Can't Live Without You (10)

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Can't Live Without You

Chapter 10- Ross' Point of View:

  I woke up the next day to loud banging, yelling, and loud footsteps against the hard wood floor. I looked around to get used to my surroundings and walked over to open the door.

"Evan!" Cassie yelled.

"What?" Evan replied, walking up to her.

   I leaned against the door frame, still a little dizzy from just getting up. “God, can you guys get any louder? I’m pretty sure Japan just heard you yelling at each other,” I said, rubbing my temples to ease the dizziness and small headache.

“Alright, you heard the chap. Cass apologize,” Evan said.

Cass looked back and forth from me to Evan. “Me? Why do I have to apologize?”

“Because it was your big, loud mouth that woke up Ross,” Evan teased.

Cass gaped at Evan and stomped her foot on the ground. I tried my hardest to fight back the laughter, but a chuckle escaped my lips. Cassie gave both of us a glare and stomped away with two middle fingers in the air.

“We love you too Cassidee!”

I laughed harder and patted Evan on the back. “Dude she’s gonna be pissed at you later.”

He shrugged and kept laughing. “I’m used to it.”

“So what are you guys doing this early anyway?” I asked.

Evan replied with a sigh,”We have a busy day. Cassidee’s going to her modeling photo shoot to promote a new line of clothes for forever 21 and then doing a commercial for a new perfume. Penny is going to the theatre she's performing at and they're going to set up the stage and have her practice there." There was a loud crash from Cassie's room and I heard Evan curse under his breath. "Shit. Cassie what did you do?!" And with that, Evan was gone.

I laughed and shook my head. I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of orange juice and put two waffles in the toaster. As I waited, I was being entertained by the sight of Evan and Cassie running back and forth in the apartment. It was a pretty funny sight actually.

I heard another door opening and closing for the seventeen hundredth time in the last 30 minutes. Penny walked into the kitchen wearing jeans, converse, one of my old sweatshirts, and her hair in a ponytail. "Morning," she yawned.

I laughed. "Morning. Why aren't you running back and forth like your siblings?"

She smirked. "Because unlike them, I got up early and got ready. Plus I’m smart enough to know that I don’t need to dress up for my rehearsal because all my outfit changes are already there.” Cassidee passes by and shoots a glare at Penny. “Hey don’t blame me for being prepared a week before today,” she said, sticking her tongue out. Cass let out a frustrated sigh and continued to run back and forth through the apartment to get ready.


“What is going on out there?” I look up from my sheet music to look at what Rydel is looking at. She’s bent over the couch, pulling down some of the blinds to see what’s going on outside of the window. I take the earbuds out of my ears and realize that there's loud yelling coming from outside.

The elevator doors slide open and Cass, Evan, and Penny step out along with two body guards. Penny is latching onto Cass and I can hear her sob as she buries her head in Cassie's sweater. Evan lets out an exasperated sigh and runs a hand through his hair. They all look tired as hell and considering they came back with body guards, I'm guessing the day didn't go out too well. 

Rydel's motherly instincts kick in and she runs to Penny and Cassie in a heartbeat. "What happened?" I ask. Penny sobs turn into her bawling and my stomach drops. 

"Come on, Penny. Let's take you to your room," Rydel whispers and the two girls walk her there and stay there to calm her down. Evan nods a goodbye to the two big bodyguards and they step into the elevator and leave. I'm guessing they're staying in the lobby just in case. 

Evan walks over to the window, looks outside at the paparazzi, and shuts the window with immense force. "Evan," I say, but he doesn't hear me. He kicks his guitar stand and it lands on it side with a loud 'clunk.' His hands are weaving through his hair again and he utters a few curse words under his breath along with a loud, frustrated groan. "Evan," I say more firmly. "What happened?" I emphasize each word, making it clear that I wasn't going to leave without an answer. 

He falls back on the couch and stairs down at the floor. His legs are spread apart on either side of him and his elbows are propped up on his knees. He slouches as he sits like that and I sit across from him. "That jerk, he's the reason for all of this," he whispers so quietly that I almost missed it. "He couldn't be content with his own life, could he? He just had to bring past topics up so he can ruin Penelope's life!" he says louder, venom laced in each word. 

"Who?" I ask. "You're not making any sense, Evan." 

Evan gets up abruptly and goes to the table next to the elevator. He searches through the new set of magazines and newspapers delivered and placed on the elevator. When he finally finds one, he takes it and slams it on the table. It's a People magazine and on the cover is a tall guy with dark blue eyes and dark brown hair. He wears black sunglasses and all black clothing. The caption says 'The UK heartthrob, Zeke Pettifer dishes out some top secret information about his hectic relationship with singer, Penelope Angels. Look inside for more!" 

"Zeke Pettifer," Evan says through gritted teeth. "He dated Penny for a year, made her fall for him, and then dumped her on Valentine's Day. Penny's fans hated him and he gets his revenge now by telling paparazzi some personal and confidential information about Penny and saying how she has mental issues and they had a 'dysfunctional relationship because she had those mental issues.' He lied saying she would have hallucinations and forget her own name sometimes. The paparazzi believed it, because they're all snobby know-it-all's who have nothing better to do than ruin a life and as Penny was leaving from rehearsals, they crowded her with cameras and reporters and haters who were Zeke's fans. That little bastard." 

I had never felt so much hate radiating off of Evan. 

Can't Live Without You (Sequel to CGEOY)Where stories live. Discover now