Chapter 4

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When I walked into my house that day, there was and irregular sight. My mother was setting up the dinner table with food. NICE food. She had Salad, grilled chicken, a cheese platter and a cold jar of lemonade sitting at the table. There were three sets of plates, cups and cutlery set out. I assumed that she was having two international guests from work come over, that was until she said, "Hi girls! Hope you guys are hungry cause I have gone all out for dinner tonight." I smiled. "Why are you home so early?" I asked, a little frazzled. "Is it a bad thing?" She asks, a little disappointed. "No! It's awesome!" I exclaim. Her face lights up beautifully. She begins to explain. "Well, I was at work today and I thought, 'If I want you guys to start afresh, so will I'. so I went to the grocery store picked up food for dinner and other groceries and I cooked dinner for you guys so you wouldn't have to do it yourselves. I've also decided that I am gonna work just a little less so I can come home earlier and leave a little later in the mornings. Isn't that great?" She grinned, eagerly waiting for approval. Eliza and I looked at each other, dropped our bags and ran put o her, embracing her in a hug. She smiled exuberantly and returned the hug. We stood there for a little then took our seats at the table and dug in. 

As we ate dinner we spoke about the new lifestyle we were going to take on. Mum was going to start packing lunches for us thus leaving a little later in the morning, make dinner for us thus come home earlier and overall, just be more actively updated with our lives. It sounded great. She then asked us about our day. Eliza answered first, talking about her new friends and all of the 'fun' stuff they were king in classes. She sloe about her reading club and the soccer team se joined. "There is a soccer team! Wow. Amelia, why don't you join some clubs? You love art and music and swimming and soccer!  Yeah, why don't you join the soccer team, or the swim team!?" I looked up from my plate and shrugged. "I don't know, I'm still trying to get accustomed to this new school." Lie. i was accustomed. I knew every hallway, room number, playground, name, etc. I was good at observing and that is all I have done for these last couple of weeks; observe. "Okay then," mum replied, a little mono tone like. "Well then, how was your day?" She continued. I shrugged. "It was alright, I guess." "Did you make any friends?" She continued. I thought, was he a friend? No. More like acquaintance Anything to make mum happy, though. "Well, I spoke to someone today." "Oh great, that's really good Amelia- I'm so proud of you." She smiled at me and continued eating her dinner. 

'Maybe I will join the swim team' I thought, 'Maybe'.


Hope you guys liked that :-) Next chapter will be up soon xx

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