Can't Live Without You (11)

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  • Dedicated to MY DEDICATED FANS

WARNING: This chapter has some explicit content that includes some things that may trigger or be sensitive to people who know or have gone through emotional troubles. You can skip parts if you would like. Thank you and I'm sorry for any inconveniences. Love you xoxo <3

Chapter 11- Penny's point of view:

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

My heart pounded through my ears, beating in rhythm of the clock in the room. I could barely breathe at this point and I wasn't making it any less obvious that I was bawling my eyes out. There was a lump in my throat that made it difficult to swallow and my cheeks were damp from the tears that were still as fresh as day. I felt woozy, my head pounded, and the room spun crazily. I felt like throwing up.

My arm was numb from the pain, but I knew it was wet from the dripping blood coming from the fresh cuts. I swore to never do it again..but I couldn't take it anymore.

I knew that someone was pounding on the bathroom door and I knew they were yelling my name, but I was too weak to unlock the door. And a part of me didn't want to. A part of me just wanted to lay there with my bloody arm, waiting for my heart to quit beating. Why? Why is this happening again? "J-just leave p-please," I sobbed. "I'm f-fine."

Suddenly, I couldn't hear the pounding of the door or my heart or the yelling of my name anymore. I couldn't hear the voices in my head and I couldn't feel the throbbing of my arm anymore. I felt at peace for once. It got dark and I was finally alone by myself.


It was bright. It was too bright. It was way too bright. Who the hell was flashing a light on my face? I opened my eyes and everything was blurry. All I knew was that I was moving. Quickly. Fuck. Now there was ringing. And loud ringing in my ears.

Then it just stopped. The ringing was replaced with voices and the bright light was replaced with a couple of normal lights. The blurriness was gone and I was looking up at a woman in a white lab coat. That's a doctor, Penny. Oh. "Penny. Penelope. Can you hear me?" she asked.

I moaned a response and the woman nodded at someone else who I couldn't see. She instructed something to them and I was moving even quicker now.

I closed my eyes again and it was silent and dark once again.


I was at my house again, but something was different. The roses by my terrace were in full bloom and the cherry blossom tree in the front yard was standing beautifully in front of the house. But that coulndn't be. My roses had stopped blooming once I left for Jersey and the cherry blossom tree was torn apart by a fierce storm and never grew back and bloomed the next spring.

It was raining hard, but I wasn't getting wet. I looked at my reflection from a puddle on the lawn and looked at myself. I was wearing a white dress and a flower crown was set on top of my head.

I ran to the backyard, hearing familiar laughter coming from back there. Once I opened the big white gate, it stopped raining and it was suddenly sunny and warm. A young blonde girl dressed in a blue dress with flowers was laughing and chasing a boy with brown hair. It was obvious he was younger than her. On a swing was another young girl, who looked exactly like the boy, but prettier and in a girl version obviously. It was me. And those two kids were Cassidee and Evan.

I slowly walked over to the swing set and sat next to younger me. She was laughing at her two siblings and swinging back and forth on the swings. "Run, Evan!" she giggled. "I'm gonna get ya!" Cassie yelled and continued to chase her little brother around.

Evan laughed as he looked back at his older sister. He wasn't paying attention so he tripped over a tree root. Evan cried loudly in pain and clutched his arm. Both Cass and young Penny rushed over to their younger brother's side. "Mamma!" Cas yelled.

A tall, curvy woman with dirty blonde hair rushed out of the back door and to her children. A tall, muscly man followed her tracks. "Mom, dad?" I whispered, god it had been forever since I last saw them, especially when they were younger than they are now.

I was transported to a hospital and into a hospital room with Evan laying on a bed. Young Cas and young Penny were on either side of him, hugging his sleeping body. Evan had a cast on his arm and mom and dad were outside of the room talking to the doctor. It wasn't anything serious because after all Evan just wasn't paying attention and tripped and landed badly on his arm, but to the two young girls, it was like Evan was dying. They were crying and Cass was probably crying the most because she thought it was her fault that Evan had broken his arm.

Evan moaned in pain and his eyes fluttered open. "Ugh, can you two shut up, I'm trying to sleep," he groaned with one eye open now. Penny smiled and Cass wiped away her tears. "Why are you two crying you dorks? I just tripped and broke my arm, it's not like I died."

Young Penny laughed. "I thought it was my fault," Cass said, trying to stop the remaining stray tears.

Evan shook his head. "It wasn't. I was just being clumsy and not paying attention. It's okay Cas. I still love you."

Cass smiled and hugged her brother. "I love you too, dorky," she mumbed through Evan's shirt. Penny laughed at the cute moment and hugged the both of them.

I smiled as I remembered that moment of my childhood. "That was so cute," I whispered. Suddenly the scene was blurry and I couldn't see the younger version of my siblings and I anymore. All I could hear was beeping.


I opened my eyes and looked around the room. I was in the hospital this time instead of my brother. Evan was in the room though. He was sitting on a plastic hospital chair, wearing sweats and a white wife beater. His hair was messy like always and laying on the bottom of my bed. To my right was a table which had a bunch of flowers, bouquets, stuffed animals, and letters from my fans and family and friends. I was still confused. Why was I in the hospital in the first place?

My right arm was bandaged and my left arm was hooked up to an IV and a monitor that kept beeping. That's a heart monitor, Penny. Riiight.

Jesse walked through the door, whistling and holding two cups of Starbucks coffee. He was dressed in black skinny jeans and a Nirvana t-shirt. He paused when he saw me, and I saw tears well up in his eyes. "Evan," he whispered.

Evan groaned and scratched his head. "What babe?" he mumbled, taking the coffee from Jesse. "Why are you about to cry?"

"Evan," I said, tears welling up in my eyes, "I'm awake."

Can't Live Without You (Sequel to CGEOY)Where stories live. Discover now