.
A barricade of bullets greeted us when we stepped out of our vehicles. We crouched low and moved towards cover.

My team was attacking the frontal area. I signalled to one of the men and pointed to the door which resulted in him releasing bullets fired at quick succession aimed at the lock.


The lock ripped apart and the men stormed the building. Two small canisters of tear gas were released causing the place to become filled with foggy poisonous smoke.

To my right I saw a cop went down. Kneeling over him I quickly examined his wounds and grabbed his station weapon.

There was nothing I could do for him.

Now armed with two weapons I flung myself into the heat of the battle. The fog burned my eyes and bit into my nostrils. All I could make out were the quick, bright flashes erupting from guns and bullets were squeezed from their muzzles.
The fog was lifting slowly and I made out a figure sprinting up a staircase centrally located in the building.

I didn't know who it was but I was about to find out as I dashed off after the figure.

I was half way there then another figure jumped out of the receding fog with a sawed off shotgun. Before he could draw back the forend to fire a hail of pellets that would have caused some serious damage, two bullets erupted from the mouth of my two guns. He was cut down as the bullets crashed into his chest. I watched his body stopped midday air and fell to the ground the shotgun slithering towards my feet.

Shoving one of the pistols into my pants , I took the shotgun and ran up the stairs.

Can't be too prepared, right?

I checked the rooms one by one as I passed each.

All were empty.

I did not see Raul but something else caught my eye. A door at the end of the corridor with white lighting streaming in from all angles. I found out it led to the roof of the building where I saw two persons, running.

I too broke out in a run but the shotgun slowed me so I dropped it and kept the pistol in hand.
I made out one of the figures to be Riley, the other one Raul.
"Stop!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Raul paused only a second to see who it was and then continued his run. Riley on the other hand stopped and waited until I caught up with him. I took in a deep breath careful not to show my fatigue.
"Why did you tell me to stop? I nearly had him!" Riley complained.
He was a good actor.
"I know what you did Keanu. Everyone knows." My voice was like rain on a sunny day.

"What are you talking about?"
Riley's face crumpled up into a puzzled expression.

"You damn know what I am talking about! You have been helping Raul all this time! You've been helping a murderer, one we strive so eagerly to bring down! And I know that you had dealings in Glen's murder Riley!!"
I thought a vein would burst in my neck due to all the shouting.

Riley's face undergo a series of expression; from confused to surprised.

"Yes. I am working with Raul. That's how I got the job in the first place. Your partner was putting too much pressure onto Raul so Raul had him and his family taken care. I was the sure replacement for him. By doing this Raul had an inside man who could get his hands on evidence and tip him off when the cops were getting too close."

Riley's calm face took on a look of complete shock when my fist connected with his jaw.
Giving him no time to gather his wits, I punched him in his gut resulting in him doubling over in agony. His face met the sole of my shoes and down he went. I repeatedly beat him with the butt of my pistol and dragged him to a corner and handcuffed him to a pole.

"You are the worst of the worst Riley."
With that I turned my back to a beaten, bruised and bloody Riley and went in search of Raul.

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