Chapter 9 - Summer Nights Last Forever

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The first few weeks of summer break have  been boring. My dad's work schedule changed. Instead of working on the weekends during the day, he works on the weekends during the night. My mom also works during the nights as well but its during the weekdays and weekends, so during the weekends i'm home alone. Now I know what you're thinking... it must be fun being home alone right? not really for me. I don't have parties, or any of that fun stuff. I prefer reading a book or watching movies. 

Brian and I have been doing well. We have actually been trying to plan a way for him to come over, but since now i'm home alone, it is much easier than sneaking around together. He is currently in Virginia with his grandmother. He is coming back in a couple days but we already planned on how we would see each other. This is our first summer together, our relationship has been becoming more serious. My dad knows about Brian, his age and everything and is very supportive about it. (Brian's birthday was June 1st, he's 19 now.)  My mom on the other hand doesn't know that I have a boyfriend.

It's not that I don't want her to know... I do, I just don't know what exactly to say. I've always told my dad about my relationships only because I was scared of my mom's reaction with Brian's age... I don't know. I will tell her when I feel the time is right.

A couple of days pass and finally it's the day Brian comes home! Things have been pretty boring without him, but i'm going to have to get used to this because when he leaves for bootcamp, we can't have contact for almost 3 months, it's honestly pretty scary to think about. There are so many risks coming with a military relationship. I worry about him cheating on me now...I wonder how much I'll worry then.

Today was my first day of marching band practice, concert band season is over and marching band starts again, except the only problem is I get crazy anxiety when it comes to band... I've been thinking about quitting, but my dad wouldn't approve. I get start to get ready, I have a text from Brian telling me that he will be home later in the day, I'm so excited to see him. I continue to get ready for band and I start to feel a little panicky... Soon enough I'm having an anxiety attack. I was so scared to go to practice, but I knew if I skipped I would be in even more trouble.

When I get there I see Claire and Anna, we haven't really talked much and the whole Brian thing has basically strained Claire and my relationship but it's alright. The practice surprisingly goes fast, thank God.

I go home and take a shower, eat something and realize that it's almost time for Brian to be home!! I get super excited. I know he's going to want to hang out so I put on something somewhat cute. I lay down on the couch to rest, while I'm waiting. Around 4:30 pm I get a phone call from Brian, I wake up instantly and answer, "hello?"

"Hey, are you home?"

"Yeah.... Why?"

"Come outside."

"Okay..I'll be out soon."

He hangs up, I get super super excited. I tell my dad I'm going outside  to see Brian, he says okay. I walk outside and see Brian sitting on the curb. I walk up to him and he gets up then hugs me tight. "I have something for you" he says. I blush "why?" "Because, I wanted to get you something" he says.

He gives me a bag, I get nervous as to what could be inside. "Well, look inside." He says. I open the bag and look inside, there is a stuffed kitty and a small turtle decoration. I feel my face heating up from blushing. "Thank you so much" I say. "I got you a kitty because you're my little kitty." He says and smiles. I hug him tightly and kiss him, I've missed the feeling of his lips. "Wanna go to the park?" He says. There is a park right by where I live, me and him go there sometimes. "Yeah let's go."

We get to the park and there are people there, which is fine but we're both very shy people. We find a tree and sit under it. He pulls me close and holds me, we sit like this for a while, just enjoying nature and each other's company.

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