Episode 8: The Transfer Students

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Sakura stood up in front of the class to start up the homeroom, "Stand, bow, be seated"
It's been two weeks since the camping trip, Friday has already arrived, and the wonderful weekend is just around the corner. But I wonder what this surprise Kotori and Ui mentioned yesterday is. They said I'd know what it is in the morning... wait... they wouldn't...
Kiriko Sensei began the announcements of the day, "Today we have two transfer students moving into class 2-B..."
Other students began to chatter amongst themselves, "Two new transfer students?"
"Yeah, I hope they're cute girls"
A thought came to Yuta's mind. Oh no! Please no!
"Please come in" Kiriko Sensei opened the classroom door.
If they come, the school will be in chaos!
Two girls entered the room, one with black hair with twin tails, the other had silver hair and a pony tail tied up. Ears stood proudly above their heads, their tails wiggles side to side. One had a light shade of red eyes and the other had golden eyes. Yuta stood up immediately after recognising the girls.
"What are you two doing here?!"
"Oh hey Master! Surprise! From this moment forth, we're going to come to your school!" the care freed red eyed girl replied.
"Miyabi please take your seat for now" said Kiriko Sensei.
"Y-Yes Sensei" Yuta took his seat, still not believing his eyes.
The girls began to introduce themselves, "I'm Kotori Shinku, nice ta meet cha all!" she ended with a bow.
"And I'm Ui Gorudo, nice to meet you all" she slowly made a beautiful bow.
"Now... your seats will be... ah, since you two seem to be well acquainted with Miyabi, you two will take the seats on either side of him. Would you mind giving them your seats? Sorata, Kurumi?"
"I don't mind," Kurumi got up and moved to the far right side of the classroom, Naoki gave Yuta an envious look before he too moved to the far right side of the classroom.
Kiriko Sensei continued the announcements, "Now that that's out of the way, we need to discuss the upcoming festival in three weeks. We need a theme for what our class will do next week, so make sure you all get an idea for next week. But for now, we need two people to represent our class in the festival committee, any volunteers?"
The class remained silent, no one volunteered for the job.
"I'll do it" Sakura had her arm shot straight up.
The festival committee is not the job anyone wishes for but I can't just leave Shiro alone to do everything...
"Me too," Yuta shot his arm up in the air too
"Good, you two will be the new committee members" said Kiriko Sensei as she wrote their names up on the bottom right side of the blackboard. School soon ended Yuta met up Kotori and Ui at the front entrance of the building.
"Master let's go home together!" Kotori suggested with Ui beside her.
"Sorry Kotori, I have to clean up the classroom, the stairway and the science room today, go on without me."
"Yes Master, but make sure you walk with me next week."
"Alright, but only if committee work doesn't get in the way," said Yuta, scratching his neck. Sakura descended the stairs and approached Yuta.
"Miyabi, you ready?"
"Yeah, let's go" Yuta followed Sakura to their classroom upstairs.
Ui tapped Kotori on the shoulder, "Come on Kotori, let's keep the surprise rolling, we'll cook something up tonight and surprise him to no end."
"Yeah, let's do it" the Nekoroids left the school and headed back home.
Yuta and Sakura finished up in the science room an hour later.
Yuta stretched out his back, "Looks like we're done"
Sakura shot a disappointed look, "Yeah..."
"You go ahead; I need to grab my bag in the classroom" said Yuta as he walked toward their classroom.
"I-I'll wait for you at the front entrance"
Yuta grabbed his bag and left the building, Sakura stood at the front gates facing someone behind the wall. Yuta snuck around to see who it was, it was Arita Akazume the rep from class 2-C.
"Please go out with me," he exclaimed confidently. Sakura stood shocked, blushing furiously at the question.
"I'm sorry I already have someon..." she stuttered with embarrassment.
Arita grabbed her by the wrist with force.
"Come on, there's nothing bad about going out with me." His eyes were cloud with determination and lust for Sakura to answer, it frightened her.
"Please... don't do this..." she said nervously, hoping Yuta will come back to help her. Answering her prayer, Yuta entered the awkward situation as he grabbed hold of Arita's wrist forcing him to instantly let go of Sakura's wrist.
"What are you doing to Sakura?" Yuta asked placing his school bag on his shoulder and instantly grabbed hold of Sakura's hand.
"Sakura, you ready to go home? We should get going now," Yuta hugged Sakura gently and whispered beside her ear, "Play along..."
Arita clenched a fist, "Who are you? How do you know Shiro?"
"I'm Yuta Miyabi. I'm the one dating Sakura. Didn't you tell him?" Yuta acted, looking at Sakura. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and turned to the jealous male in front of him.
"O-Oh, I was going to tell him that, Y-Yuta," she stuttered, leaning into Yuta.
"You're lying, there's no way," Akira exclaimed, pointing his finger in Yuta's face.
"Nope, we're serious; in fact we planned to go on a date for both days this weekend," said Yuta smugly
"J-Just like he said, we're dating already, I'm sorry but that's how it is," said Sakura reassuringly. Arita stormed off upon hearing that. After he left, Yuta finally let go of Sakura.
"Sorry about that Shiro," he said lifting his arm. Sakura blushed and wished that his arm would continue to rest on her shoulders.
"N-No... thanks for that."
"I feel like I caused you some trouble."
"No, not at all, but I think he'll be monitoring us for a while though."
"Then... are you free tomorrow and the day after?"
"Eh?!" she exclaimed, shocked, "Is this..."
"Well I did say we were going on a date for two days straight right? You busy?" Yuta was nervous. It was his first time asking a girl out, even if he felt nothing romantic about her. Sakura, in the other hand was blushing her famous blush, still shocked by the question.
"No! I'm free! I'm free this whole weekend! So..."
"Alright, I'll meet you at the station at ten"
"Uhn, sure"
Yuta peeked back to see Arita still spying on them from around the corner of the wall.
"Well let's continue our act and go home before I end up with two holes through my skull"
"Hahaha" Sakura released a cute laugh.
"Great, you finally laughed; you seemed pretty anxious back there. Come on I'll walk you home"
"T-Thanks Mi- Yuta, yeah let's go home"
They held hands and headed to Sakura's home. Yuta returned home after he dropped Sakura off.
"Master, you're pretty late"
"Yeah sorry about that, stuff happened"
"Stuff? Well never mind, look!" Kotori revealed the many dishes on the dining table.
"Why do you sound like you cooked it all up? Ui made it all right?"
"Hahaha, that's not true at all, Kotori helped out a little"
"Haha, alright then, good job Kotori and you too Ui" Yuta praised as he did his signature move of patting both their heads.
"But speaking of which, just how did you two manage to transfer in?"
"Hehehe..." the two gave out a wicked laugh.

Creation of Kyodai Productions

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