Can't Live Without You (9)

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  • Dedicated to My fans/followers and readers

Augh, so i was reading through some of my old works and i feel like i've been such a bad writer. ugh. It's just so bad. But i'm still young and learning and developing. So, I must thank all my followers and readers for staying with me through all my craziness. Love you guys. And now for your main entertainment:

Chapter Nine- Penelope's Point of View:

"One, two, three, four. Two, two, three, four. Push it ladies! Keep up!" Jesse yelled at the dancers, as the song played. He waved his hand back and fourth like he was a band conductor and was yelling at my new dancers for no apparent reason.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked, appearing behind him with a cup of coffee. He jumped in surprise and stopped what he was doing.

Jesse spun on his heel slowly, and looked at me with a sheepish grin. "Um.." he trailed off, trying to find a reasonable excuse for why he was yelling at my dancers. I laughed at him and paused the music, making the dancers stop dancing.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at Jesse and stepped forward to the front, where all the new dancers could see me. I cleared my throat before speaking. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen," I introduced, starting to pace back and forth through the room. "If you haven't recognized me yet, my name is Penelope Reynolds, also famously known as Penelope Angels." All of them stared at me. Some in awe and some in determination and confidence.

The sound of the door opening and closing made me look over to look who it was. It was Cassie and Evan. Cassie stood next to me on my left and Evan stood next to Jesse on my right. "Before I tell you any instructions, I would like to introduce you to everyone in my band who you may be able to work with one day if you're lucky and you work hard enough." I chose to introduce Cass first, so I turned to my left and put my hand on her shoulder. "This blondie here is my beloved sister, Cassidee. She likes being called Cassie and she's pretty crazy." A round of laughter. I smiled. "If you don't know yet, she sings along with me at times, writes some of my songs, and plays guitar."

After Cass, I walked in between Evan and Jesse. "The man on my right is Evan. He is my twin brother, if you haven't noticed our similarities." Evan and I made silly faces which caused everyone including us to laugh. "Anyway, he plays guitar also and sometimes sings back-up with Cass and I."

Once i was done with Evan, I turned to give Jesse a dirty look which he responded with an innocent look. "You can stop faking that innocent look Jesse. You're not an angel," I joked. He laughed along with me. "Anyway! This cutie is Jessie. He is usually not that strict, he was probably just going crazy because he didn't have his daily coffee."

"Nah that's you, Penny," Jessie said and stuck his tongue out.

I replied by sticking my tongue out also. Everyone laughed out our childishness and then smiled "Anyway, Jesse plays drums, dances a little, and is a cheeky smart ass."

"Now that you know everyone in the band, I want to see how well all of you can dance. So line up and show me the best you've got."


It was seven thirty by the time that I dismissed all of my dancers. There were so many of them and most of them were good and I saw a future in a few.

Right now I was on the stage. Laying on my belly. My feet swinging back and forth in the air. And my stack of paperwork in front of me. Ugh. Being an adult sucks.

I heard a door open and bang close. Ross walked in, new shoes, black jeans, and a black t-shirt with silver and white angel wings on the back. I laughed in my head. That was the first t-shirt they made for me when i became famous. I can't believe he still has that.

He walked to the corner of the room and turned on the radio. A familiar song started to echo throughout the ballroom and Ross walked back toward the stage where I sat. "May I have this dance?" He extended his arm out at me and smiled that charming smile.

I could feel butterflies escaping in my stomach and my heart fluttering against my chest. God, I hadn't seen that smile in forever. Just do it, Penny. All you do is work and work. Have some fun. Plus it's been forever since you've actually danced with Ross. Just do it.

I sighed and stood up to take Ross' hand. "Why not." He smiled back in reply and we began to dance.

My arms wrapped around his neck and his hands lay securely around my waist. We swayed back and forth, in rhythm of the song.  

We danced around the room, taking in every free space available. We made it to the left of the room, close to where the piano was. We twirled and a giggle escaped my lips. I looked up to meet Ross' eyes. I noticed a slight twinkle coming from his eyes as he looked at me back. I smiled and he smiled back. 

A tingle shot up to my spine and I could feel butterflies again as we remained that way. Swaying slowly to the rhythm, and not ever breaking the eye contact between us. Brown meeting hazel. Hazel meeting brown. 

No words were spoken, but i felt nervous. My nerves were on fire and I started to notice how much Ross touching my skin effected me. His hands were light and gentle, but they felt secure and strong when they were holding onto my waist. His stare was magical, such a small action, yet it made me feel so vulnerable, so shy. Now i could see why those teenage girls giggled and blushed so much around him. Because Ross made me feel that way right now. I felt like giggling and I could tell I was already blushing and I also felt so insecure, like the confidence I had a second ago, vanished. All because he was staring at me. 

Time didn't matter anymore at this point and neither did anything around us. We were in our own little bubble, not noticing that there was another world outside of our bubble. 

Finally, Ross broke the stare. His eyes drifted lower and I followed them. He was looking at my lips. Ross Lynch wanted to kiss me. And I was going to let him. 

We leaned in closer, our lips a centimeter away from one another. My eyes fluttered close and I just waited for it, waited for our lips touching and the fireworks being set off. 

"Ross Shor Lynch! Come over here and help me out!" That was Rydel's voice and the door of the room flung open. 

Ross and I reluctantly pulled away with Ross muttering curses as Rydel flew through the door in a rage. 

As I watched Rydel yell her head off at Ross, I realized, right then and there something I was denying ever since I had left. 

I, Penelope Reynolds, was still in love with that blondie.

Can't Live Without You (Sequel to CGEOY)Where stories live. Discover now