Episode 10: Master Is Suspicious

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Sakura picked up the piece chalk, "So who has any ideas for our class theme? Please put your hand up"
Kotori shot her arm up with a desperate look to be chosen.
"Yes? Kotori, what do you have in mind?" Sakura was annoyed, this Nekoroid gets to spent time with Yuta at school and home, and it annoyed her.
"How about we open a Maid café?"
Yuta wasn't listening to the convocation but was looking out the window at the peaceful blue sky. He turned to Kotori direct when she made her suggestion.
Geez, you're already a maid, this would be unfair to the others. And besides, I'm your Master, no one else... Wait what am I thinking?!
"Those in favour of the maid café please put your hand up"
No ones' gonna...
"We get to see Kotori and Ui in a maid uniform?! I'm in!"
At this statement more of the males of this male dominant class began to raise their hand.
"Okay, it is decided, our theme will be a maid café" Sakura declared.
After the declaration of the class theme, class began, first and second period ended slowly as usual. Ui and Kotori connected their table with Yuta's, "Master, are you gonna walk home together with us?" Kotori asked as she pulled out some snacks from her bag.
"Yeah sur..."
"Yuta, are you here?!" Sakura stood by the doorway.
"Sakura, is there something you need?"
"Oh you're still here. Umm... I've come to let you know that the festival meeting starts today after school."
"Oh, alright, thanks Sakura, I'll be there" Yuta turned to Kotori, "Sorry looks like I can't make it today too."
She shook her head, "No, it's fine; but you better do a good job though"
"Haha, of course I will"
"So how about we have lun..."
"Yuta do you want to have lunch together on the roof, we should talk about what we should do with the matter we have at hand," said Sakura who had silently approached them from behind.
"O-Oh yeah... Can you wait for me after fourth period?"
"Sure, anyway I have to ask Kiriko Sensei something, so I'll be on my way now"
"I'll see you later" Yuta returned to Kotori waited patiently after Sakura left the room, "Did you want to ask me something earlier?"
"N-No... S-So when did you and Sakura start calling each other by your first names?"
"Oh that... it's kinda complicated..."
"I see..."
Yuta vanished as soon as period four ended. Ui connected her table to Yuta's as Kotori took Yuta's seat and laid her body across the table as Ui placed their lunch down onto her table. Kotori straightened her back before she picked up her chopsticks, "I'm digging in!" she started eating her pork rice bento just as Ui began to eat hers.
"Master's been with Sakura a lot lately, they're even calling each other by their first names too" Ui pointed out.
"Yeah... I wish Master would give us more attention..."
"You don't suppose they're dating right?"
"N-No way!" Kotori laughed as she dropped her pair of chopsticks but immediately picked them back up, "Master already has us, I'm sure he won't go off with another girl."
Yuta returned home just passed five.
"Welcome back Master" Ui greeted as she entered the hallway from the living room in her pink cooking apron, "Dinner's almost done"
"Okay" Yuta looked around for the missing Nekoroid, "How unusual, where did Kotori go?"
"Geez Master, don't you care about me?" Ui complained.
"Of course I care about you too; it's just not like Kotori to not be the first to greet me"
Ui started to laugh, "I was just joking Master, no need to worry. It was funny though"
"Geez what am I going to do with you Ui?"
"So Master, you remember what's up this Sunday right?"
"This Sunday... Oh it's Kotori's birthday"
"Yep, we should plan a surprise for her"
"Sure thing, I'm in"
I guess I better think of a present for her, what would be something she'd really want...?
Three days passed since that night, Yuta had been busy with the festival since that Monday but this Thursday the committee has the day off.
Kotori rushed to see Yuta as soon as she heard the news about the day off to ask whether he can go shopping with her and Ui after school but...
"Sorry, there's something I must take care of after school" Yuta answered as he scratched the back of his head.
Kotori kept her smile, "That's alright Master, I'll just go with Ui"
"I'm really sorry..."
I have to buy her a present today or I won't be able to when the committee meeting continues. And I can't tell her I'm going to pick her a present today with Sakura or it won't be a surprise and I'm sure she'll get the wrong idea between me and Sakura. Sorry Kotori...
After school, Yuta met up with Sakura in the CBD to pick out a present for Kotori.
I hope Kotori doesn't hate me for this...
"How's this?" Sakura noticed that Yuta had been staring at the pink gloves for a while.
"Yuta? Yuta?"
He eventually returned to reality, "Sorry, I just zoned out a bit"
"Geez Yuta. So, how about this? This maroon apron will suit her right?"
"Yeah, but I think she likes the one at home still" Yuta glanced around the store and found a Nekoroid kitchen knife set, "I think these would work"
"Wow Yuta, you sure have a lot of money to spare, look at that ten thousand yen price"
"Well, if this can make Kotori happy it's nothing"
Yuta... you're so nice... falling for you wasn't a bad idea, many people had confessed to me but you just wanted to be my friend with no other motives. I don't know when I've started falling for you but I'm glad I did...
The two walked down the streets shopping until the sky turned bright orange.
"Sorry for making you shop with me"
"Not a problem, I was the one that asked you to come pick a present for Kotori with me"
Yuta walked Sakura back to her house be he returned to his own. When he entered the house, he saw Kotori starting to walk up the stairs.
"Hey Kotori I'm back"
Kotori did not respond and continued to walk up the stairs and into her room.

Creation of Kyodai Productions

We would like to announce that Neko Nekoroid will be getting a Visual Novel soon! The Beta testing will be announced when ready!

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