Chapter 2

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I went two more weeks without saying a single word. I just went to my classes, did the assigned work and left. I sat alone wherever I went, whether it be on the bus, in class or at lunch. I didn't want to interact with these people, even if they were trying to 'help' me. All I came here for was an education, and I am fulfilling that role. My grades are still all A's and my behavioural record is spotless. 

Apparently the principal has spoken to my mother, to tell her she is 'worried' about me. What do I think of that? Bull-crap. She isn't worried about me; she just wants to make sure she still has a student that actually does well at school. 

My mum says she wants me to socialise more, to be 'normal' like the other kids. But, that is a little hard. A little hard with my history. Some things you just can't change or fix, and I've learnt to accept that- so everyone else should as well. 

I was finally happy with everything. All I ever wanted was safety and security and I finally have that. I have a routine that doesn't get changed and I am happy with that. I wake up every morning, wake Eliza (my sister) up, eat breakfast, shower, get dressed, walk to the bus stop, go to school, get through my classes without saying a word, catch the bus home, have a snack, do my homework, eat dinner with mum, draw then go to sleep. A simple lifestyle, yet safe- just the way I like it.

Although I wasn't 'fitting-in' at my new school, Eliza was doing fine. She was making new friends, getting good grades, joining clubs- you could say my little sister was out-doing me. She had never been affected by all of the drama the way I was. Sure, she was sad and all, but she never had to go through what I did. Sometimes, I feel like no one has ever had to go through it...

All in all, I think that this 'new beginning' thing has been going well. I am happy, Eliza was happy and most importantly, mum was happy. She worked so hard and she never got anything back in return, but now, now we were making her  happy- and that is all I could ask for. So yes, I think this is going well.

But, sometimes, we think wrong. Everything was going fine until one day. 

One day, as I sat in my seat for class, laying out all of stationery, waiting for the teacher to begin. I look out the window at all of the people walking past our school. They looked like ants from up here, small little tiny ants- almost as small as some of their brains. "Hi, um.... are you new here?" I hear a male's voice say. I turn around to see who it is...


Oooh, cliffhanger. Who do you think it is? Comment down below. Chapter 3 will be up soon, hopefully by tomorrow :-) See you guys soon xx

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