Chapter 8 - Stay With Me

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It's now May, spring has sprung. Everything is so beautiful. Brian and I are doing great. Emily and Trey have since started dating, Johnny turned out to be a complete asshole to Emily. Trey and I aren't really on good terms since I completely blew him off..But him and I are getting there.

I feel much better now though, I am also glad Brian understood, I love him so much. (UPDATE: I forgot to mention that Brian has since enlisted into the U.S Marine Corps. Since he is 18, and he wanted to be a Marine since he was age 11. He enlisted back in April, it's amazing!) 

For the past 2 months, I had developed very bad anxiety and I would have very bad panic attacks, almost everyday. I have since worked on it, I still have anxiety sometimes, but I am good for the most part. 

Kayla and Andy are also good. They are so cute. Although, he has been being sort of dicky lately..but she loves him so I guess that it's okay.

It's Friday and school is really boring, all of our teachers are preparing us for the state tests, apparently now we have to pass all of our state tests in order to graduate, it's stupid, because it takes place after the seniors this year graduate, but my class (class of 2019) is the first freshmen class to start this. 

5th period, the only period I really care about finally comes. I walk into the commons and greet Kayla, Andy, David, and Joey. I feel someone wrap their arms behind me and begin to tickle me, I turn around and it's Brian and I smile. Him and I sit down and everyone is talking about random stuff. David is listening to country music and Joey is messing with him, as always. 

Brian looks over at me, and smiles. "So, what are you doing this weekend?" I look at him, blushing. "Uh...probably nothing, why?" he looks down a little bit, "Well...I get off of work at 10 and I don't like not seeing you on the you maybe want to sneak out?" My eyes widen "W..what?" He looks at me again "We don't have too...I just want to see you....I don't want you to think that I only from you, because I don't. In fact, that isn't even what I want. I just want to see my baby girl." He says softly, blushing a little. I smile, "yeah..I'll see." Yes, I know that this does seem weird.. I am honestly pretty nervous. I guess we will just have to see how that goes.

Brian and I go outside to the courtyard, everyone else doesn't seem to notice which is fine. Brian and I sit on a bench, he holds my hand. "So, can you believe that we've been together for 4 months? (We don't count that 4 hour break of ours real, so technically we never broke up.) "It's insane, baby." I say. He kisses me softly, his lips are so warm. Every time he kisses me I get a feeling that i've never felt when kissing anyone, not even my ex boyfriend that I had before I started dating Brian. 

-Flashback- 8th grade year, I was very shy in middle school. Kayla had finished her "emo phase" and sadly we only had one class together. I had a different group of friends in middle school. Katherine and Elizabeth we're my close friends back then. Elizabeth was my first girl kiss. (I am bisexual.) I met this guy named Dylan in 7th grade, when I was dating my first actual boyfriend. I also knew David at this time, in fact he is the one who introduced me to Dylan. Him and I became friends instantly it seemed. He always called me his little sister and swore to protect me no matter what. The summer before 8th grade, he and I texted a lot. I had felt feelings developing for him, the only problem was...he smoked. (13 year old who smokes...yeah, not judging though.) 

8th grade year started and we talked a bunch more. We even planned to date, but it never happened. Well this is where Katherine and Elizabeth come in the picture. I met them both in 7th grade also, I met Elizabeth a little before 7th grade though..Anyway, I told Katherine and Beth (her nickname.) that I had liked Dylan, but he was dating some random girl. Dylan had this friend named Elizabeth, not the same one I told you about before, even though they were friends also. Dylan and Elizabeth were "best fraaaaands". It was about November that I felt my feelings for Dylan growing. 

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