Episode 6: Our True Master

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The week soon ended, Kotori and Ui had opened up more to Yuta and Sora. They decided to become maids for their household the day before. Yuta went out shopping for the week's supply of food while Kotori and Ui stayed with Sora to learn to cook katsu don for lunch.
It's their first day cooking... I hope lunch is still edible...
"I'm home!" Yuta rushed to the dining table; on the table were two dishes with a tag in front of each, one that looked like charcoal had Kotori and one that actually looked edible had Ui.
Wow! Ui did a great job!
"Sora!" Yuta called out to her sister, but there was no response. Yuta checked the kitchen and to the living room to feel relief, Sora was lying on sofa.
"There you are. Why didn't you reply? I got worried" Yuta said worryingly.
"Onii Sama..." Sora looked up at Yuta; her face looked as though she had cried for a while.
"What happened? Where's Kotori and Ui?" Yuta looked around the living room for their two cute Nekoroids.
"They were taken," said Sora, as she hugged Yuta tightly.
"Taken?! They're kidnapped?! We have to call the police!" Yuta walked up to the phone and picked it up only to have it slammed back down by Sora.
"No they're not kidnapped... their owners came to pick them up two hours ago"
Yuta was filled with anger, "Their owners?! How do you know they're not fakes?"
"They said they saw you, Kotori and Ui outside yesterday so they came to collect them today. They also had their legal papers"
Yuta suddenly turned expressionless and entered the dining room. He sat down at the table and began to taste the katsu dons left behind by his Nekoroids. First was Ui's dish.
She copied the appearance very well... but it tastes a bit too salty. I wish she was still here; I want to praise her...
Kotori's charcoal dish was next up. He took a scooped and placed it in his mouth, a sharp flavour hit his taste buds.
What kind of flavour is this?! The food's dry, there's way too much salt and everything is literally burnt! But... I can't stop eating it... Kotori...
Yuta felt his eyes water as he continued to devour the burnt food. He couldn't stop, it was too much. He had grown to like them, their idiocy and cute face, their adorable ears and tails. It was too much.
The next day arrived; Yuta had no sleep thinking about Kotori and Ui. He walked down to the dining room to have breakfast. In the dining room was Sora who seemed like she had waited a while for him.
"Onii Sama... why don't we check up on Kotori and Ui today?" she asked in a worried tone.
"Why? They're with their owners right now, they'll be fine."
"No... I just remembered last night... when I took a bath with them for the first time... I saw bruises on their backs."
"Bruise...?" Yuta's eyes widened, "Sora, where do they live?!"
"Just to be safe, I followed them back to their house, I believe the address was... 44 Yuki Str..."
Yuta grabbed Sora by the arm and rushed out of the house without changing out of their pyjamas.
Please be alright Kotori... Ui...
They soon reached their destination; they heard the sound of glass breaking in the house followed by an angered male voice.
"How many times do I need to tell you? Be careful! You have any idea how much that tea cup cost?!"
Yuta peeked through the gap of the window, Kotori's expression is blank, and her hands were filled with red marks. The man reached in the drawer and pulled out a metal ruler, he held her hand out and smacked it continuously. Yuta gripped his fist tightly as he watched Kotori suffer.
There has to be a way to help her...
"Master please stop" Ui pulled on the man's sleeve until he stopped abusing Kotori.
"Huh? Who are you to tell me to stop?" the man flung Ui's hands off his sleeve.
"If you want to keep hitting, hit me instead" Ui opened her hands revealing familiar red marks on her palm.
"Trying to be a hero huh? I'll teach you a lesson" the man changed his target from Kotori to Ui.
That bastard!
"O-Onii Sama, we should call the police"
True, this is falling under the law of Nekoroid abuse. They can be charged for it... No if the police do come, there's no guarantee that Kotori and Ui's ownership will come to us... there has to be another way to do this... That's right!
Yuta grabbed his phone from his back pocket and began to record the man's abusive actions. After recording a minute and a half video, Yuta pressed on the doorbell. The sound of smacking stopped and the door opened. The man's expression looked nice and he seemed to have recognised Sora from the day before.
"Oh... you're that girl from yesterday, do you need something?" he asked in his foul alcoholic breath.
Yuta took a step up, "Yes, we need something, the legal documents for the ownership of the two Nekoroids."
The man's expression changed entirely to an aggressive one, "What on Earth are you talking about? Are you crazy? Why would I give them to you?"
"Well you won't want this falling into the hands of the police now do you?" Yuta played the video of the man abusing Ui to him, "I believe the sentence for this is about two to four years imprisonment."
"Okay, okay! Stop! Don't give that to the police, I'll get the documents now!" the man went back into the house in a hurry, leaving the door open. Moments later, the man returned with the documents in his hands. Yuta confirmed the documents and asked for the two Nekoroids.
Kotori and Ui stood inside looking at them confused but happy at the same time. They walked up to Yuta and Sora slowly, "W-Why are you here?" Kotori asked with tears on the edge of her eyes.
"Doing what a Master's supposed to do. To save his maids, but more importantly... because we missed you... I... missed you..." he embraced them tightly.
They wiped their tears off and smiled, "Thank you very much! You are our true Master! We love you!"
"Geez, Master! Wake up!" Yuta felt a force on his chest. He opened his eyes to see Kotori and Ui's face only a few inches away from his, "Finally, everyone else is getting ready in the bathro..."
Yuta embraced his two precious Nekoroids tightly.
"M-M-M-Master?!" their faces were fully red, "W-W-What's the matter?!"
"It's nothing really; it's just that you two are my most precious Nekoroids!"
Kotori and Ui returned his kind embracement with their own, "W-Where's this coming from?"
Thanks to those dreams I had recently, I now find Kotori and Ui more precious than ever...

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