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I head out of the overcrowded hallways about 5 minutes after the Bell rings. The flow of students headed in all directions make it nearly impossible to get out of the hallway.
I straighten put my red flannel over my nirvana t-shirt, pull up my jeans, double check my pizza converse making sure they're tied, and then run my fingers through my hair.
I have never been this excited to take a girl home. There's something about her that attracts me unlike any other girl. I've fallen for other girls before but it's never felt like this. She's just so perfect, so unique.
Her hair is a shade of brown that I had never seen before. Their bouncy curls compliment the colour perfectly. Her eyes remind me of jade, the stone, but they also reflected the color of the ocean depending on her emotion. Her glasses are a little too big for her face making her look all nerdy and cute. Most people hate acne but Jade still is perfect despite it. I love her flaws, she probably thinks her hair is the ugliest colour for the same reason I hate my eyes. She probably thinks her Acne is terrible and makes her look ugly, I believe it makes her even more gorgeous.
She is so beautiful even leaning against the fence with her back to me. Her blue jeans hug her legs but are a little baggy at the knees and ankles. Awe, short girl problems. She has been wearing A Twenty One Pilots sweater all day and I love the grey and blue combination. OMG she has an anchor backpack! YAS! Oh shit Paul is running up to her, I need to say hi first!
I run quickly to Jade, reaching her before Paul but only by a second. I immediately engulf her in a bear hug.
J~ "Haha, hello to you too Danny."
I am so tempted to kiss her...
D~ "Hey J, you ready to go?"
J~ "Yes! You guys took forever!"
P~ "Sorry, there's a lot of traffic by our lockers."
J~ "Oh no, that's fine, I was just teasing you guys, I don't really mind."
She refuses to let Paul feel bad, how sweet.
There's a long pause of awkward silence...
D~ "This is my car, Herbert. Paul helped me pick him out."
J~ "Your shotgun doesn't mean shit if you don't get into the car before me!"
and with that ahe takes off running toward my car full speed. Paul drops his jaw and chases after her but Jade obviously wins.
J~ Ha! Take that Paul! *sticks out tongue*
P~ *GASP!* Did you just stick out your tongue at me?
J~ Yup!
D~ Oh my god guys will you two stop flirting with eachother? Let me put blurryface on.
I grab my CD bag and pull out the Twenty One Pilots.
D~ Paul I'm dropping you off first.
P~ Alrighty
The CD takes a minute to load but then heavy dirty soul begins and I turn the volume loud. I can hear Jade quietly saying the words to the rap part and I'm quite surprised she knows it. Paul and I are screaming and attempting to say the words.
By the middle of fairly local Herbert has taken us to Paul's driveway.
P~ Farewell Danny Edge
D~ Paul, I'll see you later. You're a peasant don't forget that!
J~ Such dorks, you act like you will never see each other again.
P~ You're just jealous because you don't have a best friend.
D~ PAUL! That was so rude! Look you've hurt her!
I lift Jade's chin and make her look at me.
D~ He didn't mean to offend you. He's just stupid. And what he said isn't true. I'm you're best friend.
She smiles a bit then begins singing along quietly to tear in my heart. We pull away from Paul's house and I join her in her singing. She doesn't know that for me, the song is directed at her.
D~ Do you want to hang out at my house for a little?
J~ Let me ask my mom.
She sends her mom a text asking if she can. Immediately there's a response. I glance over her shoulder at the red light. Her mom replied.
"Yeah sure whatever. Just get your ugly ass back here before 8 and finish your chores."
D~ You're mom is horrible.
J~ Mmhmm
D~ Are you about to cry? Don't cry. She's not worth making such a beautiful person cry.
J~ I'm not beautiful, Danny.
D~ Yes you are! You're the most beautiful girl I've seen.
She looks like she's about to cry again. I turn Lane Boy down.
D~ Fuck. I'm sorry I don't want you to cry. Please don't cry Jade.
J~ No no I won't cry. You didn't do anything Danny, it's fine.
D~ You don't like Lane Boy do you?
J~ Not really. How'd you know?
D~ You commented on one of my posts where I asked what the potato family's least favourite songs were.
J~ Oh...you actually see those?
D~ Yeah. I don't reply to any though, it makes me feel bad.
I skip Lane Boy a and we sing The Judge horribly together. Smiling and laughing the entire time. Doubt begins as we pull into my driveway. I open the door for her and help her out of Herbert. I grab her hand and lead her up the stairs to my house. As we enter the warm air is welcoming. My mom has the fireplace burning and the smell is heavenly.
My mom~ Danny! You're home! Give me a second I need to rinse my hands really quickly!
She runs out of the kitchen and gives me a big hug.
My mom~ OOH! You've brought a girl. Hello dear, what's your name?
J~ I'm J-jade. I'm D-danny's friend. He invited m-me over.
She's stuttering my mom's making her nervous.
D~ Okay mom. J and I are gonna do homework in my room.
My mom~ alright. You kids have fun. I'll bring you some of my cookies in a few!
D~ Yaaas. Thanks mom.
I grab Jade's bag and show her the bathroom, then enter my room.
I grab my laptop and play some nirvana.
D~ Okay let's work on homework. Then we can do whatever. Ooh let's order pizza!
J~ Alright. After homework though.
D~ Aw I want pizza noww.
J~ Fine it'll take long enough anyway.
D~ Yay!
After convincing her to eat some and figuring out she likes pepperoni just like me, I order us two pizzas. One for me, one for her. If she doesn't finish hers I'll eat it.
We do homework and she isn't very good at math while it's my easiest subject so I'm able to help her and feel like I've actually helped. She helps me with English because it's her best subject and not my best for sure. During history we both struggle a bit but we work together and figure it out. Science is a difficult one for both of us but luckily there was no homework today. We finish before the pizza guy arrives surprisingly so we devour my mom's amazing cookies and talk. The pizza guy shows up in the middle but after I pay and come back with pizza we eat the pizza and talk about our favourite things and we find out so much about eachother. Surprisingly she finishes the entire pizza. At 7:30pm she packs up her bag and we walk back out to the car.
My mom~ Thanks Jade for coming over! I hope to see you again!
J~ Definitely. T-thank you for having me ma'am.
We get in the car and the CD starts over. I program the address into my GPS and take Jade home, singing terribly to twenty one pilots the entire way. We've arrived at her house by the end of stressed out.
J~ Thank you so much Danny. This was so much fun.
D~ No problem J. This was the most fun I've had in a while.
J~ Same.
I make sure she gets inside safely before pulling out of the driveway. I sing along to twenty one pilots some more before arriving at my house again. I go straight to my room and go to sleep. I'm excited to talk to Jade again.

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