I Am Starting To Have My Doubts

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"I need a favor. Now." I was talking to one of our computer technician Dave.
He was a perky, under grad at ITT. His hair was uncut and flowed back like a mane.

He worked here part time to seek job experience. We of course gave him small projects to work on, nothing major; just in case he screwed up.
I chose him because I didnt want the others to know about my suspicions.

"If I gave you a phone would you be able to pull information from it such as frequently called numbers and how often a specific number called?"
"Yea. Why?" He answered unsurely.
"I have suspected my wife is cheating on me."
A lie but it was a good one.

Dave stared at me, opened-mouth either from shock or the total disbelief of my statement.
I didnt know which one it was.

"Get me the phone and I'll tell you what you want to know," He said.

"OK," I said. I turned on my heel but not before adding, "let's keep this between us."

Get Riley's phone.

That was all I could think about as I make my way back to my work station.
I was walking rather briskly but my pace slowed dramatically as I saw the chief and Riley making their way towards me. They seemed engrossed in their conversation talking in low tones but I heard the words 'link' and 'ASAP'.

Chief Darwin noticed me and began talking, "Ah Courtney! I need you to work around the clock to find the connection between Raul, Chapman and Barnes! Also I need you to visit the autopsy lab. Its very important."

The last part was said to me in hushed tone.

"I thought we already knew how he died?"

"Exactly," the chief said. "That's why it's very important."

I wonder if he was having this doubts about my partner?

The chief walked off leaving Riley and I.
We need information now. Although Keanu Riley was talking, his eyes were not focused on me.

"Where are we going to get that information?" I asked him.

He response was in a bossy tone, "The archives of course! Nobody has time to dig through paperwork anymore."
I knew where we were headed and a window instantly opened.

The room was empty except for Dave who was sitting and spinning in his chair.
"Where's my favorite computer scientist?" Riley said when he noticed Dave was alone.
Dave just rolled his eyes and continued spinning.
"Gonna take a lot more than that to butter me up for a favor."

Dave and Riley didnt exactly get along. Riley always purposely messed up his name calling him Dava which of course Dave detested.
He, however stopped spinning when he noticed me behind Riley. I nodded to him and pointed to Riley, indicating that it's actually Riley's phone he was going to check and not my wife's.

"Alright Dava," Riley was speaking, "let's get going. We need you to pull all the files we got on Wallace Barnes, Raul, and our latest murder victim, Glen Chapman. We want all these files on two separate computers, preferably in here. Make it easy to read and by 3 o'clock I want this place deserted."
"Anything else your Highness?" Dave mimicked a bow and started grinning.

"Yea, make sure no one comes in or out of this room."

"Of course King Riley!" Dave shouted but then he added "I think I am in the wrong field of work. I should be a bellhop boy, or a bouncer or perhaps a maid!"

Before Riley said anything else I spoke. "Hey Keanu, the chief wanted us down the autopsy room but before you go, I need to borrow your cell to call Ashley. Left mine up the office."


I had my phone in my pocket but Riley didnt know that. The imprint it made against my pants was barely visible.

"Alright," He took it out and handed it to me.
I hoped he didnt have anything to hide. And if he did, I hoped he didn't suspect me of suspecting him.
He made his way out.

I walked over to Dave.
"Here's the phone, get all the contacts, frequent calls, text messages, you know the works."

"Ooook? A look of bewilderment crosses his face. "I thought this was about your wife? Or have you and Riley tied the knot?"

I wanted to punch him for the last remark but I didn't.
Hr plugged the phone into the USB port and uploaded all it's contents.
"When I find something I'll let you know but I have a question. What's going on with Riley?" This kid was as curious as they came.

"I don't know as yet but I will find out." With that I left the room.

I haven't been on Wattpad in a while. Don't murder me! You know busy with school and all. Going to update another chapter later tonight.

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