Dragon tamers and Grumpy Cats

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It was a week before the first task and Hyuk and Snape finally watched the young Barty Crouch Jr get marched into the Ministry to be condemned to Azkaban. Plans were also being made for the Yule Ball which was announced that Thursday to the whoops of some and groans of others.
A group of dragon riders entered the forest, catching the interest of the beast tamers who had been given the dense woodland to guard.
"Who is this?" Kisara Bakura, an Egyptian girl with bright white hair asked, hopping down from her vantage point and landed in front of a rather stunned Charlie Weasley.
"We are here from Romania with dragons for the Triwizard Tournament" and as he said this, many other workers rolled cages off the back of the wagon that they had arrived in. Kisara's face lit up as she saw them.
"Dragons! Can I see them?" she looked back at Charlie with a look of glee that replaced her suspicion. From a nearby tree, her brother Akefia snorted.
"She's got an obsession that one" Atem nodded his agreement as he watched the girl enter a pen and calm down a struggling Welsh Green, much to the shock of the other riders.
"H-how so easily?" Charlie asked, astonished. Kisara continued petting the now humming dragon and answered without turning.
"I'm a beast tamer, it's in the job description. Also, I just seem to connect with dragons. Always have done." She gave the dragon one last pat and brushed off her knees and faced Charlie.
"I'm Kisara Bakura. What's your name?" Charlie took the offered hand and answered,
"Charlie Weasley, Dragon rider" and Kisara smiled,
"Pleasure to meet you". Akefia coughed from his tree, stifling another snort of amusement and Atem looked over at him.
"Maybe we've bullied her enough. Let's get back to work. I have some Centaurs to reason with" Atem said, already on the move.
"Killjoy. I don't want to reason with big ass spiders. They're so boring" he sighed and began travelling towards the darkness of the forest, filled with eyes.

Harry looked over at Leo who was picking at his food, eyes twitching around the room. He'd been like this ever since the real Moody was found in a trunk a few days ago.
"Eat something Leo. You're making us worry" Hermione told the boy, uttering the thoughts of the table. Leo looked up and muttered a 'sorry' but still continued to poke his food. That was until he felt a chill and saw Fleur's silver hair and, realising who the deathly aura was coming from, he sunk into his chair.
"Taekwoonie." Came a dangerously sweet voice and Harry turned to see Hakyeon glaring at Leo's shrunken figure.
"Why aren't you eating? You need to be big and strong or I'll beat your ass" he lilted and the trio shuddered, pitying Leo in that moment.
"What's the point in being strong when you don't even spot the enemy" Leo mumbled just loud enough for them to hear. Hakyeon's face changed from anger to disappointment.
"Taekwoonie, you can't still beat yourself up for that. Jaehwan didn't notice either and he's still eating three meals a day. Jeez, stop moping and just do your job better next time jeez. Stop being such a grumpy cat and eat" Hakyeon stormed back to Fleur who was stood awkwardly at the end of the Gryffindor table and they left the hall together. Harry turned back to Leo who sighed with a small smile and began to pile rice onto his plate, making the trio silently congratulate Hakyeon in their minds, though Ron still slipped some sausages onto the bodyguard's plate, earning him a glare. They were eaten anyway.

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