|BTS React To A Burglar In Their Home|

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Jin: "What the hell!? Who broke into my house? You! Don't you dare run away just yet!" *checks to see if his Mario collection's safe* "Thank god they're all here. You can leave burglar." *starts dusting his figurines*

Jungkook: "OH MAN HOLY SH!T. MY G-DRAGON MERCH!" *beats the life out of the burglar*

V: *takes out a stick and starts hitting the burglar* "Bad, bad, bad burglar."

Jimin: "I can take on the burglar!" *actually scared on the inside*

Suga: *doesn't give a sh!t* "If something gets broken, I'm gonna wreck that bastard with 'Cypher Pt 4'."

Rap Monster: *calls 911* "Yeah. There's been a burglary in our house. We'll need an ambulance as well. I might have broken some of the burglar's bones. I swear I only just touched him."

J-Hope: *in the closest* "Help me, I'm scared!"

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