A Trap is Set

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The schools arrived two days ago and Ron still hadn't stopped talking about Krum's special flying techniques and Hermione was already fussing over homework. Leo was sticking to his role and went with Harry everywhere. Much to the chagrin of Malfoy and Snape, their bodyguards were just as good. Judging by the amount of times Harry had passed an incredibly angered doberman, Malfoy had tried to drop Jaehwan quite a few times and had yet to succeed. Snape had, wisely, decided that he would simply deal with his situation. Though Hyuks constant questions were slowly driving him insane. Harry felt like he had got a good deal with having Leo as his bodyguard. The boy was so silent that sometimes Harry almost forgot he was there but then he'd catch him in the corner of his eye. Leo would also sometimes make a comment about the time or something similar, reminding Harry of his presence, which he actually found quite comforting. Hermione and Ron were also reassured by the quiet figure's presence along with Ariake, the bodyguard in charge of the Gryffindor common room. He was quite awkward and was quick to worry, but he was protective and made them all feel protected which was unexpected from someone who looked like a 10 year old girl.
Hongbin was restless. Taekwoon had noticed this when he passed the younger bodyguard in the corridors when he was doing his rounds. Something was bothering him, and it was most likely to do with something he had found. Taekwoon hinted to Wonshik, who also did not yet have someone to protect, when he next saw him, asking him to confront Hongbin as Leo had Harry to look after. The blue haired boy agreed to help and set off to find his 93 liner friend.
"Something bugging you Bean?" Wonshik asked his friend when he finally caught him, late that afternoon. Hongbin looked over and sighed, he thought he had hidden his concern well.
"Tawkwoon hyung told me. He notices everything, that guy" Wonshik added and Hongbin quickly agreed; he'd tried to hide many things from that hyung and he found out everything.
"I don't trust Karkaroff. He sneaks around the corridors at night and seems to run off whenever he sees me. It bugs me. He's up to something" Hongbin admitted. Wonshik nodded, suddenly deep in thought, which was an odd sight. Hongbin and Taekwoon were usually the thinkers of the group.
"we need to catch him in the act or we'll never find anything out. So I say we hide until he finally shows his true colours" Hongbin agreed and they began to come up with a legible plan.
Later that night, Hongbin, Wonshik and Hakyeon hid themselves in the shadows of the Great Hall, disguising their presence, both physical and magical from anyone who was to enter. Footsteps were heard in the corridor and the three tensed
"Here he comes" Hakyeon whispered and they prepared to catch him in the act, Hongbin releasing a vision communicator to film the action. They soon found out what he was trying to do when he produced a piece of paper and stepped towards the goblet, muttering a counter curse. Hongbin caught the name written on the paper. Harry Potter.
"Now!" Hakyeon called out and Wonshik rushed out of the shadows and waved his hand, ropes appearing and wrapping themselves around the unsuspecting Karkaroff, stopping him from reaching the goblet. Hakyeon grabbed the paper and ripped it up, stunning the Durmstrang head with a flick of his fingers.
"Let's drop him off at the Ministry - along with that recording" Hakyeon announced and Wonshik volunteered, poketing the camera and disappearing in a flurry of blue light.
"Taekwoon will be pleased with us" Hakyeaon chirrped and Hongbin smiled bashfully. That was always a bonus. Hakyeon smiled and went back to his rounds and, after watching the fires in the goblet dance for a few moments, Hongbin left to do the same. Taekwoon smiled from behind the laptop that he was watching from. He was pleased indeed but also annoyed that he hadn't spotted it himself. He needed to be more aware of people other than Potter. Starting from now, he would do his job properly.

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