Chapter 9

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10  minutes before the ~other~ girls showed up. Oh Gosh, I hate this stuff. So does mum, she hates the stress that she has to go through to prepare these sorts of things. Oh well, no backing out now. We sit in the living room, anxiously waiting for them to arrive. 

The doorbell rings. Shit. My mum gets up but is pushed out of the way by a exited Eliza rushing to the door. She opens up to three females. I recognise Miranda and the other two must be her mother and her 'sister'. The older sister looks around my age, but she's different to the rest of her family. Both Miranda and what I assumed was her mother had extremely pale, fair skin whilst the girl around my age's skin was a beautiful shade of chocolate. She had piercing green eyes and dark brown hair that reached the middle of her back. She had striking facial features; plump light pink lips, long eyelashes and eyebrows that seemed to be darker than what I assumed was her natural hair. 

She was on her phone, probably scrolling through her instagram feed or recent snapchats; typical of someone in my generation. Her mother (possibly foster mother) lightly elbowed her to pay attention and she glare back at her. The, what I assumed, older sister looked over to us and faintly, falsely, smiled. Then went back to her phone. Must have been super interesting. Neither of the mothers or us two had spoken a single word yet Miranda and Eliza had begun to perform their extravagant handshake. They finished with a 'sassy' click and hand on a waist. Typical of Eliza. They walked off into the hallway and began their 'playdate'. "Hi, I'm Eliza's mother, Cornellia." My mum begins, nervously.  "Ivy." Says Miranda's mother, putting her hand out. My mother gives a somewhat firm shakes than takes her hand back and subtly wipes it not oner jeans. What? You thought I got my fear of germs from no where?

Mum then says, "This is my eldest, Amelia- she's 14." "This is Andrea, she's also 14. Have you to met?" The last part was obviously directed at me. I opened my mouth, yet no words came out. A nervous habit of mine I've never been able to grow out of. Andrea saves me from further embarrassment by saying, "I've seen her but we've never spoken." "Oh okay." Replies Ivy. My mother than invites Andrea to stay over whilst Miranda was here, and obviously- Ivy said yes.

So here I am. Sitting on my bed across from a girl whom I have barely had contact with. She's on her phone and isn't really paying attention to me. I just sat there; no attempt to draw attention to myself whatsoever. After about 10 minutes of absolute silence, she begins to speak. "So do you ever talk, or are you like... mute?" She doesn't look up from her phone. I try to answer yet words still refuse to escape my mouth. "It's okay- I understand if you don't wanna talk. A lot of people who have been in a traumatic experience find difficulties to do the simplest of things." "H-h-how did you know I-I-I wen through a tr-trau-traumatic experience?" I manage to stutter out hopelessly. "Oh so you do talk." I slowly nod my head. "Well, I guess I just kinda assumed it, since all the teachers treat you like your... you know, 'special'." "Special?" I reply. "You know....." She pulls a funny face trying to resemble a 'retarded' person. "I am not 'special'" I say, somewhat hurt. "Oh don't be so sensitive." "I'm not being sensitive!" I exclaim. "Ah, yeah you are." "Shut up!" I scream. She jumps back. "I'm sorry." I say, worried that she might dob me in. She sits still, obviously scared. Her face frozen in feat. 

I don't want to go back to the hospital. I don't want to go back to the hospital. I don't want to go back to the hospital. I don't want to go back to the hospital. I don't want to go back to the hospital. I don't want to go back to the hospital. I don't want to go back to the hospital. I don't want to go back to the hospital. I don't want to go back to the hospital. 

I repeat these words over and over in my head. 

She is still there, in her 'scared' position. She closes her eyes. "No, I'm sorry." It's just..... everyone said stuff like that and I hadn't even spoken to you, but I believed it. I'm sorry if I offended you. Can we just forget about it?" She opened up her vibrant green eyes and looked up at me. I nodded, slowly. "As long as you 'forget' about me yelling." She smiles a little, "Sure."

I haven't many friends except for the ones who backstabbed me, maybe this one may go differently....


Hey guys sorry for being so inactive. Promise there is more to come soon. Thank you guys all for reading xx

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