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Danny drops me off and I walk into the living room. My mom is sitting on the couch using her laptop.
Mom:"So, who were you with?"
Me:"Just a friend from school."
Mom:"You don't have friends."
I scoff and go through the hallway to my room. Placing my backpack onto my dresser, I plug in my phone.
Fuck you Mom.
I go back through the hallway and enter the kitchen. I unload the dishwasher then load it and run it. I hand wash three pots, dry them, then put them away in their proper spots. I head to the laundry room and check to see if my cat Loki has enough food. Yup, plenty.
Next I put 2 cups of dog food into Mac's bowl. Finally I let the beautiful German Shepard and he goes straight to his bowl. Loki rubs up against my leg and I lean over to pick him up. Holding him in my arms he runs his face against my jaw and purrs as I pet him.
Mom: "Are you done?"
Me: "Yeah. I'm going to bed."
Mom: "Love you."
I mumble under my breath "Sure you do."
With Loki still in my arms I go to my room and set him on my bed. I glance at the alarm clock next to my bed.
I  put on a tank top and some fuzzy TARDIS pajama pants and slip under my duvet, the same one Dan Howell has. Loki stumbles over and lays beside my head. I give him a gentle pat, then close my eyes.
Worthless. Ugly. You don't have friends. Danny doesn't actually like you. He's using you.
My eyes fly open. I put my hands to my head.
"Shut up! Shut up!"
Nobody cares about you. You're so lame. You should just kill yourself. Ew, you're so gross.
It won't stop. I rise from my bed and sit in a corner. The thoughts continue, the same ones getting louder and louder. I'm going crazy. Tears begin streaming down my face. It won't stop!
Cut, Jade.
Standing up I go to my dresser and open up the top drawer. I open my old retainer case and pull my blade out.
"This is better than killing myself I guess..."
As I make the marks I count them. Before I know it there's more than 20. My vision is blurry and I can barely see through the tears. The thoughts have stopped to I put my blade back. I clean myself up a bit with some tissues and go back to bed at 11:57pm. My mind is completely empty.
My alarm blares at 8:00am waking me from my dreamless sleep. Loki is sleeping on my hip since I sleep on my side. I pet him a little bit before picking him up and setting him on the ground. I get up and turn off the alarm.
I reach into the pocket of my jeans and grab the note from Danny. I type in his phone number and send him a text.
Hey Danny. It's Jade. Just wanted to text you so you had my number. Text me when you get the chance! :)
I set my phone down and go to my closet. I grab my black and white checkered flannel and my Fall Out Boy concert T-shirt. I put both on then grab my black skinny jeans with holes in the thighs and knees and put them on as well. I brush my hair, curl it, and try to style it a little bit. I apply some foundation, concealer, eyeliner, and mascara. Lastly I put on my glasses, grab my phone and go into the kitchen, leaving my bedroom door open in case Loki needs out.
I make Mom some eggs and bacon and put them in the microwave so she can heat them up when she wakes up.
I feel a buzz in my back pocket and see that I have a text.
Hey Jade! I'm so glad you texted. How are you?
I realize I forgot to save his contact so I save it as "⚓Danny😍" then reply to him.
I'm okay. What about you?
I put my phone back in my pocket then grab 2 cups of food for Mac. I let him out of my mom's room then retreat to the couch. Another buzz in my pocket.
New message from: ⚓Danny😍
I click on the notification.
⚓Danny😍:I'm great! Are you sure you're okay?
I reply
Me:Yeah of course, I'm fine.
He replies
⚓Danny😍: Paul and I were going to go see the new horror movie but he had to cancel wanna come instead?
Is he asking me on a date? Did Paul really cancel? I highly doubt it. Whatever.
I reply.
Me: Yeah. I'd love to! I'll ask my mom as soon as she gets up.
⚓Danny😍: Okay, let me know and I can pick you up at 12:00pm.
To try to get on my mom's good side I do extra chores, unload the dishwasher, clean the stove, wipe out the microwave, take out the trash, scoop cat litter, and pick up dog poop. By 9:46am I have everything done and my mom is up. I heat up her food as she walks to the living room and watches the news that I left on for her. I bring her her food and she gives me a weird look.
Mom: What do you want, child?
Me: Can I go to the movies at 12?
Mom: I guess...what time will you be back?
Me: Around three I believe. I can text you right after, I may go out to lunch as well.
Mom: Okay, don't forget to text. I assume you'll need some cash?
Me: Not much, $20 maybe.
Mom: Okay, you better have all your chores done though.
She hands me a twenty dollar bill.
Me:Thank you!
Mom: sure thing.
I text Danny.
Yay mom said yes!!
⚓Danny😍: Yay! I'll see you in a few hours!
Me: Yup! I can't wait!!
I retreat to my room and pull up some Netflix on my laptop. I fit in two episodes of American Horror Story, then I get ready for the movie. I double check hair and outfit. I grab my small purse and put the Twenty dollars in along with my I.D. it's 11:27pm. I go out to the living room and grab Mac's leash that's by the door. He comes running over to me.
"Only for a few minutes, okay boy?"
He looks at me a turns his head sideways. Clipping the leash to his collar I head out the door and walk Mac around. We walk about a blocks total by the time we get back. It's 11:42pm. My phone buzzes.
⚓Danny😍: Hey. I'll be there in about 5.
Me: Okay I'm so excited!
⚓Danny😍: Me too!!
I wait impatiently by the door, five minutes pass and I hear Danny's door close and his foot steps walking toward the house.
I open the door before he gets there and yell bye to my mom.
"Hey Danny!"
"Hi J, you ready to go?"
"Of course!"

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