the special star. (teen titans robstar story)

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Chapter 1..

Robin's Pov:

We were just sitting on the couch watching a movie. Something the 5 of us do to end a night. Cyborg and beast boy fighting over meat vs. tofu for dinner was a daily basis too.

"Will you two just be quiet! I actually want to read this book!" Raven said levitating above the couch not caring that the movie was on.

Starfire, sitting next to her, tryes to help as well, "Dear friends please stop fighting over the food and come watch this night of movies with us!"

Beast boy walks over with tofu stuffed in his mouth from cyborg and sits by me. Cyborg on his side with tofu smeared on his left arm.

I am in the middle of them, being the leader doesn't mean I'm the middle of everything, it's just I try to get as close to starfire as possible.

"What movie we got in first? Invasion of the zombies? Attack of the aliens 3? Or mutant swamp monster returns?" Beast boy jumped up and down as a dog, literally he can shape shift into any animal he wants.

"Zombies. " raven stated flat toned without looking up once from her book of who knows what.

"Duude this movie was rated 4 out of 5 stars and is like the scariest movie of the year!" The movie nerd beast boy exclaims.

About half way through the movie raven fell asleep woke up and went to her room, cyborg and beast boy hid behind pillows every 5 minutes, and starfire was hiding behind my cape. Me? I'm scared and all but I'm not chickening out with starfire hiding behind me for comfort from the movie.

When the movie ended cyborg and beast boy ran to their rooms, "every dude for himself!" Beast boy yelled transforming into a leopard and sprinting past cyborg.

"Is the movie filled with scary dead people over friend robin?" Starfire peeps out from behind me yet still holding my cape.

"Yah star. Nothing is going to get you. It's just a movie." I say getting up to head to my room.

Starfire still holds my cape, as if she is too scared to get up, "friend robin I'm still worried that those monsters could come find me!" I help her up and walk her to her room with my hand on her back guiding her with protection, "nothing's gonna hurt you star. I'll be here to protect you."

She closes her door and I head to my room tiger some well deserved sleep.

Starfire's POV:

After robin lead me to my room I got dressed for bed. I saw something on my bed and gave a little screech, but I realized it was only silky. "Pet silky you scared me! I thought you were a monster from the movie I watched with my friends."

My light was off and I had a flashlight on to help look for a book, people on earth call it a diary. "H'val! I found my gordiv!" With my flashlight in left hand and a pen in my right I wrote, 'today was a wonderful day! We all went to the mall of shopping and I got the most glorious dress! It reminds me of a dress I once had on my home planet. It is purple but fades to black, the bottom is all zagging with zig and it has one strap on the right! Mine from Tamaran was long sleeve and had my name going up the sleeves. Oh! And we watched the night of movies tonight! It was scary this time, but robin ensured me no harm would come to me. I do wish that he has the 'feelings' for me as I do him. ' after about that far I fell asleep.

I woke up after having a terrible nightmare. All the monsters were after me. They won't stop chasing me! My friends tried to help, but they were eaten by the fowl beast. It was only robin and I left. The monster had us trapped at the roof of the tower. "Fly starfire!" Robin yelled.

"But I can not friend robon!"

Then the monster came at us and I woke up in a panic that woke silky, but he curled up and went to sleep again.

I ran out of my room and found robins room. "Robin! Friend robin!" I whisper yelled as I knocked on his door.

The door opened to reveal a sleepy robin on the other side "hey star what's up?" He gestured me into his room.

"Oh it was most terrifying friend robin!" I said sitting on the side of his bed. "I had the worst of the mares in my night!"

Robin was sitting beside me, we faced each other, "those nightmares aren't real. The monsters aren't real. Star, always here to help if you ever need it." Grabbing my hands to calm me. It sure helped, but I could feel my cheeks becoming red.

"I know, but remember how control freak could turn that cardboard monster into the real monster?"

Robin's hands were soft and they reassured me that he will always be there in time of my need. "Star, if that happens i will make sure he does not get you ok?"

"Oh thank you friend robin! I feel much more safe now!" I hugged him and he seem surprised but didn't seem to mind.

Someone was running down the hall,"Yo robin! It's control freak! Get to the common room," right before cyborg opened the door he added, "and we can't find star anywhere do you-"

"Hello friend cyborg!" I jump up and fly to him I leave the room as he enters.

"Come one man when are you going to tell her?" Cyborg said as the door shut. I stand by the door and listen to their conversation.

"I can't just tell her! What if she doesn't feel the same as I?" Robin was talking about some girl. I got a bit mad, but I couldn't tell who the girl was.

Cyborg must have been passing around the room, "she's your best friend and she always comes to you for anything! She literally just did! Come on robin just ask her out already!"

"Ok fine! Talk about peer pressure much?" Robin was sure talkin about me! "I just have to find the right moment."

I ran to my room to get changed, I didn't need to hear anymore of their conversation.


So???? How was it?? Probably really bad.. And short.. MAH BAD!! It's going to get better.. I just need to write more and get time to type it!!

7/2/13 2:37am.. See that's like the only time. Haha whatever.. I'll try to get them up each day.. If people actually read it!! So I have to clean my house cause that's all I have to do today.... Soooooo. Enjoy.. Oh and I need to work on my starfire talk. Haha. Yah it's bad. Whatever- Megan out. C yahhh.

the special star. (teen titans robstar story)Where stories live. Discover now