The bodyguard selection

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"Everyone!! Can anyone who awoke with a keychain around their necks please visit the Principal's office. Tardiness will be punished" a loud voice rang around the breakfast hall in the Oriental Academy of Magic.
Ryo looked down at the key and looked over at her friends Asuka and Tachibana who were doing exactly the same. "Ah Ryo-chan! You too?" can a high pitched exclaimation to her left. She looked over and saw Yamato and Tonomine with their own keys.
"Don't get it in your food stupid Moyashi!" came a shout from the next table and Yamato wailed and hid behind Ryo as a sword embedded itself in the bench next to him.
"Kanda!! No fighting at the dinner table!" Atem yelled from the next table as he moved to split the pair up.
"Ah, Allen, Kanda? If you have keys shouldn't you be heading up to Klaud-sensei's office with us?" he asked as he spotted the keys. Kanda instantly let go of Allen and let the boy fall on the floor, following Atem and the others to the office.
"Hyunjae, will it be dangerous?" his roomate Eungyeol asked as the boy dressed to go to the office. Hyunjae looked over and shrugged. He knew it probably would be but didn't want to worry his friend. As he left his room, he was expectedly followed by Taejoon and Jaehee, the strongest power couple he knew. It was definately dangerous then. When Minwoo joined the group, he began panic. Just how dangerous was it going to be that they needed a medic?
At the other side of the academy, Tamaki was similarly panicking as he watched his friends Mori, Hani and Haruhi look at the keys around their necks. Mori and Hani he could understand. But Haruhi? She wasn't the strongest with magic or fist fights. She was smart though. That must have been the clincher. He walked them to the office. Haruhi turned around at the bottom of the stairs,
"Sempai, why does it feel like your taking us to our deaths? It's just Klaud-sensei" she joked, waving him away, following the two elder boys.
"Hyung, pleeease get out of bed! We're gonna be sooo late!" Hyuk whined at Ravi who had his head under the pillow. A groan and a painful kick to the side later and the older boy was finally out of bed and running to catch up to the rest of their friends. Hakyeon whacked him over the head when they finally caught up.
"Wonshik ya, you need to get up faster, this is important!" he complained and Leo simply steered the group through the head teacher's door.
When they entered, they were surprised that everyone fit inside the small room. Klaud-sensei was sat behind her usual desk, looking more serious than shuold have been healthy. She stood up and everyone stiffened at the sudden increase of tension in the room.
"I have called you all here as you are our best fighters, thinkers and, most importantly our most skilled mgic users. Professor Dumbledore has called upon our services for Hogwarts during their hosting of the Triwizard Tournament. We are there as bodyguards and can not, under any circumstances, take part in the games.I shall be splitting you up into teams for scouting and battle convenience. Keep your eyes open for any suspicious behaviour or circumstances. You know the drill. I'll let you pack and say your goodbyes. We leave at 5pm this evening. Dismissed". Everyone spilled out of the office with a looming feeling of dread raining over them.

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