Can't Live Without You (7)

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So I wanted to do something for you guys that i never ever did before. I am going to give you a sneak peek to what's in this chapter. You ready guys? Okay. 

"I looked over at Ross and his expression mirrored mine. "Together?" he said to me as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down showing his nervousness. I nodded. 

 Our fingers interlocked and we both jumped. " 

And there it is! Alright well enjoy reading the chapter! Aha XDD <3 

Chapter 7- Penelope's point of view:

It was a busy day, for everyone. Evan and Jesse were on a date with each other, playing laser tag, Cassie and Rydel were off to go shopping with Riker and Ratliff reluctantly going along with them, Ryland and Rocky went to the Sea Life London Aquarium which was where the girls and Riker and Ratliff were suppose to meet them, and Ross was doing one of his disappearing acts.

Ms. Anderson was out with some friends and it was so boring being home, especially since it was raining. Like always.

I decided to head to the pent house to finish up some work and then play around with the gadgets in Matt's office.

I was sitting on a rolling chair in front of a laptop with my earbuds in when I heard a loud bang from the kitchen.

I paused my music and slowly crept to my bedroom door. I made sure my cell phone was in my back pocket and then quietly opened the door just a crack. Enough to see the owner of the noise, but not enough for him or her to notice me.

When I saw their back facing me, I quietly crept forward, tackled them as pinned them down with my pocketknife at their neck. It wasn't really piercing the skin but if they moved, it would hurt them.

"Penny, what the hell?!" Ross said from below me.

My eyes traveled up to meet his eyes and my gaze softened. I drew back the arm that had the knife and got off of him, then helped him up. "Remind me to never sneak up on you ever again," Ross joked.

A blush traveled up to my cheeks and I scratched the back of my neck. "Yeah, sorry. Jesse's mom kind of taught me how to do that. I-I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"Anyway, why are you here? How'd you get here anyway?"

Ross shrugged. "I was bored and Matt asked me if I wanted to come over and we ended up playing video games together." He laughed and ran a hand through his blonde locks.

I rolled my eyes and took a bag of chips and plopped myself down onto the couch. "So what's up?"

He shrugged. "Not a lot. I'm so bored and there's nothing to do."

A light-bulb lit up. I had a brilliant idea. "You know what we should do?" Ross looked at me with a curious look. "We should go bungee jumping together!"


  Yeah it was an insane idea, but I felt like going through something that would keep my adrenaline pumping. The next day, the two of us headed to a professional place where they suited us up and then took us to a safe bridge to fall off. 

  I looked down quickly and it made me nauseous. I was afraid of heights when i was younger, but I thought i got over it once I rode a roller coaster at six flags. I guess not..

  I looked over at Ross and his expression mirrored mine. "Together?" he said to me as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down showing his nervousness. I nodded. 

 Our fingers interlocked and we both jumped. 

Oh my God! 

I think I had gone mad. Jumping off that bridge was the most scariest thing I thought I would ever do it, but i was happy I did. It was the most amazing feeling ever and sharing that feeling with Ross was wonderful. 

 My smile never faltered and that was the same for Ross. "Woo!" we both yelled. 

 Once we were finished and the adrenaline from jumping off the bridge died down, Ross and I started to laugh like manics together. 

Today was the best day. 


A/N: I know guys. Short. This one is filler though. I felt like putting this chapter up because of the insane idea Penny has. Hope you liked it. The song goes with it xD  It's late. I better go. Love you guys! <3 

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