Chapter 3

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As Ergo ran after Banco, she soon became worried. She wondered if there was anything she could trip over. She shook her head and returned to the happier thoughts. After what seemed like hours of running, she rammed into a wall. Ergo could hear Banco far ahead of her saying

"Ah ... finally a stick. Hey you okay Ergo?" Ergo only mumbled, as her beak was stuck in the wall.

She soon began flapping her wings trying to break free of the grip the wall held. Soon she felt Banco place his wing in front of her eyes.

"Calm down." He said.

Ergo stopped moving, and let her body go limp. Soon enough she fell off the wall into a heap. She looked up to see Banco had lighted a stick. Ergo rubbed her beak with her wing, knowing she would be sore. Banco seemed to read her thoughts and said

Hope your not sore." Ergo looked up at him, then got up.

Banco got the message and turned around. There were at least two passages, from what the fire showed. Banco hurried down one, and Ergo followed. She made sure not to lose him, or the light. After a while Banco stopped and Ergo did the same.

"Welcome, Ergo ... to TrainingHall. Ergo stared around.

The fire only let her see so far, but even from what she saw it was amazing. She looked ahead of Banco and saw MoonLight. She raced over to the light, just as Banco called out. Ergo looked back but kept running. Suddenly a fox jumped out of the shadows. Ergo screamed and jumped back. She closed her eyes thinking it would kill her, but when she opened them she saw the fox was stuck on some thorns.

"Why is that down here." Ergo asked in fear.
Banco laughed and said "Thorn, here is for protection, so nothing comes in here. Plus, when your trained enough I would like to see if you could beat the beast I couldn't."

Banco walked over to a wall, while Ergo thought about this. She knew that Banco was a strong warrior, even in his old age. She shook the thought away, knowing if he couldn't beat it, she couldn't. Suddenly a fire lighted on he wall, then another, and another, until the whole room was lighted up. Thorn, the fox looked at the lights and skunked back into the thorns that held it.

"Now, Ergo show me your best moves." Banco said. He jumped away from the wall and stood there.

Ergo jumped to her talons, and thought to herself. Could this day get any better.

Sorry this chapter is kinda boring. I would have added more, but it's late and my brain won't work right. Anyway put some suggestions in for the Owl Royal Family names. I'll probably add one or two on myself. Remember, keep the names weird EXAMPLE: Wolfer ... that's a name I'll use for an Owl. Oh, and make sure Auto-Correct excepts the name too. Anyway see you in the next chapter.

The SkyWatchers Book 1: The Rise {COMPLETED!!}Where stories live. Discover now