Chapter 1- The decision

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"Albus, this increase in Death Eater activity is incredibly suspicious. And with the Triwizard Tournament approaching. This cannot be a coincidence" Minerva McGonnogal leaned against the Headmaster's desk as she looked over at her boss. Dumbledore smiled as he petted Fawkes and stood up, locking eyes with the Gryffindor head,
"Don't worry, my dear. I have it under control." he answered and headed over to the fireplace. Minerva followed him, worried and confused about her old mentor's  behaviour,
"What are you planning to do? They'll want Potter. they always go after him. We need to protect him" she continued her worried rant but Dumbledore put a hand on her shoulder to calm her and handed her a piece of parchment. She took it, perplexed and read through the profile that she had been given.
"Professor Klaud Nine? The Oriental Academy of Magic? Albus, what is this all about?" she handed the sheet back. Albus threw the floo powder in the fire shouting "Klaud's office!" and a monkey's face appeared in the flames, followed by an annoyed exclaimation of "Lau! Get away from there!" and suddenly a woman's face appeared in the fire.
"Ah Dumbledore-sensei? It's been a while. How can I help you?" she asked. Dumbledore smiled in reply and answered
"We have a security problem" Klaud's face changed from puzzled to serious in a matter of seconds.
"We were wondering if we could aquire the services of some of your most qualified students to help us" Klaud appeared to position herself in a comfier position,
"So what's this problem? And there should be no trouble if they have finished their exams" she replied and then continued to listen to Dumbledore explain the situation. After the speech, Klaud nodded and decided,
"I'll pick my best students to accompany one of the teachers to your school in time for September. This is a serious issue indeed and I will do all in my power to assist you, old friend" Dumbledore thanked her and let the fire die down as the floo connection broke. He got up off the floor, brushed off his knees and smiled at Minerva.
"Well, that's that sorted. Care for some candy cane?" he asked, handing her a bowl of sweets.

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