I Believe That Justice is Served

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The door was wooden stained brown one. The knocker was a huge brass one and I lifted it and pounded it against the door three times. It shook the door and rang through the house, its echo clearly audible to everyone inside. Maybe she thought I wouldn't come looking for her. Maybe she thought I was too busy. Maybe she knew this was the very last place I would visit to see her.

I was Ashley's parents' house, or should I say her mother's? Her father passed away few years ago. I heard the drawing back of several locks and bolts and the door swung open to reveal a white hair lady whose face immediately lit up when she saw me. 

"Hello Courtney!" The lady practically chirped the greeting and brought me in for a hug.

"Mrs. Rushmore!" I said in an equally excited voice, planting a soft kiss on her cheek.

"You are here to see Ashley right?" Mrs. Rushmore firmly gripped my hand and leaned in. "She's been bawling her eyes out ever since she got here. Whatever it is, she clearly doesn't want to talk about it, at least not with me. But luckily my son in law is here to make things right." 

"Yes Mrs. Rushmore. Can you please call her?"

"Oh yes Dear. Do come in," she gestured the motion.

"No no, I'm fine." After seeing her facial expression sadden I added, "I won't be staying long."
She scampered off leaving the door open. 

I found myself drifting back to the past on that unfaithful day. 

The drug was taking over, forcing my mind into a sleepy state. The killer had out gun drawn, aimed and ready to fire. And so he did. Unfortunately for him, my gun went off before his did and his chest was torn apart by the sheer force of the bullet. I had fallen and my head hit the pavement sending me into a world of sleep where nothing seemed to matter.

When I awoke, I was in a hospital. The bed, gown and white walls that have seen death so many times told me so. Also I felt an intense throbbing in my head and my leg pained me like hell. The doctor said I had a huge gash in my forehead and I was lucky the bullet did not smash any bones in my legs. The copper however injured me severely and handicapped me for three weeks. I was practically immobile for that period of time and required a crutch to move around. I rang Ashley's phone numerous time during my recovery period. 

I turned my back to the house and tried practicing what I was going to say to my wife.
My ears picked up the sweeping of feet and I turned around to see Ashley poised on the door frame. Her hands were crossed and her left leg was slightly bent. Her stance spelt business. 

"Ashley," I greeted her.

"Courtney," she replied in a formal tone. "You have certainly kept your distance."

And you have certainly ignored all of my 51 calls. 

"Well I was taking care of something and a ton of complications arose but it's all over now." I didn't bother explaining anything since the story was on every local news channel and in every newspaper.

"And that's all you have to say?"

"Not exactly. I don't want to beat around the bush. I love you Ashley and during that period of time when I was alone, the house seemed so empty without you. I couldn't ignore my job but in doing my job, I ignored you. I was oblivious and took what should have been most important to me for granted.  It isn't easy coming to grips with reality when you've been lost for so long. Ashley, I honestly hope you will take me back and I am extremely sorry for the pain I've caused you." I took a deep breath when I was through. 

I looked up to see Ashley holding back a laugh. When she couldn't anymore she burst into giggles.
She finally spoke when she caught her breath. "I wasn't going to leave you for real silly!"

A look of confusion was stamped across my face. 

"Courtney I can't just get up and leave the man of my dreams like that. I just wanted to scare you into being the man of your house. Besides we have decided we want you to stay, but that does not mean you can treat me the way you used to."

"We?" I asked. 

"Yes, we Courtney." Her hands went to her stomach region. "I'm pregnant!"

"You're pregnant?"

"Yes," her voice went flat and her eyes narrowed to slits. "is there a problem?"

"What? No. I'm just shocked and unsure of how to react."

"Well how about you at least pretend that you are happy and stop making me upset?" Her voice was raising with each word.

"Wow, calm down Ashley. I am happy, so happy that I could kiss you!"

She look directly into my eyes, biting her lips. "Well why don't you come over here and do that?"

I placed my arms around her waist, pulling her in closely. It was neither rushed nor slow but at a pace equally satisfying to us. Sparks flew in my head as our love combined. 

I kissed her not like it was the first, but like it was the last time I'd ever be doing it. 


Two months later I went back to work. The atmosphere was strangely different.

Riley was no longer with us. He had saved himself the humiliation and ultimate defeat by taking his own life while handcuffed to the pole.

I no longer had a partner but I still had my wife. Raul could no longer haunt my dreams nor come between me and my wife. 

My office desk was still cluttered when chief Darwin and Patrick Sutherland strode in.

Can't I get a minute?

"Detective Anderson, this is your new partner Patrick Sutherland. He is a bit green on the sides but I made sure to appoint him to the best detective in the division." the chief eyes had a twinkle in them.

"I already told you chief, flattery doesn't work with me."

"Whatever you say Detective." With that the chief left.

I extended my arm to Patrick and he gladly shook it. 

 "Welcome to the big deal, Detective."

I'll try not to get you killed.


Well the story has finally come to an end. I would like to thank all those who have been on the journey with me. I am thinking about writing a little sequel for this, same characters, different plot. Be sure to check back on my profile in around a month to see if anything has changed. again, THANK YOU ALL!!!!

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