Chapter 7 - Caught In Between

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The months after the whole thing with Claire and Brian happened have been surprisingly well. I didn't talk to her at all and neither did he. It's now  March I have met new people. Trey, Emily and Johnny.. all friends of Kyle. Kyle told me he liked me and well...I kind of rejected him..oops. Johnny and Emily are dating. Trey is really sweet though, I think he likes me..kind of weird. Danny and I stopped talking basically.. because his brother liked me and I very bluntly rejected him.

Brian and I have been dating for a while now, I'm actually in love with this kid...the last time I was in love, I got my heart broken. Brian knows that I'm fragile and scared. Kayla and Andy started dating as well, it's so cute because they're so shy.. they haven't even kissed yet.

I wake up for school, it's Thursday. I check my phone and I see a text from Brian which is really odd because he doesn't text in the morning. "Good morning beautiful, I hope your day is great" the text reads, my heart melts. I know the stereotype of seniors and freshmen are that the seniors only want sex...but Brian is different, I can't put my finger on it. He actually cares.

I get ready and pick up Kayla, we're late for school..oops. Kayla and I rush to 1st period, just as we turn the corner..Danny appears. "Get to class tardy pants" he says and continues to walk away from us. "Maddie, oh my god?!" I look at her then behind us "uh...that was weird, we haven't talked in weeks."

We get to 1st period and Mr. Blankenship gives us dirty looks, he probably hates us. We sit down and start to do our work. 1st period is always the most complicated period of my day, I have always SUCKED at matter what kind.

I go to 2nd period and sit down, I am very quiet in that class which is perfectly fine. I get a text on Kik, it's from Trey, the text reads; "Hey Maddie, do you want to go to the movies with Emily, Johnny and I this weekend?" I ponder this for a moment. Is this a date? Does he know I'm dating Brian? I reply "yeah..sure" this isn't a date, plus I'll tell Brian about me going.

5th period rolls around like usual, I sit next to Brian and he's being quiet. I wrap him into a hug "are you okay lovely?" He looks at me and nods, he hugs me back. I frown, I don't know why he's acting different..usually he opens up to me...but this time he doesn't. I let go of him and pull my phone out, I have a new message from  Trey. "Hi gorgeous." I put my phone down and lay my head down on the table. Brian won't talk to me and now one of my close friends is hitting on me. I grab my stuff and go outside. No one follows me, I sit on the bench and begin to listen to music. I begin to wonder why I dated a senior in the first did he like stop my thoughts.

Brian comes out side and sits next to me "Hey." He says softly. I look up at him, hearing his raspy voice calms my nerves. "Hi." He grabs my arm and pulls me to sit closer to him, I smile. He kisses me softly, the chilly air and his kiss leaves me with chills. He pulls away "I'm sorry for not talking earlier,  my dad was just pissing me off and I didn't feel like talking much." I nod and hug him tightly "I love you." He whispers and I whisper it back. We are the only ones out here, it is quiet..but not an awkward quiet. I feel so safe around him.

Kayla and I go to 6th period, "oH MY GOD! ANDY HELD MY HAND!" I laugh. He got transfered out of our 6th period because he needed extra help. We sit down and all the jocks are talking shit, as usual. "They are so annoying" Kayla whispers to me and I nod. One of the jocks, DJ is rambling on about how he's in choir. Our teachers then ask him to sing. He refuses for the first few times they ask, but then they say that if he sings for the class he won't have to read a part out loud in Romeo and Juliet. It was then that he finally accepted the offer. He stood up in the front of the class, his friends pulled out their phones, wanting to record him. He puts on My Girl by The Temptations. Kayla, Anna and I watch. He starts the first verse of the song, damn..he was actually good. He continues, I look back at Kayla and her eyes are glued to him.. she looks mesmerized. He finishes, Kayla still looks at him. She is definitely in a daze. She snaps out of it and her face turns bright red, Anna and I start to laugh. "So, how'd you like his singing?" I tease and she looks at me with a blank face before smiling. We finished the period by reading.

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