99 Red Balloons

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(Sidenote: usually, when there's cake, there are balloons. Got the cake, didn't bring the balloons. Sorry! :3 I personally very much dislike balloons, so I'm ok with this. I love this song so much! Anyway, enjoy reading!)


It's been three weeks since I've last heard from the mysterious dark guy. And in those three weeks I continued to receive red or black balloons. Sometimes they were attached to a small bouquet of deeply red roses outside of my front door; other times they were attached to the handle of my door or taped outside my bedroom window. I do say, I kept the roses. :p. But every time I got the balloon, I would just set it free and watch it fly away, while thinking about him. I was unable to get a security system, sadly, so what I had to do was buy three video cameras and place them in secret places that lead to my room, and also two more that I put on my bedside table and inside my post lamp. I'd hit record just before going to bed, and rush to my bed and somewhat cowardly hide under my soft covers with a flashlight and my current favorite book. I'd check the cameras every morning. Sometimes I just saw a glittery white Cheshire Cat smile flash across the screen; other times the camera on my bedside table would show his dark figure lie next to me in my bed and pet my hair while I was sleeping. All this, and still not showing his face.
It was a sore routine that I've had enough of, so with that I decided to move to L.A. 'Maybe that would get rid of him.'(y'all know that's not happen—anyway, continue :p ~G).
'Or at least make him stop bugging me'.
————time skipped to airplane brought to you by a fabulous flying sparkling rainbow pink warfstache with fluttering cotton candy wings!————

I had found a great apartment in L.A. It has a kickass outdoor pool and was very close to a café which my friends said it was very cool. I looked outside my window to see all the lights down below. It was so pretty! It almost looked like all the stars up above came down below from where I was, way up in the clouds. I snuggled in my seat and closed eyes. It was going to be a long flight, so I tried to get some rest. When I still couldn't go to sleep, I took out my phone and put on my headphones and started to watch Markiplier play with his friends in a fun game of Drunken Minecraft. I laughed when his friend LatinGodess kept killing him with lightning and when he kept on teasing her that every girl wanted to bang her boyfriend Zombie. (This is one of my favorite episodes and animation. Ok, continue! ~G)
As I continued to watch, I started to get sleepy. Then I passed out.

(Y/N)'s Dream POV

I was in the clouds; no, wait.
I was on a hill. The day looked grey and foggy, and from a distance I could hear someone sobbing softly. I walked around looking for that someone and listened to where they were. I stopped dead at my tracks as I finally found him. Again. He had deep red hair on top and raven black hair on the bottom. He was wearing a semi-tight black v-neck shirt and dark jeans and black converse; black square glasses where at his side. His skin was pale grey. He was sitting on his knees and hunched over, covering his face with his hands. Blood teardrops seeped a little from his hands. He looked up at me with a little evil smile, and after all this time, I finally saw his face.


Aaaaaaannddd cliff hanger!!!!! So, are you enjoying this? I've been reading a lot more fanfics, and they all mostly seem kinda the same, on account that we all grab ideas from each other. So I'm just thinking I could change it up a little. You'll see very soon. Also, I'm bringing up Darkiplier in the next chapter. Sorry for this short one. Just kinda got stumped again. Also, I'll be referring myself as GoldEn, because of security reasons. No, I'm not in trouble, but I don't want to be (with my relatives). *cough*
Alright my treasures, see you in the part! Stay golden! *blows kiss* *winks*

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