The Ball

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Wonshik and Hakyeon had traded clients to allow Hakyeon to get ready for the ball separately to Fleur. Wonshik had jumped at the chance to avoid a terrified/ giddy Bulgarian and was happy to settle for the calm but still slightly nervous French woman. It also gave Wonshik a moment to realise that he would be dancing in a ball with Ginny in the next hour. And he couldn't dance for shit. 'Crap' was the only thought that came into his head, before Fleur called him to ask if he'd grab her coat.
When they finally came down to meet the other champions and their guards, Wonshik blinked in confusion to see Hongbin in a dress and a wig. "Err, you look great and all but why?" Wonshik asked his friend, confused but also approving slightly; he really suited the dress. Hongbin huffed,
"Basically Hyuk wanted to go the ball but couldn't get a date and Snape had to chaperone so I ended up agreeing, and this happened" and he gestured to the ball gown he was wearing and the long wig.
After the first dance, with the four champions and their partners, Hakyeon and Fleur left the dance floor to seek out their friends.
"Taekwoonie! You look so stylish. And you look just like a fairy princess" he said when he found Leo, Harry and Luna.
Harry was wearing a standard tux that he bought from town but Luna was wearing a long sparkly light blue dress with long sleeves and a silver headband, making her truly look like a princess with her long platinum hair. Leo was wearing a red and gold tux and his shoulder length hair was tied with a small red ribbon.
Luna smiled happily at the compliment and in turn complimented Fleur's, silver poofy dress who beamed in reply. Hakyeon was dressed similarly to Harry except with a grey tie instead of Harry's black bow tie. Wonshik and Ginny also joined the group and Ginny asked,
"Are you coming up to dance?" and Wonshik grimaced slightly as he was whisked onto the dance floor. With a smirk and a giggle, Harry and Luna joined them. Harry spotted something out of the corner and had to double take,
"Is that Hyuk and Hongbin in a dress?" he asked and Luna looked over and nodded her approval,
"He suits it" she stated and Harry had to agree with her. Meanwhile Leo and Ken were trying not to laugh at their younger friend's situation.
"What Hyuk wants, he gets" Jaehwan laughed and Taekwoon had to agree with that. He was the only one who had refused to comply when Hyuk had entered them all in a cross-dressing fashion show, but even then he used the excuse of an injury. Jaehwan looked around and tugged on Leo's sleeve,
"Is that Kanda with the bar lady?"
"Madame Rosmerta" Leo corrected him, "Where?" he looked where Ken was pointing and smiled at them.
Kanda had tied his long hair over his shoulder and wore a dark blue tux and Rosmerta was wearing a pink and blue dress with a white shawl covering her shoulders. They both looked happy, and danced incredibly well. Harry and Luna eventually sat down heavily next to Leo and they were soon joined by Krum and Hermione.
"Having fun?" Ken asked them and the quartet nodded, content.
"Oh yeah, where's your charge?" Leo asked Ken who nodded over to Draco who was being nagged by a girl with black hair wearing a pink dress.
"He forgot to compliment the dress and now she thinks he hates him, hence the argument. I was advised to keep my distance" Ken explained, grimacing slightly at the memory. Harry sniggered at that,
"Trust Malfoy to forget that Parkinson's vain as anything" and Hermione had to agree. Suddenly, a boy with white hair and a scar that made Harry impressed, skidded past the table. He introduced himself speedily as Allen Walker from the Hogsmeade group and asked,
"Hey. Have you seen Kanda? I need to give him a message" he looked around the room, and a multitude of heads joined in.
"Over there!" Cried Fleur, pointing to where the boy was stood awkwardly, now that Rosmerta had left. The group watched Allen approach the samurai who listened intently and then ran with him outside.
"What was that all about?" Ginny asked, looking at the brooding faces of the bodyguards. Harry and Leo looked at each other and decided to check it out. Sneaking off while the others were distracted by the appearance of a band on the stage, the pair followed where Kanda and Allen had run off to. They stopped and hid between the arches of the courtyard as they heard voices.
"What the hell happened to you?" Kanda asked and Leo and Harry peeked around the corner to see a girl and three boys being assisted by the two guards and who looked like a medic.
"We were attacked. They knew we were coming" Juta admitted, clinging on to Ryo who was fairly upright. Allen narrowed his eyes,
"Where and by who?" He asked and the quartet looked between each other, Asuka answered,
"Riddles manor. We were told that there was suspicious magic levels within the house considering it had been empty for years. We should have left when we first saw the body. But then there was a hiss and a flash of light and Hajime and Juta were unconscious and the house was falling down. We left before anyone was severely injured. Ow" he added as Doctor Jang pressed some cream into a wound on his arm.
Harry stood stock still. The hissing and the light had brought his nightmare to the forefront of his mind. The hissing followed by a flash of light. It was far too familiar. His vision began to blur into the image of a massive snake.
"Harry!" Leo caught the boy before he hit the ground. Kanda and Allen looked over to the sound and saw their friend holding the now coming to Gryffindor.
"That place. I've been there in a dream. All I can remember is a big snake and a flash of light" he told the guards who looked at each other, worried. "Taekwoon, take Potter to the hospital wing. I'll tell his date what happened. Moyashi, help Minwoo with the recon guys" Kanda ordered, already heading back into the Great Hall. Allen was about to retort to the nickname but left it and helped a struggling Hajime. Leo picked Harry up bridal style and carried him to Madame Pomfrey and thankfully, Harry was too delirious to notice or care.

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