Show Down-Conquer And Defeat

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After restraining Riley I continued my pursuit of Raul. I scanned the entire roof but alas he was nowhere to be found. The starting of an engine drew my attention to the lower level. There I saw a shiny black Ferrari 488 spider pulling out from a shed near the complex. I figured more than less that it was Raul donning the sports car. I quickly ran back inside the warehouse and went downstairs. 

The fire seemed to seize as I moved like the devil was on my back. The thunderstorm cracked the dead silence as the fire-powered copper bullet sliced through the air. I felt nothing but the raw smooth metal penetrating my skin, ripping through my clothing and flesh.

My left leg buckled and I crashed to the floor, my left leg was causing some intense pain. I have been shot before but not in a place where my mobility got restricted. 

Several more gunshots followed.

 A yell. 


The light seemed to be dimming but it was just the consciousness draining out of my body. 

Several men crowded around me, trying to help me up. My mind tried to but my body failed me.
Raul was getting away!

That was the only thing on my mind. My lips moved but no words were formed.

I saw our med who was on the chopper coming towards me. All I felt was a sting he had injected some chemicals into my body with a pressure injector.
I suddenly couldn't feel the pain in my leg.

"That was a pain killer, specifically an opioid type. It numbs all the pain receptors in the body. But it only last around ten to fifteen minutes as the body's natural immune system tries to get rid of it." The med was speaking very quickly.

I manager to stand up during that time. Very true to its nature I felt no pain because of the drug.

"After that time is up, you will most likely pass out due to the after effects of the drug."

Now I had one mission, find Raul before I pass out.

I took Riley's Audi, it was already wired when I reached there. These boys really know how to impress me.

Speeding out of the complex I drove straight ahead to where I had seen Raul. He could be anywhere by now.
But a speeding vehicle attracted attention around these areas.

"This is team Charlie reporting, over." My walkie talkie burst into static.

"Team Charlie, this is team Alpha, over."

"Yea I have a 10-43 going down East King's road. Car is identified as a black sports car. Driver now making a right, over."

"Roger that, Charlie, Team Alpha out."

I made a left turning onto East King and drove slowly. Not long after a black car came into my field on vision heading directly down towards me.

The tires of the car screeched as I floored the acceleration pedal. The Audi moved with a sudden jerk and flew down on the asphalt.

Raul either did not recognized the car or was not alarmed by its presence.
Either way he had no time to react before it slammed into the front end of his car crumbling the metal as if it was paper.
My head slammed against the steering wheel and a thick warm liquid trickled down my forehead. I, however felt no pain and was surprised at this. I jumped out of the car and ran over to Raul's Ferrari.

Raul was trapped between the steering and the seat as the front end of the car had a tremendous dent in it. He seemed to be unconscious but he slowly lifted his head. I couldn't have care less about the state which he was in when I dragged him out of the car.
I slammed my fist into his face, his jaw shifting under the impact. This was followed by three more in his abdomen.

Blood oozed from his mouth, the crimson staining the gold plated teeth.
I held him by the neck and delivered a series of blows to his face. His face had turned into a bloody pulp when I caught a glance of my self in the car's window.
A bloody, deranged psychotic monster with his fist raiser high looked back at me. Getting sick with myself I threw the piece of filth against the car and he fell leaning against it.

I left him to catch him breath and wondered where the chopper was.
After two minutes of intense staring he finally spoke.

"Detective, I have a lawsuit to take out against you, slamming into my car like that. Can't an innocent man take his car out for a ride? Then you beat me repeatedly for no reason."

Even when he was caught, beaten and God knows what else Raul held on to his lies.

"You are nowhere near innocent Raul and its time to pay for your sins. I have more than enough reasons to hurt you. Hurt you like how you've hurt all of those murder victims. Hurt you like how you've hurt my partner and his family. Hurt you like how you've hurt me and my wife."

The sick bastard laughed, a mixture of blood and saliva came out of his mouth.

"Still holding onto a vendetta Detective? Something you can't achieve." He cough. "You won't ever achieve it as you are too weak, you play by the rules, you go on endless dead end chases that will get you nowhere in life! You do this all for justice? A fool you are!"

I started feeling weak as he spoke, my strength was draining from me. The drug effects were wearing off and I staggered back.

Raul took advantage of my current situation. I saw a flashing light but it was just the crook's ring reflecting the sunlight as he moved his hand. It crept towards his boot and instinct told me he had a gun hidden there.

Going under my shirt I felt a sudden, all too familiar but unwanted pain in my leg.  My hands fought to find the handle of the station pistol under my clothes.
Grabbing and yanking it out I saw Raul's gun aimed directly at my head. 
We fired simultaneously and I fell to the ground, my head hitting the cold, hard pavement.

I felt a peculiar numbness and the loud but strangely soothing sound of the helicopter blades were the last thing I could sense before I blacked out.

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