Episode 1: Welcome Back Master

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"Welcome home, Master" greeted the maid as she bowed her head respectfully, "I think I deserve a pat on the head for cleaning all the dishes today!"
"Yeah, yeah..." replied Yuta tiredly. Kotori's adorable cat ears wiggled in happiness as Yuta's long fingers caressed her black hair. Yuta smiled as he stared at Kotori with a slight blush on his cheeks. Her red eyes gleamed brightly as her long tail wiggled side to side as she was being patted.
"No fair, I wanted a pat from Master too" said another voice. Yuta quickly pulled his hand away in embarrassment and looked around. His second maid, Ui stood jealously at the door glaring her golden eyes at Kotori.
""Ui, you scared me, come over here," said Yuta as he waved her over. She approached Yuta and felt the gentle pat on her sliver ponytail.
"The both of you are as cute as ever" smiled Yuta as he patted both their heads
The two blushed, "Th-Thank you Master..." said Kotori embarrassed. The two maids looked at each other and smiled brightly.
"Well, I have to drop my stuff off now, so about dinner-" stated Yuta, retracting his hand from the two.
"Okay Master, so what's for dinner?" Kotori interrupted.
"You know... maids are supposed to do the cooking for the Master," he said sarcastically walking towards the stairs.
"Come on Master, you know I can't cook" Kotori's ears dropped sadly.
"I know, I'm just teasing you, and it's quite fun too. What about you Ui? You're good at cooking," said Yuta as he took the first step onto the stairs.
Ui looked away, "I-I'm feeling under the weather today, so I'll have to eat Master's cooking."
Yuta let out a sigh, "Alright, I'll cook up something after I drop off my bag."
The two maids exclaimed in happiness, jumping up and down excitedly.
Yuta entered his room and dropped off his school bag in the back left corner of his room.
I am Yuta Miyabi, second year in in high school. I live in the Nekori suburb with my parents and my little sister Sora. My parents are always on business trips so they are rarely home. It's usually just Sora and I, but she's currently on her camping trip. Kotori and Ui are our maids, both of them are Nekoroids. Nekoroids are a human's pet or partner. They were bread twenty years ago as a hybrid between humans and cats, to build a bridge between the two species. It has been two years since I found Kotori and Ui near the side of the street; it's become common for people few years ago to leave their Nekoroids behind after being bored of them or realising the responsibility of caring for them. Kotori and Ui at first distanced themselves from my family and me, refusing to eat anything, only sleeping together in the living room alone. As their owner, I was worried, very worried about them. But one day, everything changed.
"Master, I'm hungry!" Kotori said impatiently.
"Okay, okay, I'm coming," said Yuta as he plated the omelette rice with his special custom sauce. He placed the omelette rice on the table and called the two Nekoroids over for dinner, "Hey! The food's ready!"
Kotori and Ui sat down at the table excitedly. Kotori on his right and Ui on his left, and ate the meal.
"Master, you did another great job!" complimented Kotori as she gave him a thumb up patting her stomach.
"You need to learn how to cook too before I go on my school camping trip in a week," replied Yuta blankly. Ui immediately looked down to her lap.
"You're going away?!" Kotori exclaimed looking at Yuta surprised.
"No, it's just for a quick four days. We'll just be touring the old temples and such." Yuta stood up grabbing the dirty dishes towards the kitchen.
"No way, four days is too long! I'll come too!" Kotori whined behind him.
"No, you can't come," Yuta sighed as he started to clean the dishes.
"Why?" Kotori asked quietly, her small dark ears drooping sadly. Yuta stop his duties and wrapped his arm around Kotori's small figure.
"B-Because you're not allowed to come, it's in the school rules, you're not a student."
"Then I'll become a student," she cried as her eyes started to become watery. Kotori buried her head in Yuta embrace, wrapping her thin arms around his tall frame.
"You can't just enrol within such short notice and you'll need to take an entrance exam to transfer in. And by the time you enrol, you won't make it for the camp."
Kotori suddenly pulled Yuta's arms away and immediately bolted upstairs to her room.
"Kotori...?" Yuta watched helplessly as she ran up the stairs.
Ui lifted her head to face Yuta and "You know? We just want to be with you even if that's not enough to thank you for what you did that day two years ago"
"I know that but..." Yuta paused, he didn't want to finish the sentence, he was afraid of what it might do. Yuta left Ui in the living room and walked quietly upstairs. He reached the closed door of Kotori and Ui's room. He knocked on the door lightly and walked in. The room was small but large enough to fit two beds on either side of the room and two small desks next to the window. On the bed to the right a figure was hidden under the thin blankets.
"Yes?" replied the lump.
"I want to take you two to the camp too," Yuta sated sadly, "but I just can't, I'm sorry"
"No Master, I'm sorry about what happened," Kotori apologised.
"It's alright; I didn't keep that in heart." Yuta walked closer toward the bed until he could reach to pat her covered head.
"But... But..."
Yuta figured he needed to change the subject. It was still early, "So Kotori, do you want me to teach you how to cook?" he asked.
She lifted the blanket and nodded with tears in her eyes. Yuta embraced the crying Kotori in his arms for a while before they went down stairs into the kitchen.
"Here, try peeling the potato like this," Yuta instructed as he began to peel the potato in his hand. Kotori started to peel the potato perfectly, "Like this?"
"Yeah, you're doing well"
Time went by, the small dish was complete, not the best looking dish but seemed edible.
"Now, you know how to make mash potato, although you may need to practice a bit more"
"Will you keep teaching me?" Kotori asked, facing Yuta with her hand clutched at her chest.
Yuta nodded and patted Kotori's head lightly. Kotori smiled brightly and leaned into his touch. Ui entered the kitchen with an unsatisfied face.
"Master, I want you to teach me too" she pouted.
"But your cooking is already up to standard" cried Kotori.
"I-want-you-to-teach-me," she emphasized as she walked towards Yuta with her arms crossed.
Yuta sighed and gave in, "Fine... when I come back from camp"
They then decided to go to bed. Yuta tucked the two cute Nekoroids into bed and went back to his room.
The morning soon came. Yuta looked in the mirror. His messy black hair was slightly covering his tired black eyes. He immediately fixed his middle fringe and moved on to the rest of his hair before he changed into uniform and started making breakfast.
"Good morning Master!" greeted Ui as she rubbed her tired eyes.
"Good morning Ui, breakfast is almost ready, wake Kotori up too will you?" Yuta replied as he cracked the eggs into the pan. He watched as Ui went back upstairs, hoping that Kotori was feeling better today.
Minutes later, Ui brought Kotori to the table and enjoyed their breakfast of basic bacon and scrambled eggs instead of the usual breakfast with rice.
"I'm heading out now" said Yuta as he picked his bag up and walked towards the door.
"Take care Master" said the Nekoroids as they bowed respectively. Yuta left the house and continued his day at school.
Yuta sat at his desk, while the class representative Sakura Shiro started up the class' morning routine. The day was slow, every second seem like months of ultimate boredom. Lunch arrived, he opened is bag and looked for his bento.
"Huh? My bento... I left it at home?!" he checked his bag over and over again.
"Hello Miyabi, what's wrong?" asked Sakura Shiro with her naturally long black hair beautifully flowing out.
Yuta turned to see Sakura "Oh, it's you Shiro"
"So? What happened?" she asked curiously, looking in his bag.
"I just realised that I didn't bring my bento, what am I going to do...? I'll probably have to buy something from that tasteless cafeteria..." a gloomy face appeared on Yuta.
"That's not good," an idea came to her mind, she brought out her bento while her face started to turn red, "W-Would you like to sha-"
"Master!" a voice echoed in the hallway outside the classroom. Yuta lifted his head in shock.
"Oh God!" he exclaimed.
"It's Kotori and Ui!" a group of male voices cheered.
Yuta stared at the door of the classroom. It opened with Kotori and Ui standing at the doorway with a bento in Kotori's hands.
"Master, you forgot your bento, we noticed it when we were about to cook something up for lunch," said Kotori stretching her hands towards Yuta.
"Thanks Kotori, Ui, you saved me" Yuta thanked as he patted them gently and accepted the bento. The other classmates enviously watched as the two maids wiggled their tails side to side. Kotori and Ui left the classroom quietly after Yuta dismissed them.
"Were you about to say something?" Yuta asked Sakura. Sakura blushed and seemed to find her perfectly tied shoelaces interesting.
"N-No I wasn't" she replied as she gripped onto her bento tightly.
Kotori and Ui walked into the courtyard and towards the gate of the school when suddenly, "Kotori! Please go out with me!"
"Nya?" Kotori turned to see a beautiful bundle of roses, just inches from her nose. Behind the roses was a boy bowed down, "You are...?"
The bowl cut student with glasses introduced himself, "I-I'm N-Noaki. P-Please Kotori... w-will you go out with me?"
"Go... out? As in...?" asked Kotori. Beside her was Ui with her hands covering her mouth, hoping that no one notice her dying laughter.
"Going on a date, being a couple"
"E-Eh?!" Kotori took a few steps back and saw at the corner of her eye, Ui covering up her laughter.
"Umm... S-Sorry Naoki, I-"
Suddenly a group of male students came in and carried Naoki away from the girls. Whispers began in the background, "That was Naoki wasn't it?"
"Yeah, poor child"
"I know right, he should've known better. I mean the Kotori and Ui fan-clubs are always guarding them, Yuta was the only exception and that's still on the edge"
Ui pulled on Kotori's sleeve, "So what just happened?"
"Nya, I got no idea... anyway let's go home and have lunch, I'm hungry"
With that they began to walk back home.

Creation of Kyodai Productions

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