Episode 7: Last Day

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Of all days, I receive those two dreams, now I feel like Kotori and Ui is as precious as ever... but it's thanks to those dreams that I feel that way now...
Sakura finished her breakfast and stretched her arms, "Today's a free day, and we only have seven hours to go around Misako City once more. Where do you guys want to go?"
Ryuuji raised his suggestions, "Check out the remaining scenery and go to the famous food stalls? Or should we go to the shopping district and go to famous food stalls?"
"Geez Ryuuji, all you think about is food" said Naoki, slapping his fore head.
"Okay fine! What can you think of?" he said, pointing his finger at Naoki
Naoki began his list, "Go to the movies with Kotori and Ui, have picnics with Kotori and Ui..."
Yuta raised his hand, "Stop right there. Firstly, the closest cinema is an hour away, to go there, watch a movie and back would take up almost all the time we have. And lastly, there's nothing you listed without mentioning the Kotori or Ui!"
"I think Ryuuji's idea is pretty good" Yuko added.
Sakura nodded, "Then how about we go shopping and lastly we go look at the scenery just before we leave?"
The others agreed to the idea, Yuta returned to their room to sneak in a few pieces of garlic bread for Kotori and Ui.
"We're going shopping in that long as Misa arcade shopping district and then we're checking out the scenery before we leave" Yuta explained their plans to Kotori and Ui.
"Yay! We haven't gone shopping with Master for ages!" said Kotori excitedly.
They left the hotel and soon arrived at the one and a half kilometres long shopping district packed with both humans and Nekoroids.
Kotori rushed first into the shopping district with Ui, "This really looks like the one in Osaka!"
"Of course most of the things here in Misako are based off the stuff from Osaka" Yuta followed closely behind them, "Just stay close to me, it'll be hard to find each other in a crowd like this"
"Yes Master!" they saluted and clung tightly on each of Yuta's arms, "We're going shopping with Master His Nekoroids dragged him into the clothes store leaving the group and the jealous Naoki behind.
"Master we need some new clothes" Ui demanded.
"New clothes?" Yuta questioned.
"We've been wearing the same maid clothing for days, four including today Master. Even if we do take a bath, the clothes are starting to stink" Kotori complained to Yuta.
"You two didn't plan ahead with this plan of yours to tag along did you?"
"We won't change our clothes if Master has a fetish for Nekoroids in stinky clothes" Ui teased.
"F-Fine, pick out some clothes"
"Yay! Master, come check out which one suits us best"
Great... I've just became the greatest enemy in my school.
Yuta stood outside the changing room waiting for his models to open the curtains.
"We're ready!" the girls opened the curtains revealing themselves in their new clothing.
Kotori wore a one piece light purple skirt with frills on the edges. Ui wore an aqua blue top that shows her naked shoulders and the top's straps leading to her back, her mini frilled skirt matched her colour of the top.
"So? How do we look Master?" they asked for Yuta's thoughts.
Yuta began to blush at the sight of the two beauties, "T-They look great on you two, you look beautiful..."
The two returned with a blush, "T-Then we'll take these"
They purchased the clothes which the two now wore in the shopping district, leaving their maid uniforms in the shopping bags that came with their clothes for Yuta to carry.
It feels like our roles have switched, I'm now a personal butler for the two young ladies shopping.
Yuta chuckled at the thought; Ui's ears rose up immediately, "Master, what are you thinking about?"
"Nothing in particular, I heard that the Nekolate chocolate sold here is quite famous."
"Really!" Kotori jumped into the conversation with sparkling eyes, "W-We should buy some for Sora Sama"
Ha, yeah right, you totally just want them for yourself as well as for Sora.
Ui puffed up her cheeks, "Master, it's not fair, at this rate we'll get fat."
"Then perhaps we'll just buy some for Sora," he said reassuringly.
"No, I didn't say that, I mean we'd want to make sure the Nekolate is worth for the great Sora Sama to eat."
Yuta ended up purchasing three bags of Nekolate, one for Kotori, one for Ui and lastly one for Sora.
"Satisfied?" asked Yuta as he placed his half empty wallet away.
"Yeah, thanks Master! We love you!" Yuta reacted with a blush upon hearing that.
Well at least they liked it. Man, famous chocolate is pricy as hell. But still... their smile makes it all worth it.
They regrouped with the others at the fountain at the centre of the shopping district.
Naoki sat the bench by himself as he chanted Kotori and Ui's names.
Shiro stretched out her arms, "There's just so much to shop around here in the Misa arcade, I doubt we can finish before time runs out"
"Yeah, it's as amazing as the Tenjinbashi-suji arcade"
"Ugh, anyway, let's have lunch and shop for another hour before we head for the last scenery here, it takes about half an hour to get there so timing is very important"
"Roger that, madam!" the group saluted.
Their meals arrived; Ui had to deal with a katsu don as there were no ramen sold in the restaurant. They finished up their food and left.
"They should really include some chashu ramen in there, i mean, it will surely raise their customers" Ui complained.
They arrived at their next destination, the Misako Valley, a valley between two mountains where the sun rises between. The group walked up the long stairway containing about thirty-five to forty stairs until they reached the vantage point.
Shiro looked down slightly in embarrassment, "I know it's pointless to be up here in the afternoon but..." Yuta placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled brightly.
"But still it's a great view Shiro, thanks for taking us up here"
"T-Thank you... Miyabi..."
Kotori pulled Yuta away from Shiro to the railing of the vantage point, "Wow! Look Yuta! There are so many plants down there! I wonder if there's any catnip down there!"
"Perhaps, Misako is filled with stuff related to cats after all"
"I want to go down there!" she pulled on Yuta's sleeve.
"You'll probably get lost down there"
"Aww... but I want some cat nip"
Hey now, last time you held a cat nip, you were as drunk as an old drunk man.
They returned to the hotel by 3:30pm and spent twenty minutes packing up their room. Kotori and Ui had to enter Yuta's luggage bag once again. They waited until the teachers called students to the bus and headed back to Nekori.

Creation of Kyodai Productions

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