Chapter 1 - First Day

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BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP~ My alarm sounds at 7:00 and its the first day of school, but it isn't a normal first day its my first day of high school. I roll out of bed and think to myself what am I going to wear? I sigh and go to wash my face. As I wash my face I remember that not very many of my friends have the same classes me, I finish washing my face and go get dressed and do my hair/makeup. I come downstairs wearing dark skinny jeans, black Converse and a hoodie. I realize school starts at 8:00AM and the time was 7:35. I figured there would be traffic so I figured I would leave early.

As expected there's traffic, but its very slow. My mom starts cussing at drivers and I check the time and its 7:55AM I start to panic a little. Finally we get to the school but as soon as I walk in I realize i'm lost. I walk around to find my first period which is algebra, I find all of the math classrooms except mine (of course) As soon as I start walking again the tardy bell rings so I was officially late. "damn it" I whisper to myself. Finally I see some teacher walking around and he comes toward me and asks "are you lost?" I reply "yes, where is room 506?" he leads me there and says "right here" I smile and say "thank you."

I take a deep breath and walk in and see literally no one that I know. I see George (George has been my friend since 8th grade) As usual he isn't paying attention so I continue to scan the room to find anyone else I would know. I then realize that everyone is staring at me and my face turns bright red. I look up at the white board and find a seating chart. I find my name and sit down awkwardly and I sigh. The teacher takes attendance and I notice he says "Has anyone seen Kayla Howell?" My eyes widen when I hear that name because that is my bestest friend in the whole world (we've been friends since 5th grade) and she was in my class! My day instantly got better but I couldn't find her in the room. I sigh and hope she comes in late. Mr. Blankenship introduces himself and passes out papers.. all the boring first day of school stuff. The bell rings and it was time for 2nd period (homeroom.) When i go to walk out Kayla runs in the class and hands Mr. Blankenship a note. I poke her and she smiles "HEY!!!!!!" I hug her and ask to see her schedule and we have most of our classes together! I whisper "hey I have to go but ill see you at lunch alright?" She smiles and nods. I go to 2nd period and continue my day.

~Skipping time~

It was now lunch time and I walk in sweaty because I just got out of marching band practice and it was very hot outside. (bad day to wear dark clothes and skinny jeans right?) George walks with me because hes in band as well. Claire walks up to me (She is also one of my close friends, we met during band camp in the summer, her and George are dating) All 3 of us look for a table and I spot Kayla and I run over to her and hug her "EWWW YOU'RE SWEATY!!!" she cries. "Oh calm down" I laugh and look at the table she's sitting at. I see Mark, Gage, David and Anna (also friends from middle school). They greet me and I smile. There were more people I didn't recognize. Kayla introduces all these new people to me, "This is Joey, Andy, Luke, and Brian." I wave to them and David says "Brian is my brother." I look over to Brian and he says "Yes, but i'm a senior and we look nothing like each other so don't even say we do." I nod and look over at Kayla "heh, sorry there aren't anymore seats, pull up some chairs!!" she says softly to me. I pull up some chairs and look around. George and Claire are cuddling, Luke and Andy are teasing each other, Anna is drawing creepy things and Joey and Gage are throwing food at each other. Kayla and I start to talk about how our days went so far. "I got lost 3 times already." I whisper. Kayla laughs and eats Hot Cheetos, our favorite chips. ~BEEEEEEEP~ The bell rings and Kayla and I walk to 6th period together.

"Where is this damn classroom!" She cries "I don't know.. Lets hide in the bathroom till all of the people are gone, we could find it better. The bell rings again to let everyone know that they're supposed to be in their class. "Welp we're late." Kayla whispers and I nod. "Lets find our class now." I grab Kayla's arm and we walk looking around slowly till we find it. We walk in I see Andy and Anna but their not looking back. Our teacher introduces herself as Ms. Hall. She asks our names and shows us to our seats. I think she's pretty nice. "Since it's the first day of school, we're going to play a game to get to know everyone!" Ms. Hall instructs. Kayla looks over at me and gives me that "Are you kidding me look" I give it right back to her and everyone stands in a circle and Ms. Hall explains the game. After the game the bell rings which brings us to 7th period. Kayla and I walk there and it was just normal first day business in there.

~Skipping to the end of the day~

I walk to find my moms car and Kayla gives me a hug before she leaves. I go home and fall asleep cause I stayed up till 3:00AM the night before. My first day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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