Chapter 4

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DISCLAIMER:: this chick doesn't own the teen titans.. Yet...


Chapter 4..

Beast boy POV:

Why did I leave my window open last night! The storm came in last night and is still going strong woke me up!

'Hmm I wonder what robin is up to? Maybe he could help me with where I should take raven!' I thought to myself as I got dressed and ran out the door.

I checked the time and it was only 9:47am. 'Since when does anyone get up this early!' When I walked passed ravens room I heard her mumbling something about not having enough time. 'Girls can be so confusing' a thought that came to me quite often.

Once I approached robins door I didn't hear anything, still could be sleeping, "dude I gotta tell you som-" I barged into his room seeing him and starfire sleeping together. 'Well you can just smell the awkward here' I told myself as robin looked up at me. "Well alrighty then! I think I will just let myself out now." I slowly stepped back toward the door.

"Beast boy! It's not what it looks like! We were talking and we just fell asleep. It's not -" robin tried to say but I had to cut him off.

"Dude I get it. I'll just talk to you later." With that I ran back to my room.

Robins POV:

Beast boy just barged into my room and saw me and starfire together then stormed out. 'This is going to be a bit hard to explain to him' I thought to myself when starfire sat up.

"Was that friend beast boy?" Starfire yawned. She was so beautiful even when she just woke. Only if I could see her like this every morning.

"Uh. Yah. He was just seeing if I was,uh, up yet," can't wait to see where this goes.

Starfire sits up, "Well that was nice of him. Has he begun to make the morning meal?"

"Honestly he might be going back to sleep," I turned to face starfire while still sitting on my bed and held her hand. "So Star, do you want to go anywhere today?" I took my free hand and tucked her hair out of her face so I can see her gorgeous green eyes.

"Perhaps a walk in the park. Or lunch at a place where we sit and eat in a store! Or or-" starfire got a bit over excited about my question.

I laughed, "those are called restaurants. And maybe a walk in the park would be nice. A quiet day is something we just might need." With that we kissed. She placed her hands behind my neck and her fingers brushed through my hair. Every time we kissed I always wanted more. She was perfect. Everything was perfect. That's when it all went down hill. Thunder and lightning struck. Starfire gave a little screech.

We stood up and walked to the hallway to see if anyone else was up. The lights were on in the main room so we walked to see who was there. "Hello friends. Is anyone awake?" Starfire called out to no one. A rat passed by starfire's feet which cause her to jump.

"Haha star you are one easy chick to scare." Beast boy laughed as he shifted to himself from behind the couch. "No one else is up, well at least not out, yet." He sat down and turned the tv on.

"I must go get changed for our afternoon events." Starfire said kissing my cheek and floating to her room.

I walked over to beast boy and sat with him watching some show with guys and swords that lit up. "So what up with you and star last night?" Beast boy nudged my shoulder.

"Like I said," I was really hoping he wouldn't ask again. "We were talking then Just fell asleep. Nothing really."

"Man I wish raven would talk to me like star does you."

the special star. (teen titans robstar story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat