Chapter 5 - Parties and Christmas Carols

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WINTER BREAK IS HERE YAY!!!!! Winter break is my favorite break from school.. Winter is my favorite season in general, the cold weather and the snow.. plus the Christmas music and lights everywhere! Not very many people like it but I do.

The first day of break was a Wednesday, I woke up around 12 in the afternoon, I sure wasn't used to not waking up at 6:00 in the bloody morning. I check my phone and look through notifications.. Facebook.. blah.. Kik... OOO!!! I look at the notifications from kik and see I have new messages from several people. I look through them and see that Brian had texted me.  "Text me when you wake up sleepy head ;)" the text read, I about died I was blushing so hard. Before I could respond I felt my phone vibrating and I have an incoming FaceTime from Kayla I realize I look like shit but oh well.. She doesn't mind. I click answer and her face pops up extremely close to the screen. "MADDIE MADDIE MADDIE!!!!!!!" She screams, I didn't have my headphones plugged into my phone.. If I wasn't already awake I for sure was now. "W-what?" I said in my sleepy voice while staring into the screen, my vision was blurry because I had just gotten up. "ANDY INVITED ME AND YOU TO A PARTY HES HAVING FOR NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I rub my eyes "What? Really?" I say. "YES!!! BRIAN WILL BE THERE!!! MADDIE YOU HAVE TO GO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE!!!!!!!!!" She begged and whenever she begs, I have to do whatever it is she wants, friend code. "Fine, Ill go but you have to help me pick out what to wear.." I smile. "For sure!!!" She says then hangs up. I look around the room and just lay in bed because I'm so lazy and I can't get up. I eventually get up and go downstairs and then my phone starts ringing again, it was Brian..oh my gosh! I run back upstairs and say "Hello? Hello...? Oh hey.." Practicing greetings then I answer "H-hi!" My voice cracks and I face palm. "Oh, hey" he chuckles "I'm guessing you're finally awake now? It's been ages since we talked last." I can hear the smile in his voice "more like 12 hours, sweetie." I remark and smile. "So.. There's this party.. Andy's having.." I listen for a second "oh yeah, Kayla told me. I'll be there" I smile and wait for his response. "Oh! Okay!!" He says cheerfully "well, I have to get ready for work now, I'll text you after?" He says calmly. "Yeah!" I say and start to blush "okay. Bye now" he says "bye bye!!" I say then throw my phone on my bed, I lay next to it and feel my face burning. I doze off then my phone starts ringing AGAIN. I look and it's Andy, I pick up "Hello Andy, I already know about your party.. Brian and Kayla told me, I'll be ther-" he cuts me off "No!! Maddie that's not what I'm calling for!!" I continue to listen "Maddie! I want to ask Kayla out!!!" I open my eyes widely "What?!!? You like her??! I say cheerfully. "Yes, B-but... I don't know how to tell her you see.. All of my past relationships haven't ended well.. I don't know what I should do!" I think for a second "well... Just wait a little, you don't want to rush things." He doesn't answer for a second. I wait for what seems like 1000 hours then "BUT MADDIE WHAT IF SHE DOESN'T LIKE ME BACK?! I DON'T WANT TO GET REJECTED AND THEN YOU SING THE REJECTED SONG TO ME!!!" I giggle (There's this song I sing playfully to my friends whenever something happens and it seems like they're getting rejected.. It goes something like .. R-E-J-E-C-T-E-D you got rejected!!! Lame I know.) "I won't sing the rejected song, just wait a little while, don't rush anything. Also don't make any crazy moves on her, if you and her date you'll be her first relationship so don't screw up." He responds quietly "o-okay thank you" I smile "yep.. Now if that's all you needed I'm going to get off here and eat something cause I'm a fat ass" he laughs "Kay bye" I hang up and go downstairs, my parents are both sleeping still.. Oh well, I like quiet. I make a sandwich and eat it then think what to do for the day. I remember Christmas is in 2 days, then New Years Eve soon after. I finish my sandwich and walk outside, it's surprisingly warm.. But that's Ohio weather for you. I take a walk for a little bit.

I come back home at around 4:30 before it started to dark, my dad was awake and in the kitchen so I decide to walk in there. "Hey, dad!" I smile and he waves to me, he's sitting at the table and I sit at the other side. "So... My friend Andy is having a New Years party.. He wants me and Kayla to go.. Can I?" I say out of no where. He looks up at me "There won't be drugs or anything right?" I nod (I didn't know if there was or not but Kayla really wanted me to go.. I can't back out now.) "yeah that's fine." He says and smiles at me. "Thank you!!" He smiled and went in the living room to watch TV, my dad follows. We both watch TV together and then my phone starts to ring, it was Brian. I ran up the stairs "Are you okay??" my dad asked, I nodded and ran back up the stairs. "Hello?" I answer and smile. "Hey you." He says and I got an instant warm feeling in my stomach. "Do you want to Skype? he asks sounding a little nervous "Yeah" I smile and open Skype. "Okay well i'll talk to you on there I guess" then hangs up the phone. I added him on Skype then called him, he answered and he looked so adorable, like wow. "H..hey" I say softly while looking up at the camera. "You're blushing" He says and I begin to cover my face. He makes a little motion pointing to where I was blushing on his face and it made me blush even more. We talked for about midnight then we both got off Skype and got on Kik. We texted for what seemed like forever and he stopped responding.  He texted me maybe like 15 minutes later "I'm sorry, I fell asleep." the text read. I smiled at the thought of him sleeping.  "It's okay, just go to sleep and we can talk in the morning :)" He replies "Goodnight, blondie." I put my phone down and lay on my back staring at the ceiling.  I doze off and soon I am asleep. I am having a dream right now about Brian, he's not wearing a shirt and hes next to me.. He's kissing me. We are kissing for quite a while before I wake up quickly and look around me.. It's still dark in my room. I look at my phone and it is 4:39 in the morning. I blush at the thought of my dream and I start to wonder... what if him and I kissed? He had told me once before that he had never kissed a girl. I wonder if he has thought about kissing, maybe i'm just crazy. I fall back asleep and this time i'm having a dream about a kitten.. its black and white and its meowing very loudly. In the dream i'm petting the kitten. In  the dream I look up and then I see Brian. He kisses me and walks outside. I follow him outside and it is snowing. He grabs my waist and he kisses me in the snow. I wake up again and now it's 11:18 in the morning. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Why do I keep having dreams of kissing him?" I think to myself "Maybe I want to kiss him...." I look around my room "No.. I doubt we would ever kiss." I get up and walk downstairs. I'm the only one awake and I look at the calendar and I realize that it's Christmas Eve! Holy crap.. Christmas is tomorrow! I check the weather on my phone and then I see that it won't snow tomorrow. I've always wanted to see a white Christmas but Ohio weather won't allow that. I sit down on the couch and look through my messages. Kayla texted me and she asked me what she should wear to the party, I respond and tell her I don't know and that I still needed an outfit to wear. She tells me to come up with ideas and then I start to think of different things that we could wear. An idea comes to my mind and I feel as if i got a huge light bulb over my head. I text her 3 words... "UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATERS" she reads my message instantly and I wait for her response "YES!!!! MADDIE YOU ARE SUCH A GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I smile and text her for a while. A few hours pass and I decide to get a shower, not that fun.

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