Episode 2: The Beginning Of Camp

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"Master! Do you really have to go?" Kotori asked latching onto Yuta's arm.
"What kind of question is that?" Yuta laughed, "I've already paid for the camping trip so I do have to go, in fact I need to get there by 4pm which is in twenty minutes, so make sure you do the cooking yourselves for the next few days"
"But..." Kotori stopped her disagreement when Ui began to whisper something into her ear. Kotori's face brightened immediately as she nodded at Ui.
"Okay Master, take care on your camping trip okay?" said Kotori with a bright smile.
I wonder what Ui said? Whatever she said worked very well. I could learn a thing or two from Ui. But something's not right.
"What are you up to now...?" he asked, "Never mind, I'll manage by myself, besides I have Ryuuji, Naoki, Yuko and Shiro with me"
The two Nekoroids replied simultaneously with a low respectful bow. Yuta looked around the hall, wondering where his little sister ran off to.
"Where's Sora?" asked Yuta.
"She said she had karate practice so she left early this morning" Ui replied.
So no goodbyes from her. Yuta sighed sadly and picked his heavy bag of the ground. "Well can you two help me out with the luggage?"
"Yes, Master," they replied. The two Nekoroids helped Yuta carry his luggage and backpack out to front of the house.
"Have you gotten everything Master?" asked Ui as she opened the front gates.
"Oh, my snack bag for the bus" Yuta entered the kitchen and grabbed his snack bag, and returned to the front of the house. But when he returned, the two Nekoroids were gone.
"Kotori? Ui?"
No answer.

Where did they go? This is unusual, knowing what they're like. Well, this should save them the sad goodbye.
Yuta pulled and carried his heavy luggage toward the direction of school. Along the way, Yuta encountered Sakura coming out of a convenience store.
"What a coincidence Shiro, where's your sister?" Yuta asked as they looked awkwardly at each other.
"She went ahead early... W-Why don't we walk together?" Sakura looked away, blushing.
"Sure, why don't I carry your stuff?" Yuta asked politely reaching for her pink bag.
"N-No, it's okay, I can carry it, and I don't want to trouble you."
"It's okay. I'm supposed to be a man, I can handle it."
Sakura gave a small nod before lifting her enormously heavy bag to Yuta out reaching hand. Yuta struggled for a moment but he regained moments later.
Yuta... he's so nice, could it be that he... likes...? No! Stop thinking about that Sakura! But... a little hope won't hurt right...?
As they walked down the street, Yuta could not help but realise that Sakura had her sights on him and her cheeks were slightly red.
"Is something wrong Shiro?"
She immediately turned her eyes away from Yuta, "N-No it's nothing"
After another few minutes' walk, they reached the school, where the buses were parked and the rest of their year group awaited for the instructions from the teachers to board the buses.
Yuta huffed and puffed upon his arrival. While he and Sakura looked around for their group Yuta thought about his luggage.
Seriously, just what did I put in this luggage? I'm pretty sure I didn't pack much...
"Hey Yuta! Over here!" shouted a male voice. Yuta turned to see his friend Naoki Sorata the boy that publicly announced his love to Kotori a week ago, Ryuuji Matsuda, dark hair and an irresistible fringe all the girls fawned for. Behind them was Yuko Shiro, a Nekoroid the Shiro's family adopted as her little sister, her brown shoulder length hair was tied in two ponytails with a small fringe to one side.
"Hello guys" Yuta greeted with a wave.
"You two look more and more like a couple" Naoki joked, causing the rest of the group to laugh and Yuta and Sakura to blush.
"Oh stop it!" Sakura said in an embarrassed and annoyed tone.
The teacher finally ordered the students to enter the bus. The group chucked their luggage into the bus storage and entered the bus.
Ryuuji and Naoki forced Yuta to sit in a three seater with Sakura on one side and Yuko on the other, while they sat together and watched them from the seats beside on the other column.
"Sorry, that Ryuuji..." Yuta apologised. Both the girls blushed and turned to the side.
"It's okay, I'm fine with this" said Yuko embarrassedly.
Ryuuji had always been pairing me off with Yuko while Naoki was pairing me with Shiro. It looks like this camping trip was the perfect event for them to ship me off. But Shiro and Yuko probably isn't even into guys like me to begin with, they're both academically incredible even amazing at sports. And I've heard that Shiro and Yuko are famous for rejecting guys.
Many hours later, they arrived at their destination Misako, a rural city similar to Osaka. The buses stopped in front of the hotel allowing students to retrieve their belongings. The students gathered in the lobby of the hotel and separated into their room groups before they were given the keys to their rooms. Yuta returned to the group with the room key.
"Let's go check out our room!" Ryuuji suggested excitedly as he snatched key off Yuta and rushed ahead of the group. When the group arrived, the door was widely opened and Ryuuji was seated on a futon.
"First one in!" the boy said. The room was rather large with three futons were laid neatly on the floor on one side of the room, another two were placed on the other side and a room separator in the middle. Lastly there were two wardrobes on either sides of the room.
"You're like an elementary student Ryuuji, calm down" said Yuta.
Ryuuji ignored Yuta and continued with his rampage. They checked the time, 7:45pm.
"Dinner is in fifteen minutes, and then it's the boy's bath time right before the girls. What can we do before bed time?" Yuko asked.
"I don't know, but I'm going to the bathroom" said Ryuuji walking out the door.
"I'll come too," said Naoki following Ryuuji.
"Hey Onee-chan, wanna explore? I heard there's a game room just down the corridor" said Yuko, "Yuta-nii, wanna come too?"
"Sure" he replied. They left their room and headed down the corridor. They eventually found the game room at the end of the corridor. Yuko suddenly turned around and pointed at Yuta, "I challenge you, Yuta-nii to an air hockey showdown!"
They started up the game; Yuko started the match with the puck aimed directly at Yuta's goal. He defended his goal and countered a shot back to Yuko's goal. They continued to play in the game room for another ten minutes before they headed back to their room to unpack for their change of clothes for the bath after dinner.
"Ha! I beat you!" Yuko declared happily at the prolonged game of air hockey.
"That's because you naturally have a faster reaction than me" Yuta defended his gaming pride. When they arrived at their room, the boys had returned and were playing a game of chess.
"Had fun with the girls?" Ryuuji asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Yuta shook his head as Yuko blushed. As Yuta reached for his bag he realised that his bag was opened and his clothes were scattered over the bag.
"Yuko, Shiro, was my luggage opened before?" Yuta asked.
"Sorry Miyabi, I'm not sure" Shiro replied.
"Oh well, nothing's missing in here, so I may have opened it before." Yuta cleaned the mess and grabbed his change of clothes and placed them on his futon ready to be picked up after dinner.
Yuta was the first to finish his meal and headed back to the room collect his clothes for the bath, as he picked up his clothes, something grumbled in the wardrobe beside him. He felt a chill down his spine; goose bumps appeared on his arms as he slowly slid the wardrobe door open...

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