Chapter 2

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SO IM ON MY IPOD AND I DON'T HAVE FANCY FONT OR BOLD SOOO.. Yahhh. I DON'T OWN TEEN TITANS... Wish I did.. Teen titans go wouldn't be on and I would hav to original one still airing... WHAT EVER.. IM GOING TO TRY AND MAKE THIS ONE BETTER.. TUTALLUUU.

Chapter 2..

Robin's POV:

Cyborg and I ran out of the room ready for whatever control freak was going to throw at us. The rest of the titans were already in the room looking at the screen.

"He's at the pizza place! We have to go before he destroys the whole place!" Beast boy was pushing raven out the door.

"Beast boy and raven go fly to the south side. I got the t car and will head to the main entrance. Robin and Star, take the underground route." Cyborg said running to his car.

"Wait!" I yelled, "what good will underground do?"

"All the exits will be covered and nerd freak will be trapped." Everyone left at that order.

Starfire and I went to the nearest sewer cover and went down. It was an unpleasant place to be but we were alone and I was cool with that. 'Cyborg is right, I need to ask her before someone else does.' I thought to myself.

"Is something troubling you friend robin?" Starfire asked.

"Uh. N-no nothing, I'm fine, it's just sewers creep me out." Kind of a lie.

Starfire grabs my hand and walks closer to me, "as you are there for me I am here for you. Sewers are not that bad. Perhaps they are a glorious place to live!"

"Yah for sewer rats." We both laughed. A beeping sound came from my pocket, the titans communicator.

"Robin! Dude you need to get up here control freak brought the swamp monster and the aliens from those movies last night! It is so cool!" Beast boy yelled. Raven hit him in the head, "ok it's bad but come on! We need you and starfire's help!" He ended the call and we began to run.

We found the right sewer cover and star blasted it open. Once we were out we saw the monster from the movie and the alien was gone, guess they defeated him.

"Robin, I'm glad to see you here! You can see that your movie was brought to life!" Control freak yelled from the top of the pizza roof.

"Star, you get nerdy boy while I handle the giant rat!" With that she flew up and attacked control freak. The rest of the titans were already battling the monster.

"Cyborg, get the front! Raven and beast boy his back!" Each did as I said and I jumped up and attacked his head, I saw a control panel on the top of it, "nice additions to the rat control freak, real robots!" I gabbed my stick into the panel and the robot froze.

Starfire got cf 's remote and somehow got him uncontious. "Nice one star!" Beast boy yelled when he shifted from the tarradactal.

The police arrived and took control freak. Raven was already heading back to the tower along with beast boy. Cyborg went and got the t car but I insisted starfire and I Walk back.

"So friend robin, did the sewer monster scare you?" Starfire poked my arm and laughed slightly.

"Nah, it's not the monsters, just the damp nasty home it lives in." We laughed. As we walked I took starfire's hand in mine. "Star?"


"Can I ask you something?" I have no idea what I am going to say. Oh great.

She glanced at me, "sure robin, what is it?"

"Well, uh," think robin think! "About the sewer, I was just saying that because, well I have no idea why."

'Nice going robin. You had your chance and yah blew it!' I thought to myself.

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