Episode 5: Katsu Don And Chashu Ramen

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The cries of two Nekoroids grabbed Yuta's attention from the streets to a small alleyway. In the alleyway was a rather large cardboard box tipped onto its side, inside were two cute crying Nekoroids.
Yuta placed out his hand for the Nekoroids, "It's okay now, don't cry anymore, smile for me"
The two stopped crying and gave a slight smile before they accepted Yuta's hand. He brought the two homeless Nekoroids home and offered them some snacks, but they left the food untouched even after hours had passed. They didn't even speak a single word since then.
"Come on you two, aren't you hungry? You gotta eat something" Yuta tried to feed them some chocolate but they shifted their heads away from it.
Two days had passed since Yuta brought the two Nekoroids home, they still had yet to eat and drink or even talk to anyone. Even Yuta's sister Sora tried but failed. They wouldn't even give them their names, one day Sora decided to give them their names, Kotori and Ui.
Another two days after, Yuta decided to take the two out for a walk, they stopped by a park and sat by the benches.
"Look! An ice-cream truck, stay here you two I'll be right back" Yuta got up and left for the ice-cream truck across the street. He returned with two cones in his hands, chocolate and vanilla. But the two had disappeared. Yuta searched around the neighbourhood, in the alleyways, in other nearby parks.
Please be safe, Kotori, Ui...
He spent another hour searching for them until suddenly he heard two familiar cries. He hurried to the source of the cries and found the two cornered by a stray dog. Kotori held Ui's hand tightly while the dog continued to frighten the Nekoroids with its barks. Yuta rushed in between the dog and the two.
"Shoo! Go! Get outta here!" Yuta kicked the air and made a scary face until the dog left them alone.
A voice suddenly came from behind him, "T-Thank you..."
Yuta thought he imagined the voice until Kotori repeated it once more with tears in her eyes, "Thank you... We're sorry for running off"
"As long as you're both alright, its fine"
Yuta's heart suddenly felt relieved, she had finally started to talk to him, he took the chance to ask them, "Are you two hungry?" hoping for a reply. They nodded together and held onto their stomach. Yuta looked around and saw a small diner; he checked his wallet to make sure he had enough before they entered the diner.
I knew I shouldn't have bought those new games as soon as they came out...
"Welcome! What would you three like?" asked the man at the counter.
"What's the recommended and cheapest thing for today?" Yuta asked embarrassedly.
"Haha!" the man chuckled a little, "I understand your situation young man. I recommend the katsu don and chashu ramen today"
I'm pretty sure he's got the wrong idea but I guess I'll just play along.
"A-Alright I'll take both for these two"
"Nothing for you?" the man asked joyfully.
"Nah, I'm good thanks"
"Roger that! One katsu don and one chashu ramen!" he cried, reaching for a bowl.
Yuta felt something pulling on his right sleeve, he looked down to see Kotori and Ui with concerned eyes, "W-What about you? You haven't eaten too" said Kotori, using her voice once again.
"It's alright I'm not hungry anyway" said Yuta as he patted both their heads with a smile. Their meals arrived quickly; Yuta pushed the katsu don up first, "Who wants the katsu don?"
Kotori slowly raised her arm about halfway before stopping, "Alright here you go" Yuta placed the katsu don before her.
"And here's your chashu ramen Ui" he passed the ramen to her gently. The two happily indulged into their first meal since forever. Kotori looked at her katsu don and looked back at Yuta, she smiled and scooped up a bulk of rice with a small piece of the pork on top.
"H-Here..." Kotori lifted the spoon up to Yuta's mouth.
Yuta pointed at himself, "For me?" she returned a nod. Yuta gladly accepted the scoop of rice and pork, "Mmm... that tastes amazing!"
Ui picked up a slice of chashu from her ramen and looked at Yuta, "I-I'll feed too..."
Yuta leaned forward and devoured the slice of chashu, "Thanks you two, it tastes great!"
They finished off their meal and headed back home. On the way home Yuta felt a soft sensation on both his hands, he turned to see Kotori and Ui on either side of him, both holding his hand with their soft hand. They soon arrived back home, a short girl with brown hair and a single ponytail on the right side of her head was in the living room waiting for them.
"Welcome back Onii Sama, Kotori, Ui" she greeted them with a smile, "I'm glad you returned home safely Onii Sama"
"Y-Yeah thank you Sora."
Geez, sometimes I wonder if she has bro-con, I'm sure there's no sister that calls her brother Onii Sama...
"I was getting worried when you haven't returned for lunch yet" Sora rushed up and hugged him tightly around his waist.
"Oh yeah... lunch..." Yuta gave out a small laugh.
"I've made you a sandwich, it's in the fridge. Made with teriyaki chicken and some lettuce"
"Thanks Sora"
She blushed slightly, "I-It's nothing, anything for my Onii Sama" she opened the fridge and took out the sandwich. Yuta finished the sandwich quickly to get out of the creepy stare from Sora. The next day soon came, on that day...
"Rise and shine sleepyheads!" a voice interrupted. Yuta lifted his heavy eye lids to a sight of his two Nekoroids staring at his sleepy face.
Of all things, I'm dreaming of something this random. Well at least I now know why they love katsu don and chashu ramen. Haha, they're so cute it's been so long and they're still...
"What's wrong Master?" Kotori asked.
"N-No it's nothing"
"Guess what Master. Ui and I woke up early to hide from the teacher"
"Really? That's good" Yuta smiled.
That dream reminded me of something important, let's start a new day!

Creation of Kyodai Productions

Neko Nekoroid!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora