Chapter 1

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I sat down at the lunch table, eyeing off all of the people who had been here before me. Were more 'experienced' than me in this particular situation. Today was my first day at a new school. I had somehow gotten through four classes without being noticed. No teacher, student or even parent association member asked about me. Probably because the knew who I was. Probably because I was the kid that was messed up. I mean, I got good grades and was well-behaved, but that didn't fixed my past. My messed up, tormented past...

As I looked around, I noticed all of these people were the same. Trendy clothes, phones in hand and chatting away to their hearts content. Me on the other hand, I had a stale sandwich and apple. Yum. Mum forgot to go grocery shopping again. Oh well. 

Yet, although they were all virtually the same, there was one that stood out, significantly- besides myself, of course. He had piercing blue eyes and a crooked smile. He was lean and tall and sat at the table alone. I must've been staring at him because he awkwardly waved at me after a while. Being my awkward and timid self, I turned away. I turned back to him as he looked away, hurt. 

And that was the beginning, the beginning of my end.


Well, I hope you guys like that xx See you in the next chapter :-)

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