Always Calling

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He was out jogging early in the morning. His normal routine to boost his physique. 'Why go to a gym, he often said, when you can get fit for no cost at all?'

The jogger slowed his pace when he felt the vibration of his phone.
The cell rang.
It rang two more times.
It was on the fourth ring when the owner decided to answer it. Not bothering to check the caller ID, he answered. After all he already knew who was calling.

"I hope things are going according to plan." The icy voice froze the movement of the jogger.
The jogger stopped moving to catch his breath so he could respond. "Yes it is."

"Good," the person on the line spoke slow and deliberate, dragging out his words.
"I hate to have to get rid of a good solider, especially one who has been with me for so long." There was a long pause. "I absolutely hate it."

The jogger was excessively sweating, not from his strenuous activity but more from the threat directed to him from a man who was more than capable of carrying it out.
"It won't come to that. I can assure you." The jogger was rushing his words.

"Don't forget what I have done for you. I made you into what you are now and I can make you back into what you were before, nothing." With that the man with the cold voice disconnected the line.


The glaring sun woke me from my slumber. I rolled onto my side to check the time.
11:56 am
Practically noon.

I slept through most of the day. I groaned as I moved from my sleeping position. The right side of the bed was empty.  

Right. She's gone. 

It has been three days since our anniversary. She had left the following morning despite all my protests. I knew where she had went. A place  I would never go. 

I tried calling her several times throughout the three day period, but my efforts were seemingly of waste as she answered none of my calls. I made my way over to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror. The reflection of a broken man greeted my eyes.My hair was uncombed and ruffled and a  prickly beard grew from my once smooth face. Blacks bags hung under my eyes even though I had gotten more than adequate sleep. 

I heard my cell rang from the dining room.  The shrill ringing pierced the silence of the house and caused my ears to ache. Nausea gripped me and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead. My knees turned to jelly and I held the face basin for support.  

The ring seemed to increase in volume, louder and louder until it was all I could hear. It was coming from all around now, shattering my thoughts. I no longer could tell what was happening as I clenched my eyes shut, still holding onto the sink, all of reality slipping from my mind.

No one was there to pick up the phone. 

No one was home.

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