Chapter 2

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Ergo burst into the Main Cave. She saw her HatchMates staring in horror at a fire, which was growing. Ergo was confused at how a fire could stay alive in the cold and dark caves. She shook her head and flew near the fire, trying to put it out with air. Banco joined in to fight it and before she could blink, her HatchMates were there to help. Soon enough the fire was out.

"That entire stash of sticks ... gone. In my old age I am getting clumsy." Banco said.

Ergo started to walk back to the Study Cave when Banco said.

"Wait. That is not the only thing I was calling your for." Ergo turned to Banco, feeling slightly scared.
"Do you remember how we had the discussion about what our little ... group would be called." Banco asked.
"Well d..." Ito tried to say, but her eagle HatchMate put his wing over Ito's face and shook his head.
Ergo saw her chance and jumped into the conversation. "Yes, we all do remember that." 

Banco nodded and turned back to the darkest parts of the cave, then emerged seconds later. He rolled a scroll down slightly, so that Ergo and her HatchMates could see the new name.

"The SkyWatchers" they read.

Banco unrolled the scroll more.

Delhi screeched "Positions!?"
Ito said "Oh, no no no no. We are not having even more jobs to do."
Banco snorted and responded to them "Well if you want to go join your families, the cave is free to exit."

Ito hung his head in shame, while most of the others hid behind Ergo.

"Now ..." Banco continued. He unrolled the scroll so they could see their positions.
Ergo read it aloud. "Leader: Banco, Commander: Ergo, Fighter: Goto, Watcher and Fighter: Delhi, Gatherer and a Fighter: Ito, BlackSmith and Fighter: Qualm, and MechanicalBuilder and Fighter: Hiram ."

Ergo looked up at Banco, who smiled back at her. She tried to hide how happy she was inside. The room was silent, other than the wind rushing down into the cave.

"Ito, go see if the sun is setting." Ito nodded and flew out of the cave.

Ergo knew Banco had chosen each position carefully.

"Alright, Ergo stay with me. Qualm, go and start making some armor. Hiram, go and help Qualm. Make sure the armor is ... well, when you finish show it to me." Banco said.

The others ran back into the Study Cave, while Qualm ran off into another pathway that Ergo had never explored. Hiram nodded, then ran down the same path Qualm had gone down.

"Alright, Ergo. You got what you wanted. Now let's go train." Banco hurried off into the darker parts of the cave.

Ergo ran after him, thinking that this was possibly the best day ever.

What the birds are ... Banco:Eagle, Ergo:Falcon, Goto:Bald Eagle, Delhi:Parrot, Ito:Crow, Qualm:Robin, and Hiram:Raven. This book entire book, except the Epilogue and Prologue, will be in Ergo's POV. When I get close to the end of the book, I will have an Author's Note asking who's POV I should have in the next book. I am going to also try and write at least 35 chapters in each book, but I have a feeling that this book may contain a lot more chapters. Anyway I'll stop talking now. Enjoy the rest of the book.

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