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Ravens pov:

There was this voice. In all darkness this calming voice. Feminine, yet I could tell it was an older man. I saw myself surrounded in black. Ripples of sound were around me as the man talked.

"False hope." over and over again is what he would say. I don't know what it meant.

I had no hope for anything right now. I know im not getting out of this pit for a while. The only hope I would have is that i make it to the morning.

What could be false about that? I'd die? I almost do everyday. Recently my powers have caused my body to regect anything and everything. Headaches and pain everywhere happen, i bruise easily and bleed easily.

In the darkness came a small pinpoint of light. I took a few minutes to descover that it was an exit. Trees lined the outside and a bench. I began to walk to it. Every step the hole got smaller, it moved away. I began to ran to it, a burst of laughter from a hidden Beastboy.

Every few steps light from the hole got darker, the light around me was vanishing. Within a few seconds the world around me became black again with no exit.

"You will never escape, dont even try. You will die in here. No light, no hope. You will be drained from all hope and life." The ghostly Beastboy proclaimed.

"No! You wont break me! I will make it! i will survive!" i wont let who ever is doing this to me break me and make me lose hope. they cant.

"tisk tisk Raven, best quit now before you are starved of it all. no need to cause you pain. Quit now, you have the power." The voice changed, it wasnt Beast boy any more, it was an older man. Who was that?

Shut up Shut up, i kept telling myself, i wouldnt listen to him, i would make it through this.

"Oh Raven, if only you understood what was happening to you. Does it Depress you? To know just how alone you really are? To know no matter now hard you try, no one will understand you or want to help you get through all this. You're alone, Raven, but i can help. I van help stop the pain. I understand what is happening to you." I dont know what he is talking about.

"You cant help me, not even i understand myself, i dont know what is going on." I was on my knees as i saw the viens in my arms glow a florecent purple.

A man came out of the dark into the light of my body. He had a dark colored trench coat. His face was pure white and he had scars going up the corners of his lips painted red. HIs eyes had black circles all around them with long, for a guy, and very yellow hair. If i didnt think better he was a clown from a horror film.

"Come on Raven, i can help. Take my hand, i can help with all your pain." I looked at his held out hand. A part of me told me it was a very big mistake, but in the back of my brain it told me to take it, i could be saved.

"How can i trust you?" His gloved hand held many secrets. I knew i shouldnt trust him.

He knelt down next to me and took my hand, "Oh Raven, i can do more than just help you, i can save you. I can save you from your petty place in this city you would be free from all of this!" As he said that, scenes of my painful past flashed all around. Tears ran in my eyes as all the memories camr back, What was he doing to me! I had just forgotten my horrible past, he was bringing it all back to me. What was he trying to do to me?

Practically my whole life flashed before my eyes, the next thing i knew i had began to cry my heart out. I dont know what came over me but it wasnt my brain. I felt like something was taking control of me, i dont know why i made the choices i did.

He stood up and offered his hand once more, this time i took a second to look at it, the second after he was holding it as i stood up. I looked at him, "I will go with you."

"Yes," he sighed, "There is a catch to this. You have to help me capture a man and his side man(((( authors note:: i had the biggest urge to say side bitch... but i didnt. lol. Also rap god is on and i am rockin this, i suck at rapping and im nailing this.. yay.. lol))))) . They have hurt me for years and i have yet to succeed in what i have wanted to. Ive wanted to be myself, they hold me back."

I looked at him, he looked so hurt, his eyes were full of pain. If he helped me, it's only right to help him as well. I mean its not like this was a bad decision.

I dont know whi i made the choices i did, but what i do know, i wouldnt take any of my choices from then on back. They made me who i am.


OKKKKKKKKK who hates me who loves me?

i have the best idea in mind of Raven and the Joker, not like together... NOOOOO... like .... omg you will hate me.. GAHHHH.

So im starting a band with my friend. lol Its called "Outcast Cat And The Fashions".. yes i came up with the name.. except Cat was Ass. lol...

So i have some other stories too, if you like the way i write and meeee, please read and vote, all that jazz, follow me too for updates on all that too!!!

Love you all!! 4.4k reads!!! i just saw that!!!!


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