Hermione goes to visit Rosmerta

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The night was too warm for the time of year and Hermione couldn't sleep. The second tournament was bugging her and, though she had no right to involve herself, she was worried for Krum. 'What do I actually feel for him?' she would question herself everytime these thoughts popped into her head. After staring at her bed canopy for what felt like hours, she gave up on sleep and grabbed her cloak, leaving the castle.
"Miss Granger, where are you going?" came a voice from above her. Hermione looked up to the top of the wall in shock. It was Gu Jae Hee, one of the boundary protectors. Thinking up scenarios was never Hermione's forte so she admitted
"Just for a walk. I couldn't sleep" JaeHee smiled and floated down next to her.
"Okay, I'll join you. TaeJoon! I'll be back later!" she called up to the boy still watching the wall who waved back with a 'be safe'. Hermione looked over at Jae Hee's blushed face.
"Is he your boyfriend?" she asked the Korean girl. Jae Hee's blush deepened as she nodded, disappearing into her scarf. Hermione smiled and continued walking into town. To be expected, Hogsmeade was almost silent so the two girls jumped when Madame Rosmerta opened the door to the Three Broomsticks.
"What are you girls doing here so late? Isn't it against school rules?" she questioned, concerned. Hermione shrugged and admitted,
"Only if we get caught" with a shy smile when Rosmerta looked down at her in shock. The woman beckoned them inside,
"Come on in. It's not freezing but it's not the best weather" the two girls thanked her and snuck inside the pub.
Handing them both a mug of warm chocolate, Rosmerta sat next to them and asked simply,
"So who is it then?" and Hermione looked up in shock. Was she that easy to read that it was so quick to notice?
"I know girls like you. Don't know what to do with their emotions so they take up pacing. So who's got your heart in a mess?" Rosmerta continued with a knowing smile. JaeHee looked over at Hermione with interest.
"Well, you know the Durmstrang champion?" she began.
"Victor Krum right? Isn't he a player boy?" JaeHee asked. Hermione shook her head, her hair swishing erratically.
"I thought so too at first. So when he first approached me, I avoided him. But he's so shy and polite, I couldn't keep that facade up for long. I-I'm just not good with stuff like this." she finished, resting her head on the table, moping. JaeHee smiled sympathetically,
"If it makes you feel better, my boyfriend thought I was a guy at first, just because I didn't like the skirt." Rosmerta looked slightly awkward when Jae Hee's gaze moved to her
"Rosmerta, do have anyone you like?" and Rosmerta smiled awkwardly,
"I think so, even at my age" Both girls chimed in, telling her she wasn't that old.
"So, who is it? Promise we won't tell anyone!" JaeHee continued and Hermione leaned in, intrigued. Rosmerta shuffled in her seat,
"Well you know the town guards?" and JaeHee lit up,
"Is it Allen? Or maybe Alma?" she questioned. Rosmerta looked even more awkward,
"No, Kanda" and both Hermione and JaeHee looked shocked.
"But he's so rude..." Hermione said, remembering the time she met him and JaeHee added,
"I've known him for years and the only time he's properly laughed was when Alma got a whole tub of green paste poured over him. And everyone laughed at that"
"He's not the most polite guy, I'll give you that. But he always comes in when he's off duty and if he see's that I'm busy, he'll keep things ticking. Only by moving boxes or cleaning up. But he's nice to have around" she admitted and Hermione and JaeHee smiled at each other.
"He must really like you then. I suppose he's always liked hard workers" JaeHee told her,
"But he's never done that before. Feel special Miss R". Rosmerta smiled at that. She had a chance at least. She looked up at the clock.
"Merlin! Is that the time? You girls had better head back to the castle before they send out a search party" she ushered them out of the door.
"I've never had a proper girly chat before. Be sure to come again. Just politer hours next time" They agreed to meet up again and left for the castle.
A very angry Ariake was there to greet her,
"When I said you could go for a stroll, I didn't know you meant outside for two hours! Taekwoon would kill me if he knew one of Potter's friends had been out of the castle"
Hermione appeased the boy
"I was with Gu JaeHee and a woman from town. I was safe. But it won't happen again. I'm sorry Ariake. I'm off to bed now". Ariake nodded and took his place by the fire, watching the door again.

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