Chapter 8

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I wake up. My eyes flash open, hoping that I've returned back to reality. 'Just a nightmare.' I whisper slowly to myself. I repeat it over and over. I do this everyday; it has become a part of my routine, I guess. I breathe in for 4 seconds, try and hold the air in my lungs for 7 until my lungs fail me and I breathe out after 3 seconds. My tight chest has at least improved since last year. I turn to my bright peppermint alarm clock sitting on my bedside table. I read the time 8:04am. I immediately sit up. 'Shit' I say under my breathe. 'We're gonna be late.' I continue, as I jump out of bed. I jump onto Eliza's bed but she's not there. Eliza walks in, in her her normal clothes. "Saturday." She said to me, slightly smiling. "Saturday." i reply in return, slightly chuckling. She breaks out into a composed fit of laughter. 

I get dressed in my clothes. Slightly dressed up today compared to my normal attire. I walk out into the kitchen to ring pastries from the bakery around the corner. Yum. There is a note taped onto the bag. It says:

'Breakfast for today girls! Had to go grocery shopping before Eliza's friend came over. Enjoy the tea cakes and I will be home by 9:00am. Don't forget that she is coming over at 11:00am! Try and tidy up the house a bit :-)

Love, mum. xoxo.'

"Eliza!" I scream. "Yeah!" She creams in return. We continue our scream conversation about her friend coming over across the house, probably annoying the neighbours. "Oh yeah, Breakfast!" I finish off. She walks into the kitchen, "No need to yell." She says. "I'm right here." I laugh as I sit down and eat my food. "So, are you ready to socialise?" Eliza says in a sort of mocking way. "Sure." I say, as i chug down a glass of milk. "And just so that you know, by socialise I mean actually talk. Not just sit in our room awkwardly with earphones in." She continues. I give her a glare. "What's wrong with earphones?" I say. "C'mon Amelia. Please- do this for me. I need to make friends." I look at her and roll my eyes. "Fine!" I say, giving in. "Yay!" She exclaims excitedly. Thanks Amelia!" She takes her tea cake and walks off. "But." I say. She turns around. "What?" She says, in a worried tone. "You have to tidy the house WITHOUT my help. BEFORE mum comes home." I say, deviously smiling. "Fine!" She says in the same tone as me. 

Who says sisters are always alike, anyway?

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