Dead Bodies Tell Lies

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The lab was downstairs, or should I say under the building. Just in case there's a zombie outbreak, all dead bodies would be in a central location. There were no elevators so one had to take the stairs.
     The Doctor operating was Dr Margret Sharp. She was a striking blonde lady, well at least so I've heard from the others. I didnt really pay much attention to her figure as I've never seen her outside of her work clothes which consisted of latex blue overalls.
     She and Riley were engaged in small talk. 
Her gloves were soaked in the red crimson of the victim's blood. Her right hand held a scalpel which made a clatter against the aluminum container she placed it in when I entered the room. 

"Detective Anderson," she said when I was of an appropriate distance to her.

"Doctor Sharp." Her name was fitting for her occupation as she used sharp objects when slicing up her patients.
"I suppose this must be important. What do you have for me?"

"I know you are an impatient man just like your partner here was telling me." Dr Sharp took up back her scalpel. "But you must here this for yourself."

I crossed my arms and looked at Dr Sharp, then Riley and back to Dr Sharp again.

"I personally think this is a waste of time but the Chief insisted on me coming down here. I came against my better judgement, the MO is the same is it not? We already know who killed him. We just can't incriminate the murder."
I spat the last few words.

"Well yeeees..." The doctor paused before continuing creating an ominous suspense.  "While the MO is the same there is one small difference that plays a huge difference in the investigation."
My eyebrow arched upwards as I took a second to process what the good doctor had just said.

Different MO?

Hole in our investigation?

"The first thing I noticed was a larger hole in the chest of the victim. I got curious and did a probe and noticed something very peculiar. The bullet used to kill our business man came from a 9 millimeter pistol." The words were coming from Dr Sharp.

A .9? But Raul uses a .5!

"And the most interesting part detective, this didn't come from just any nine millimeter pistol. This specific bullet came from a standard issue police pistol given to all officers, no matter the rank."

Talk about poking holes in our investigation.

"So you are saying our killer is a cop and not Raul?" Riley who had been remaining silent for a while spoke up.

"No, not exactly," continued Dr Sharp. "I am saying the gun used to kill Chapman came from a nine millimeter. This means that the killer had access to a point 9."

The good doctor took up a small sealed plastic bag with a bloodied copper bullet inside.

"You found the bullet?" My heart thumped inside my chest.

"No," she took a moment to take off her gloves off before responding. "I used this bullet and it matched the exact entry wound in Chapman's chest. The entry wound was much bigger as if the bullet was pried out with an instrument, but not one to leave a traceable mark. This meant the victim wasn't shot at close range, maybe seven feet away."

The doctor signed a sheet of paper and ripped it off a clipboard. She gave it to Riley who in turn handed it to me.

I didn't even glanced at it. 
"So who killed Glen Chapman?"

The blonde doctor looked at me with a slight twinkle in her eyes, "that detective Anderson, is your part of the job, finding Chapman's killer."

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