Cant Live Without You (8)

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Chapter 8- Ross' Point Of View:

"You did what?!" Rydel said as she spit out her water.

We were currently in a restaraunt called Amaya with the whole gang including the parents who were at the table next to us. We were eating, drinking, and talking about random and constantly changing topics.

I managed to slip in the story about Penny and i going bungee jumping a few days ago as Rydel was taking a sip from her drink.

The adults gave us a look from Rydel's sudden outburst and Rydel sheeplishly replied,"Sorry," and they continued on with their conversation and meals. "When the heck did you guys go bungee jumping?" she continued, trying to keep her voice low.

"We went 2 days ago. You guys were at an amusement park," Penny answered, taking another bite of her food.

"And you didn't bring us?" Ryland joked.

"Well, you didn't ask to come," I replied with a laugh.

"So how was it?" Dez asked.

"Five bucks Ross cried," Cassie said which was followed with everyone including Penny to laugh and a death glare from me.

Riker shook his head. "Nu uh. Five bucks Penny cried," he replied to her. Everyone laughed and Penny shot a death glare at Riker.

Ratliff laughed and leaned back in his seat. "No way, ten bucks that the both of you are wrong and Penny and Ross in fact did not cry."

Penny smiled. "Thank you Ratliff. You were always my favorite."

"Hey!" Rydel, Riker, Rocky, Ryland, and I yelled, offended. Ratliff just smiled.

"And another five that Ross peed himself," Ratliff said slyly.

"I agree with Ratliff!" Evan exclaimed. I shot a glare at Ratliff and Evan and mouthed "I hate you" to both of them.

Evan rolled his eyes and laughed. "Okay enough with the bets. What really happened guys?" He questioned.

Penny and I exchanged looks and I ended up telling the story with Penny including some things. At the end of the story Penny started to sign to Evan about something which caused Evan and Cassie to burst into laughter.

I gave Penny a questioning look and she just shook her head while trying to contain her laughter. "She said that while you and her jumped, you screamed like a girl and made the weirdest face ever," Evan explained.

Jesse coughed. "It was his orgasm face," he said.

"Because you would know what my face looks like when I orgasm," I said to Jesse.

We all burst into laughter. "Penny would know," Jesse replied with a smirk.

Cassie punched Jesse's arm. "Jesse!"

"Is that what Evan yells when he cums?" Rocky joked.

Another round of laughter and at this point I was having a hard time to breathe. "N-no," Evan stuttered, trying to stop laughing. "It sounds more like this." Evan gasped, fake moaned, and yelled Jesse's name loudly. Then started laughing again.

Jesse's face heated up and Evan kissed his cheek. By this point, the parents were giving us a million disapproving looks.

"Shouldn't Cassie be yelling Rocky's name not Jesse's," Penny said with a smirk. We laughed even harder while Cassie hit her head against Penny's shoulder.

"Oh my God. Kill me now," she groaned.

The rest of us laughed. "Wait so I've been wondering this for a while. How do you guys know sign language if neither of you are deaf?" Rydel asked.

"Oh. Well we have a cousin who is deaf and so is his mother so we learned sign language. It comes in handy when we're in public and we need to tell each other something, but don't want to say it out loud," Penny explained.

"Well then you should all learn sign language because that conversation was so embarassing and not appropriate for this situation," Cassie said, her face as red as the bold red lipstick she was wearing. "Oh and I'm pretty sure everyone overheard the whole conversation," she hissed at us before hiding her face in her hands again. 

Penny punched Cassie's shoulder playfully. "Oh cheer up," she said with a laugh which caused Cassie to glare at her. 

"I hate you," she said, continuing her glare. 

Penny laughed and gave Cass a playful smirk. "Noo. You love me." 



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