Can't Live Without You (3)

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Chapter 3

Penelope's POV

  I woke up the next day in my bed, arms around Ross. I sighed and slowly did the trick to get out of his grasp without waking him up. He rolls over on his side and then hugs one of the pillows that I slept on.  I sighed and walked to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection and sighed. My eyes were puffy and red and I looked like a disaster. 

 I turned on the hot water and let it set until it was warm. It soaked my dry hair and soothed my skin. I scrubbed off all the dirt off of my body and massaged my scalp with some shampoo and conditioner. As I scrubbed, bad memories started to flood my head. I managed to choke back a few sobs but some leaked through. 

  My salty tears mixed with the water and i could barely see the difference of them. I breathed out a shaky breathe and pulled my self together. I dried myself off and made myself look presentable. I put on some mascara and eye liner and some light pink lip gloss. I sighed and let my cowboy boots click as I walked across the room to the kitchen. 

   I poured myself some coffee and then made some breakfast. "Mmmm! Who's making food?!" Rydel exclaimed as her, Dez and Cassidee walked out of their guest bedroom.  I gave them a plate of food on the table and quickly ate my breakfast. Matt and Ross came into the room, looking tired. Their tired expressions turned into happy ones when they smelled the food.

  They both hopped onto a chair and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed Matt's mug and poured him some coffee. Once I finished my food, I put it all in the dish washer and grabbed my keys from the counter and kissed Dez, Cassidee, and Rydel goodbye. "Bye guys! I'll be back later!" I called. As I walked away I could hear them all saying goodbye to me.  

  I opened the huge garage and started my cherished car. I opened the glove compartment and put on my sunglasses, then drove off. It took me a few minutes to reach Ms. Anderson's house. I opened the door with my key and walked to the kitchen, to find Ms. Anderson. And just I suspected, there she was. I kissed her on the cheek and sat on the counter. 

  She glared at me for sitting on the counter, then turned her attention back to the oven. I could smell cookies being made and I smiled. "So why are you making cookies?" I asked curiously. 

 "Well a birdy told me that the Lynches are back. So I am making cookies for all of you," she said. I nodded. The timer made a 'ding'-ing sound and Ms. Anderson rushes to the oven. She opens the oven and takes out the 2 pans of chocolate chip cookies. I lick my lips and try to grab one but she slaps my hand away. "They need to cool," she warned. 

  I smiled innocently and she rolled her eyes. I jumped off the counter and walked to the living room. "PENNY!!!" Jesse yelled. I looked up and saw Jesse running towards me. Suddenly I was on the ground. I grunted. Evan laughed at me behind Jesse and I shot him a heated glare.  He quickly shut up. 

 "What's up Jesse?" I asked as he helped me up. 


 I laughed. "Well it's true that I am preforming at Pride and guess who I'm preforming with?" I said. 

 "Who?!" Evan and Jesse both asked. I laughed again.

 "The famous and lovely Derrick Barry who is performing as Britney Spears!" I said. Jesse squeled and I just laughed. Evan rolled his eyes as Jesse started to freak out. He loved Derrick Barry especially when he was preforming as Britney Spears. 

Jesse hugged Evan tight and I laughed even more. "Oh my God I can't wait!! Are we playing the intruments for him too?" 

I shook my head. "Nope. We're using a CD from the DJ and you guys will just watch him and I. We're all meeting him tomorrow," I said. 

Jesse jumped up and down and out of the corner of my eye I could see Ms. Anderson shaking her head. "Penelope can you please stop making my son freak out?!" 

I bit my lip to suppress the laugh that wanted to come out. "Sorry Kelli. It's not my fault!" 

She shook her head again and started to pack up the cookies. "Anyway, Jesse and I are going to the park Kelli!" Evan announced. Ms. Anderson, nodded and told them they can go. Evan grabbed his keys from the counter, kissed Ms. Anderson a kiss goodbye and then left along with Jesse trailing not far behind him. 

 Kelli (She likes it when we call her that) walked towards me with the packed cookies and sat next to me on the couch. "So take these cookies to the flat today and remind Matt that we're all going out for dinner tonight," she informed me. I nodded and kissed her a kiss goodbye on her cheek and then gave her a big hug. 

"Bye Kelli!" I yelled as I walked out of the house. I smiled and put the cookies in the passenger seat. I buckled up, honked and waved Kelli goodbye before driving off. 

 I stumbled into the loft with the packed cookies and my costume for my performance. The elevator doors closed and I sighed. "I'm home!" I yelled. I rolled my eyes at the silence and gradually  made my way to my bedroom. 

My eyes scanned the room and I sighed. I flew my bag on the floor close to my bed and flopped down on it. "Yeah beat his ass!" Cassidee's familiar voice yelled from the next room. I laughed and got up onto my feet. 

 The wooden door creaks open and I step in. Ross and Matt were on the ground, doing push ups as fast as possible. My left eyebrow rised and I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh. This was just perfect. "What the hell are you guys doing?" I asked giggling at the end. 

 They stopped doing their push ups and Ross and Matt sat down. "We were having a contest to see who could do more push ups in half an hour," Ross explained. I rolled my eyes. 

"You guys suck at that by the way!" I said as I skipped out of the room. I could hear footsteps coming fast behind me and when I looked over my shoulder, I saw Ross running after me. My eyes widened and I started to run for my life. 

I ran as fast as i could down the spiral steps and dived into the kitchen, then ducked under the counter. When I saw Ross' feet on the other side of the counter, I got up slowly and started to run again. He caught up to me as soon as i got to the living room and he tackled me to the ground. I landed on my back with Ross on top of me. 

We both breathed heavily from all the running and we laughed. Ross rolled off of my body and we both looked up to the ceiling. "Is that chocolate chip cookies I smell?" Ross asked as he sniffed the air. 

I laughed and punched him playfully on the shoulder. We both got up and I opened the pack of cookies. I put some on a few plates and poured milk into a few glasses. Cookies and milk. A perfect snack. Ross snatched one of the plates and bit into a piece of the cookie. He moaned at the delicious taste.  "So how you been, bud?" I asked him.

He finished the cookie and his lips curved into a smile. "I've been good. Oh, I love the accent you're starting to gain by the way," he said. I could feel my cheeks heat up. "Oh and when did you get that awesome tat and belly button piercing?"

I blushed again. "Um well I got my tat when I was 16 and the belly button piercing when I was 17. You just never noticed them since I barely showed them off," I said biting into a piece of  a cookie. Ross was right. This was delicious. I could hear music blaring from the dance studio they were playing Illusion by Ross Lynch. Ross smirked and we both walked to the dance studio. 

Everyone was on the floor, watching as Cass and Dez set up for the routine. I smiled and joined them. Ross sat on the ground next to Rydel and waited patiently. 

Cassidee re-winded the song and we got into our positions. I was hidden in the back while Cass and Dez were in the front. I slid to the front and we danced to the song. I flipped and slid a few times. At the end of the song I did a back flip and landed right in front of the crowd. 

Another great performance.


Yeah sorry guys. I'm sorry if it was boring and too long or if you lost interest. But I promise it'll be more entertaining as the chapters go on. Please, please bare with me. I won't let you guys down. Just don't give up on me. <3

Live, Love, Laugh.


xoxo ~LJ Lynch Rapattoni Schmidt. xD

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