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Deshawn Williams.

That was his name.
The name of my partner before Keanu Riley.

Unfortunately he died, way before his time I might add.

And it was actually the other way around.
  I was his partner.

It was when I just got promoted to the detective rank and they assigned me to him.
He was a well built man with broad shoulders and a voice that boomed like thunder. He was sort of a commanding man; always giving orders  but had a soft spot for his family. I met his wife and son once when he invited me over for dinner.

Now they are all dead.


By Raul.

I made it into a personal vendetta to make sure his death did not go unavenged.

Once, Deshawn clamped down on one of Raul's drug mules and kept him in interrogation for 3 days without any food nor water. The room had nothing but a toilet and a mirror so the mule could see the terrible condition he was in.
The man lost his passage of time and humanity.
He drank water from the toilet in a desperate attempt to stay hydrated. He had no other choice.

Back then Raul wasn't a prominent figure as he was today but Deshawn always said 'Nip them in their buds'.

On the fourth day he went in the room to face the mule. The poor man hadn't had a shower in a while and longed for some food and clean water.
I was on the other side of the two way mirror and watched the mule crack and break like a car's windscreen after being hit with a brick.

The mule was released the same day and my partner came over to me and said "That's the best way to interrogate someone, no interrogation at all."

The next day the mule was found dead, his tongue missing.

A few days after that Deshawn Williams along with his ten year old son and wife were found murdered in their house. An anonymous call to 911 drew our attention to the scene. I was the third one there and horrified at the sight, I threw up.
I cried for hours that night.

At his funeral I made a promise to my dead partner that I will never stop until Raul was six feet under.

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