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The next morning I awaken to the sweet smell of Jade's shampoo, the aroma strong in my nostrils. I give her a soft peck on the head and she begins to stir.
"Good morning beautiful."
She looks up at me and smiles, her eyes are all squinty as they are adjusting to the bright light.
"Good morning cutieeeeeeeee." She says. Her soft voice extends the word as she yawns.
"You're even more adorable when you're tired."
"I am?" She says then gently boops my nose. "Ya know what?"
"What J?"
"I think we should do a little more of what we did last night before Paul wakes up." She bites her lip and runs her teeth over her lip ring.
"Oh, really?" I say, then pull her hips into mine.
She tilts her head up and presses her lips harshly into mine the cold ring sending a pleasant shiver down my spine. She brings her hands up to my face, then starts running her fingers through my hair. I run my hands up and down her back, groping her ass on the occasion. I move from kissing her lips to kissing softly along her jaw, slowly making my way behind her ear, then down her neck. She moans quietly. I pull away and sit up.
"Did I do something bad?"
"Then what's wrong?"
"I'm scared I'm gonna over step."
"Danny, how many times do I have to say this? As long as you are comfortable I am too."
"You don't understand."
"So explain it to m-me."
"You're stuttering again. Am I scaring you?"
"You a-are a little bit. When you pull away I get scared you're going to leave."
"I would never do that to you."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Who's dork am I?"
"You're my dork!" The biggest smile brightens her face and she walks over to where I sat up. She sits on my lap with her legs wrapped around me and places her elbows on my shoulders and her hands in my hair. Tilting my head up slightly I kiss her soft lips. The cool metal lip ring sends another chill down my spine. She ignores my shiver and continues to kiss me. Her lips pressing harder against mine each time. I place my warm hands on her cold, bare, hips and kiss with more passion. I hug her small body against mine, getting ready to lay her down on the couch again.
Jade and I stop and look over to see a sleepy Paul sat up and glaring at us.
"Do you guys mind?"
"Sorry Paul. We didn't mean to wake you. Danny and I were trying to be quiet..."
Her cheeks are insanely red.
"Nah it's fine. I was just messing with you. Do you guys want some food?"
"Duh." Jade and I say at the same time.

{Two weeks later}

After several more dates and even more make out sessions I find myself staring at my iPhone 3 days before Thanksgiving. Over the past two weeks Jade and my mom have gotten to be quite close, my mom even asked if I would invite her for dinner with the family. The only reason Im hesitant is she is also allowed to sleep over and this would be her first time sleeping over alone wirh me. She isn't going to say no, what is there to be afraid of? I pick up the phone and click Jade's contact. After a few rings she picks up.
"Hey babe. What's up?"
"Hey baby. My mom invited you to have dinner with my family for Thanksgiving, wanna come?"
"Of course! I'll be there for sure!"
"Oh also, you're welcome to stay the night."
"I would really like that."
"Alright. I can take you to get icecream in a few if you want."
"Holy shit I've been craving that. How did you know?"
"Just a lucky guess. See you in a bit."
I hang up and run upstairs to grab my pizza converse. I double check my outfit, grey hoodie partially zipped , red t shirt, and black skinny jeans, then ruffle my hair before running back down the stairs with shoes in hand.
"I'm going to go grab Jade, she's coming to dinner on Thanksgiving and staying over as well."
"Okay Danny be back before dark please!"
"K mom."
I close the door gently behind me then run to my car. I put on my shoes quickly before starting my car and blaring nirvana. Shortly after, I arrive at Jade's house.
She runs down the steps wearing her black converse, ripped blue jeans, black t-shirt, blue flannel and a black beanie. Her hair is straightened and it is just above her lower back. She yells bye to her mom before hopping in my car and giving me a kiss. The sweet smell of her perfume makes me smile.
"Did someone get a new perfume?"
"Yeah it's cucumber melon, do you like?"
"Its amazing, it totally suits you."
"I'm glad you like it. Let's go get icecream now. I dying here."
I giggle a little and grab her hand. We drive in silence all the way to Baskin Robins. In the store she tries nearly all the flavours. I love to stand and watch her as she does this. It's amazing how's her confidence has grown in the 3 weeks we've been together, just because of me. As she's trying the rainbow sorbet I wrap my arms around her waist. She always gets this one, even though she tries about all of them I don't think she'll ever get a different one. She orders two scoops of it and I order two scoops of cookies and cream. After paying we sit down at a table outside, somehow outside is warmer than inside the building.
"J, I've never asked you this, what do you want to do when you're older?"
"I really want to be a photographer. I've always adored taking pictures of everything, people, animals, plants, landscapes. You name it. I absolutely love it."
Her eyes are all lit up. I love it when she gets like this. She does the same thing when she talks about twenty one pilots and it's adorable. According to my mom she also gets like this when she talks about me.
"What do you want to do, Danny?"
"I don't really know. All I know is I want you to be by my side the whole time."
After talking for a little longer we throw away our empty containers and I drive her home. We sing along to 7 years by Lukas Graham along with stressed out. I give her a quick kiss goodbye and she walks into her house.
I drive back home in silence. When I walk into the house I can't help but smile at how fucking cute Jade is. As I help my mom make dinner I tell her all about Jade and how much I love her.
"Danny. I don't think I have ever seen you this happy. I am so glad you have found Jade. Don't you ever hurt her, you'll regret it. You don't want to lose someone like her, especially if she makes you this happy."
"I would never do anything to lose her."

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