Episode 4: Misako Tour

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Something feels heavy on my arms... Wait...! I remember reading something like this in a manga, if I open my eyes, two girls will appear before me!
Yuta slowly opened his eyes, Kotori and Ui was sleeping on one of his arms. He immediately shut his eyes tightly.
No way... is this a dream...? Yeah, how could you dream of something like this Yuta I'm disappointed in you. But wait, my arms are feeling numb. Can your arms feel numb in a dream? Oh no...
Yuta forced his eyes open and gentle slipped his arms away from Kotori and Ui. He looked at the two in confusion. The room separator was opened, meaning Kotori and Ui decided to sneak into his futon.
They look cuter with their hair out. 7:57am, still have another three minutes until the teachers come to wake us up...teachers? Damn it! I need to hide Kotori and Ui away from the teachers!
"Kotori, Ui! Wake up!" Yuta shook his Nekoroids awake, "I want an explanation for this but right now I need you two to hide in the wardrobe for now"
The two half-asleep Nekoroids crawled into the wardrobe without a word and continued to sleep. Yuta shut the wardrobe as a teacher knocked on the door and entered the room. It was Kiriko Sensei.
"You're up early Yuta" said Kiriko Sensei. The small female teacher pushed passed a nervous Yuta.
"Y-Yeah..." Yuta laughed nervously.
"Rise and shine the rest of you!" she continuously knocked on the wall until the rest of the group got up, "Get ready in twenty minutes"
Yuta expressed a sigh of relief after the teacher left, "That was close..."
"Where's Kotori and Ui?" Sakura asked. Yuta opened the wardrobe once more to reveal two bodies within.
"They're so cute when they're asleep too!" Naoki stared with large eyes.
"You're having a nosebleed, go get ready already" Yuta pointed to the bathroom across the hallway. Ryuuji fell back onto his futon and continued to sleep. Yuta stared at the fast asleep Ryuuji with disappointment, "Seriously, what do girls see in him other than his so called 'cute fringe'?"
The group got ready and entered the dining hall for breakfast. The teachers began to explain their activities for the day.
"Today you will tour three temples of your choosing and write at least two detailed paragraphs per temple. After that, you can roam around the city but remember to return by six so we can collect your reports!" yelled Kiriko.
The groups were then dismissed from the dining hall to search for their three temples of choice. After the other groups have left the hotel, Yuta and his group snuck Kotori and Ui out of the hotel and waited for a taxi outside the hotel.
"What are our stops Shiro?" Ryuuji asked as he equipped his camera.
Sakura smiled and replied, "Koi, Ume, Mirai, the most famous temples in Misako City"
Yuko revealed a mischievous smile, "Aren't all those love temples Onee Chan?"
"Y-Yeah, I heard the oracles you collect from them are very trustworthy, but you must enter exactly those three for the oracles to work" Sakura explained.
"I guess trying out some urban legends won't hurt, I mean might as well give it a try while we're here right?" said Yuta.
Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the Temple of Koi where they wrote their first report and collected an oracle.
Let's see what I have... Yuta open the small piece of paper carefully, awaiting the message within it.
'The person that likes you is nearby.'
So that's why you need to visit all three temples for this to work. The person that likes me is nearby huh? Who could it be? Shiro? Yuko? Kotori? Ui?
Yuta looked at each girl with interest as they each line up for their oracle.
Or could it be someone else?
Yuko looked around at the many crowds that gathered at the temple. He notice the girls had finished reading their oracle
Who is it...? Now that I've started this, I've gotta get the next two oracles.
"It's pretty crowded here isn't it? But the groups from our year group make up most of the crowd here, I guess there were others that wanted to try out the legend" said Shiro who stood beside Yuta.
"Yeah, I guess these temples are very popular. So, what did you girls get?" Yuta asked curiously. The four looked away at the same time and said in unison, "It's-a-secret"
They next walked to the Temple of Ume. The walk was long, with the girls groaning about the shoes they had worn to the trip and the boys laughing and then groaning with pain because of the smacks they got.
Alright! The next one is...
'Fate has brought you two together as friends and will bring you two together as a couple'
I feel like a child all excited about collecting rare cards. Okay, last one and I can finally calm down.
Lastly they reached the Temple of Mirai.
'In the close distant future'
So if I put the three slips of oracles together I get...
'The person that likes you is nearby, fate has brought you two together as friends and will bring you two together as a couple, in the close distant future'
So does that mean my time to get a girlfriend is approaching?! I can't wait!
The group finished off their reports on the three temples and headed for lunch before they went on their free tour around Misako City.
Ryuuji opened up the menu, "Okay, let's get the order, I'm starving after all that walking"
Kotori instantly raised her hand, "Katsu don!" followed by Ui, "Chashu ramen!"
"You two had that last night, don't you want to try something different?" asked Yuta as he pointed to the many selections on the menu.
Kotori puffed up her cheeks, "Ka-tsu-don!"
"Okay, okay I got it."
Those two only choose katsu don and chashu ramen if it's on the menu never something else. Why did they get addicted to it again? I can't remember...
The group said their prayers before they started their feast, "Let's dig in!"
After lunch, they toured around Misako City, checking out all the beautiful sceneries the city had to offer. Sakura acted as the tour guide, "This is Mount Misako, one of the most famous mountains here"
Kotori's eyes sparkled wit interest, "Wow, it looks like the Mount Fuji!"
"That's because its height is actually very close to Mount Fuji, in fact the closest one around here"
"I see... thank you for the information Shiro Sensei!" bowed Kotori with a adorably serious face.
Before they knew it time had passed, they had to return to the hotel to hand in their reports. They returned earlier than the other groups in order to hide Kotori and Ui once again.
The day came to an end; they played another game of the King game till one in the morning again to finish it off.

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