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Alma sniffed for the upteenth time that day as he sat on the roof in the heavy rain and Kanda looked over at his brother in well concealed annoyance, handing him another tissue.
"Thanks. I've never been good with stormy weather" Alma took the tissue and proceeded to blow his nose noisily, manking Kanda cringe. Out of the distance, Kanda noticed a blur of white and green.
"Nii-san, it's change over time. Let's get you inside" he told the older boy who sniffed again and nodded, waving to Allen and Lenalee to tell them they were leaving. Once he got confirmation that he was seen, he followed the long haired boy into the Three Broomsticks.
Rosmerta looked up when he heard the door open and close. When she saw it was two of the guards, she put back the glasses she had been cleaning and picked up a couple of mugs.
"It's rough out today isn't it" she started conversation as Kanda plonked Alma down in front of the fire and hung up their coats.
" It's horrific" Alma sniffed and Kanda rolled his eyes.
"Try Norway in February. Now that's a storm. Thanks" Kanda grabbed the cups that Rosmerta held out for them and dumped one down next to Alma who shot a hand out of his aquired blanket to grab the hot liquid.
"Nothing much happening out there then?" Rosmerta asked, taking a chair by the two dripping guards.
"Not really. We're only a precaution so nothing's guaranteed" Alma answered, slirping his chocolate. Kanda che'd
"Except a fuck ton of rain" Kanda muttered, swigging from his coffee. Alma scowled at Kanda's use of language but Rosmerta laughed,
"True. I'll agree with you there" and she got up to greet the newcomers.
"Ah. Kanda! You on your break?" Wonshik called out and Kanda looked over and nodded, scanning the boy's entaurage which consisted of an athlete and two school girls.
"If you two want to stay in here for a bit, me and Hermione are gonna look at things for the ball" Ginny told the pair, who nodded and waved as they left to venture back outside.
"I'm guessing they're your dates then?" Alma giggled at Krum's red face. Wonshik rubbed the back of his head,
"Yeah. Krum's was actually planned but, yeah mine just kinda happened." he admitted. Kanda smirked a little at that.
"I wonder if any of the others are going to the ball?" Alma asked, pondering. Wonshik straightened up and began listing,
"Well I'm going with Ginny, Kisara's going with this boy named Charlie, something about dragons, Hakyeon is going with Fleur-" Kanda cut him off,
"Haykeon is going with his client?" he asked, slightly shocked that it was allowed, Wonshik glared slightly,
"Yes and shush, Tae Joon and Jae Hee are going together so Atem's been shoved on border duty with Hyun Jae and apparently Jaehwan is going with someone too. Or was it Hongbin?" he ended with a look of confusion. Alma looked over slyly at Kanda, who looked slightly worried,
"What?" he asked. Alma asked bluntly,
"Are you gonna ask Rosmerta?" at which Kanda choked on his drink slightly, sending his brother a death glare. Wonshik looked over at the door as Leo, Harry and Luna entered the pub and waved them over.
"Well, are you?" Alma asked again. Kanda blushed slightly,
I'm thinking about it" he mumbled and Wonshik and Alma whooped, much to Kanda's annoyance. Wonshik turned to Leo who was stood behind Harry and Luna,
"Hyung are you going with anyone?" Leo looked at him, confused.
"Where?" he asked innocently, Alma rolled his eyes,
"To the ball" and Leo looked down, his shyness increasing,
"No, I don't" he answered, almost silently. Harry looked back at him, concerned.
"Did you want to go with someone?" he asked and Leo's head seemed like it would touch his chest,
"Don't know" he admitted. Luna smiled at the boy and patted his hand. This seemed to be the final straw for the bodyguard who suddenly, to the surprise of the students, shrank into the size of a small black cat and hid under Wonshik's chair. Kanda whacked Wonshik and Alma over the head,
"What did you bring that up for? It's gonna be forever till he comes out of there" while Harry looked at the small cat under Wonshik's chair who appeared to be sulking. It was at this time that Hermione and Ginny re-entered the pub, followed by Hakyeon and Fleur.
"Hey Harry- where's Leo?" Hermione asked and Harry simply pointed to the pouty cat. Hermione stifled an 'aww' and simply nodded, sitting at the table next to Krum, Ginny sliding in next to Wonshik, careful not to stand on Harry's bodyguard. Hakyeon smiled and patted his legs after he and Fleur had sat down at the, thankfully large, table. Fleur and Harry watched in awe as Leo slunk out from under the chair and crawled into Hakyeon's lap where the redhaired boy proceeded to pet his fur.
Later on, everyone but Harry's group and Kanda remained in the pub, Leo having returned to his human form,and Alma having been sent to bed.
"I didn't mean to embarass you" Harry apologised and Leo shook his head,
"It's not that" he said, and looked over at Kanda, pleading and sighing, the samurai answered for him,
"It was more the sheer amount of people involved in what he would class a personal conversation than the actual topic." shaking his head in defeat as Leo nodded his affirmation and thanks to the other boy.
"I think you three should be heading back" Rosmerta came over and started clearing the table. Leo nodded and led his two charges out of the pub. Rosmerta began to wipe the table and Kanda automatically picked up the glasses and plates and piled them up in the sink and waved his hand washing them and putting them back in their boxes. Rosmerta thanked him and he paused at the door, ready to ask her something, then thought better of it and left the pub.

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